Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi

A episode for ojiisan.

Fairly nice episode, good theme too, glad to see Tsumugi doing ok.

Feels bad man, he seems to be enjoying himself too.

I laughed.


This episode reminded me to call my Mom more often.

Previous episode was kind of weird.

>elderly abuse episode
It was alright I guess, though sending her to hell was a waste since Tsumugi seems to have been recording stuff or snuck in a recorder somewhere in the old lady room or wheelchair.

She had decided to sent her to hell way before, in the end, she accepted it was ok to curse someone even in the end of your life.


this shit is too real
last ep had pedo rape
this one - dementia patient abuse
do not want

3 minutes in and this one already seems more fucked up than last week.

The 3rd episode was a bit extreme but this one was better for sure.

How does Hell work in this show anyway?

>You are in Hell forever.
>You are in Hell but with enough time your sinned get washed away and eventually you make it to Heaven.

This old lady has taste.

The later, but with Emma, the former.

the 3rd episode would've been better as 2 part special or something.

I liked Ai's older kimonos better. This season's too colorful for me.

Alright folks, name your best episodes for s1, s2, and s3.

i forget, but isn't the "old dude" like one of the youngest? he just has the appearance while some of the others have been around longer

I got spooked for real.

This episode brought up a lot of questions.

Tsugumi's reintroduced in this episode and she's able to see green loli. Apparently Tsugumi also still gets visions of Ai and her clients?
I wonder if it means she's going to have a major role in resolving the confict this time around.
I don't like the idea of them just throwing Tsugumi into a random episode just to tell us she's still alive.

Eh, so they're doing six new episodes first and then do all the recaps at once?

Can't say I'm a friend of that but it probably makes sense business-wise.

Cute grandmas doing cute things when they are not getting abused

I felt quite bad for Wanyuudo, it seems he was enjoying the time he spend with the old lady and he was powerless to do something for her

Maybe it's been some time so i'm not remembering right, but Tsugumi was acting way differently here than the last time we saw her in season 03, where she acted cold an dead inside and looked older

Yamawao is the oldest most likely, he's an actual youkai not born from a human.
Then wanyudo or hone onna.
Finally Ichimoku Ren.

Ai ai Ai

So, how did Hajime die?

We don't even know if he's dead, though what Tsugumi said this episode might imply he is.

All we know is that at the end of Season 1, Hajime had to strike a deal with Ai's grandma to get out of the Realm of Eternal Twilight. We have no mention of what that deal was.

Maybe they'll bother explaining it this season.

Would be great if the candle was somewhat burned out already.


>pedo rape
>do not want
>being on Sup Forums