Goddamn, Tucker is Based as Fuck


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Will probably watch after my meme sport.

Give me a tl;dr?

The left isn't trying to hear none of this. it goes against their narrative. Why would they want to address the real problem when it helps them "get der guns"?

Rich elites don't want the proles to own guns

The real problem is false flags with pedo patsys

I'm sorry. But the points he raises are completely invalid.

Anti Depressants have been increasing all around the world, where are the increased gun violence in other countries? It's non existent.
What about being online? Other countries have increased their online usage, it's not just America, where's the increased gun violence? It's non existent yet again.

America is a bit 'special' though. And the SSRI stats with these types of shootings is quite startling.

you're jewish.


I wish :(

>what's ONE factor that America faces more than any other country in the world
gee I wonder what it could be

Being 3-6 months behind Sup Forums on information is not "based as fuck" but it is nice to see our recognition's making their way to mainstream

It's basically complete isolation.
How many people here live in a "diverse" area and don't know any neighbors at all?
I still keep in contact with old college friends, but the closest one is a 45 min drive away from where I live now.

>go to college
>make friends
>look for job
>find job in a city you've never been in
>move to new city without knowing anyone in the area
>remain isolated while talking with remaining friends online only
How many people follow this pattern?

>nuclear family is collapsing
>bringing up big pharm meds
>fatherless males are dangerous

Some big fucking red pills for normies. I thought fox was 100% jewish controlled, or is this just clever controlled opposition?

The US has by far the highest SSRI use, especially among children.

This is true of other drugs as well.




>This hypothesis suggests that depression is an adaptation that causes the affected individual to concentrate his or her attention and focus on a complex problem in order to analyze and solve it.[25]

>One way depression increases the individual's focus on a problem is by inducing rumination. Depression activates the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, which increases attention control and maintains problem-related information in an "active, accessible state" referred to as "working memory", or WM. As a result, depressed individuals have been shown to ruminate, reflecting on the reasons for their current problems. Feelings of regret associated with depression also cause individuals to reflect and analyze past events in order to determine why they happened and how they could have been prevented.[25]

>Likewise, ruminative tendency itself, some cognitive psychologists argue, increases the likelihood of the onset of depression.[26]

>Another way depression increases an individual's ability to concentrate on a problem is by reducing distraction from the problem. For example, anhedonia, which is often associated with depression, decreases an individual's desire to participate in activities that provide short-term rewards, and instead, allows the individual to concentrate on long-term goals. In addition, "psychomotoric changes", such as solitariness, decreased appetite, and insomnia also reduce distractions. For instance, insomnia enables conscious analysis of the problem to be maintained by preventing sleep from disrupting such processes. Likewise, solitariness, lack of physical activity, and lack of appetite all eliminate sources of distraction, such as social interactions, navigation through the environment,[25] and "oral activity", which disrupt stimuli from being processed.[27]

Depression is an evolutionary adaptation.
It forces you to be introspective and fosters deep thinking.


So, anti-depressants may temporarily alleviate the physical symptoms of depression, the underlying cause of the depression is never dealt with.


Depression does not motivate anything but more sadness

Pills dropped...hard.

will tucker carlson be the first mainstream media guy to get whacked by the illuminati?
he is dropping ATOMIC REDPILLS.

It's pseudoscience to consider the fact that we evolved the capability to have depression?
Wouldn't you think people with depression would be less likely to reproduce and survive, thus depressive genes would have been lost by now?
The fact that after hundreds of thousands of years, we're still capable of depression doesn't it make you question why it can happen?

>people have 0 friends because of the internet
LOL no it's because of niggers taking over the country

That's because the underlying causes are usually out of our control. The soulcrushing nature of ugly corporate suburbs and cities, the death of the American dream, the constant disconnection and alienation from society by both the self isolation of everyone constantly on their phones as well the countries leaders and media actively ignoring the plight of the common American man and instead telling them to shut up because black women and mentally ill faggots have more important problems.

People are made to feel powerless to change that. That's why they drug them up instead, so they can continue being productive tools while their souls rot away with a chemical smile on their faces.

>Calling out the pharma-jew
I hope Tucker misses those two bullets he could (((accidentally))) land on

All evolutionary biology is fart huffing autistic psuedoscience. All of it.

Daily reminder the right wing lost the culture war before they were born and have no chance to retain power in the future because the ideasphere of society (media, education, entertainment, arts/humanities, etc) are all left-wing dominant. We own pop culture, and in capitalism pop culture is the mass culture.

Due to the erosion of religious values and nationalist traditions in the Western world, along with American superpower hegemony mixed in, folk culture is increasingly being replaced by the dominant mass culture through soft power, meaning these ideas are infiltrating every nation. Face it, it's over. You have to undo something that's been in the making for 70+ years. You can't do it, because you are too selfish and aren't willing to get into these sectors as you see them as impractical. Thanks to that, it's become the left's domain, and you are seeing the results of this shift bloom through time. It has made culture vastly dominated by the left, and as the boomer generation dies out, the last remnants of a generation seeped dominantly in strong american conservative culture will be over.

Progress is inevitable, we won, because you gave it up and gave in.

False. A large majority of innovators have a predisposition to depression. It sucks, but it's useful.

cute but not all the way there. there is a problem with psychotropic drugs, alienation, the destruction of the family and a war on men. but he's not going to go into the (((cause))) of these things.


Holy shit I love him

disarmament is the fastest way to get warrior calss White men to kill other warrior class White men. that's why (((they))) want it.

it doesnt matter if jose and tyrone shoot back at the cops who come for their guns, they are r-selected bugs that can easily reproduce.

gun confiscation is literally one of the only things that will cause most common White men to shoot at cops, who are also mostly White men.

if they go for this, we must prevent it by any means. the White race has been culled of our warriors time and time again. once more, and that could be it

I hope he enters politics in 10 years

fuck me..... that will get him suicided

>give up goy

Believe it or don't I don't need you to
Australian Government confiscated my Land My Business and gave it to Foreigners using armed Men.

Australia BTFO

I love what Tucker has become. He has sharpened his argument strategies against leftists over the past 15 years and its really paying off.

He can't name the Jew on (((Fox News))). Murdoch is not a kike, but he's in bed with them

tucker carlson es tonto como una patata. america debe prohibir las armas


classic, reminds me of watching Bill O'Reilly with my parents in the early and mid 2000s.

O'Reilly is a self important man who wanted to seem moral and smart more than he had the courage to face certain hard facts. Tucker is facing those facts and I'm very grateful for him on the air and hope he continues to evolve in the right direction.

Everything in our brains was created by evolution


So true, Sup Forums is for the Christian Sciences only.




>Daily reminder the right wing lost the culture war before they were born
>we won, because you gave it up and gave in.

Lol, you ain't to bright are you.

>gun massacre
>hurr durr it has nothing to do with guns
>hurr durr gun ownership has dropped significantly so it clearly proves my point!

You mother fucking dickhead, the fucking problem is a fact that gun is easily accessible to anyone in the US.


Jesus FUCKING Christ, Amerifats are dumb if they seriously believe this argument makes ANY sense.

>It's basically complete isolation.

I unironicllly moved back in with family a few years ago because I ended up alone and depressed in a small apartment. I realized living with family, and having human interactions is important. Strange that all the people on places like Sup Forums are probably healthier then most because they still have some semblance of familial interaction.

Anyone have that video of Tucker reporting on IOTBW?

lo que tu digas, ojete

We have to deal with niggers and spic thieves

if there's a house break in, are you gonna call the cops & wait 7 minutes while you get shot in the head and your daughter is raped by a nigger?


>it is not gun control, it is people control
damn that is on point...for a msm outlet

you gotta love Tucker. i bet if you would happen to be walking behind him while is spits on the street, you would find a little red pill.

>Anti Depressants have been increasing all around the world
not really, well not to an extend as in America.
>where are the increased gun violence in other countries? It's non existent.
that is because we never had any guns in the first place. America school shooter scene as we know it today started in the 90's. at the same time pharmaceutical companies where allowed to basically tell people opiates are good and should be taken for long periods of time and have no downsides
>What about being online? Other countries have increased their online usage, it's not just America, where's the increased gun violence? It's non existent yet again.
again we have no weapons in the first place, and what Tucker is gaining at is the fact that to much online activity without compensation (friends, family) makes someone depressed...and where do you think those people go to for help.

So yeah i think tucker nails it with this one. guns are the tools. humans the operator. we really should start looking into what drives these people, in stead of either killing them or demonizing them.

TLDR; cause and effect.

Australian status

[ ] Not triggered
[X] Triggered to fuck

Get pets. Lots of people who live alone have animals. They just as good as people for friends. I konw lots of people who are happy alone with their dogs.

this hasn't aged well

Shut up cuck.
It's easy to talk shit about other people's liberties when you had them, easily, taken away.

as a short time solution, yes. shame a doggo can never give feedback, or tell you when you are doing it wrong. still nothing like it when coming home to tail wagging doggo's

neither did you.

Triggered to fuck? I dont need to be triggered to fuck the c4 out of your asshole mohammad lets do thia sweetie mmmmm

Tucker should have mentioned indirectly that its because of our immigration system and also because we are not homogeneous like the rest of the countries. Immigration imports in Islamic terrorists and also to try to make the left have points for gun control.

The US is over 200 years old and guns have been legal the whole time, but in the first 140 there were ZERO mass shootings. There was ONE in the 1940's, ZERO in the 50's and ONE in the 1960's (1964).

20 years later (during which there were zero shootings), Chief CIA Nigger Bush became VP and they started happening every year.

The CIA is doing it, every time.

He was doing well until he used fucking vox as an example of what everyone on the left wants.

How many times do you commies need to be taught the same lesson?
>the proles will cannibalize the pop stars before they starve

Based must mean retarded.

Tucker is correct about the Civil War that would ensue if the Goverment ever tried to confiscate Guns. I don't think the Left realizes how seriously Gun owners take the 2nd Amendment. It is what keeps America and the rest if the Western World free from a Tyrannical Government. Once 2A goes there would be nothing to stop the Political and Financial Elite from subjugating the American People. Once America falls there is no one left to come to the rescue of other Nations. Freedom becomes a short footnote of History.

I just wish the people who really need to see this ACTUALLY see this, rather than listen for verbiage they find "troublesome" and ignoring the message wholesale

ty user, i have a feeling most of us have identified with this most of our lives. thanks for the psych-pill

>I don't think the Left realizes how seriously Gun owners take the 2nd Amendment

In any type of civil war scenario the US government would not win and they know this. The minute things actually heat up is the minute Russia starts to send in "advisors" and it becomes international. The far left has to be aware of this and yet they always go to grab the guns. I don't understand their thought process. What information to they have that makes them think they will be successful?

>Thought process
That's your problem.
It's feels>reals.


The left does not think about consequences, that's why they do so much stupid shit.

It's pseudoscience because it's untestable.

his who can talk louder interviews are super cringy

Our guy! It's clear it's the anti depressants and people getting soft and corrupt.

no. my commander has made it perfectly clear that if russian boots hit American shores, Moscow will burn. He has the warheads to back that up.

Maybe that's what they want. So Trump can't drain the swamp.

fuck crocodile dundee.
Go get raped by one of your peacefull africans

The USA has more jews than Israel. Coincidentally, they control almost all the media, are vastly overrepresented in Academia, Supreme Court Justices and banking. They also are the ones behind the degeneracy of Hollywood and rap music, multiculturalism, anti-americana sentiments, gun control, the gender-bender movement and the anti boy, even more so white boys climate in the country.

As if that wasn't enough, they're also vastly overrepresented in the US senate and congress, an astonishing number of NGOs... and also spend billions in lobbying.

I honestly think this is more true than a lot of people want to believe. There always seems to be something fishy going on with these shootings. People generally don't like killing other people.


Man, they've got you scared of the boogeyman. And they're using it to sell even more guns.

My goodness, are those Dutch Shepards? They're beautiful.

The main problem was one that he only touched on briefly. As an user who has seen our country before this hell in which we live, I will tell you exactly the problem. It is the increase of women in positions of power. This increase has lead to a vast decrease in the man's role in family decisions. A firm hand at the helm is a requisite in child-rearing. This decrease then spread into our schools and positive reinforcement (oh, let's just forget this bad thing you did and think happy happy thoughts!) has displaced negative reinforcement (you know what you did was wrong and here is your punishment). People are inherently selfish. Doubt me? Look at a small baby. Their every action is directed towards self interest. It's me, me, me, me, me .... . We, as people of a society, have to instill ideas of sharing, caring, generosity, etc. I know, that this pansy-ass approach to childrearing is the cause. Hell, there were guys who packed knives and small pistols to school every day and we NEVER had this sort of thing. Why? These guys knew, from previous punishment, that they would have their ass handed to them if they crossed the line. Kids raised with the knowledge that their greatest punishment will be a timeout and then a lollipop for promising not to do it again, simply DO NOT have any reason to not be little punks. You lazy assed men need to stop allowing yourselves to be walked on and take control again.

tldr; Women's soft approach to government is a failed experiment. and men must retake the reigns. Failure to do this will result in the collapse of our society.


*reins; don't know where the hell that g came from

Outside of Tucker fox is basically unwatchable

Depression is a chemical response in our brains. A person who is depressed because of inferiority might not pass his genes because of this depression. A highly developed person can still experience this emotional state ... say, from loss of a child. That we can experience depression is BECAUSE of advanced development, not the reason WHY we have it.

IMO a short term solution would be to segregate genders in school. men teach boys and women teach girls.

Very true, its a "sky with no eagles"

This was how things used to be. It was the women's movement that brought about mixed gender education.


>meme sport
that better not be rugby league football you're talking about, mate

Looks like they are, my dream doggo

100% accurate. A real shooter would kill jews or politicians not children in a school. Obviously. Shooting children in a school is a ploy to get an emotional response to garner support for gun collections. A gun collection in america will result in tens of millions of deaths and probably the end of the country. People have been prepping since at least Obama and honestly some have since 9/11. The carnage that would be unleashed cannot be comprehended. The entire grid will be taken down then militias will go around razing, murdering, settling scores, then small local govts will pop up. If this actually happened all the rest of the world would dump US treasuries making our national government instantly insolvent and unable to pay for police to continue the fight. Some globalists might invite the UN blue helmets to try and restore order but again this would result in millions more deaths and probably unify everyone

>According to a 2008 estimate, the median income for a household in the city was $277,072, and the estimated median house value was $973,176