What is your excuse for not learning Chinese?

>China will be number 1 soon econimically
>Chinese people are going to be everywhere and even more as they tend to breed with each other even in foregin countries

If you want to get ahead learn fucking Chinese.

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It's all so tiresome

I don't like the SHWWAAAANG HHWWWOOOIINNN sounds

>hurr durr a couple of people had bad experience, who cares this isn't happening only like 1% of the time.




fuck off gook


I'm learning Arabic

The Chinks breed with each other in foreign countries and then they send their kids home to the relatives. It's the weirdest thing, but I've observed it to be true.
They're also hard-working and keep to themselves, so whatever.

Their high caste speaks English







I have never even seen a real chink here

The chinese can learn my language, I’m not learning the dialect of a nation sitting in a bubble ready to crash and become a third world country again.

Why learn Chinese? It is extremely difficult, and it only serves so that you can move to China, to compete against Chinese, for Chinese salaries.

explain this bubble.

Some screenshot of a larping gook shitposter butthurt about China thats often posted by Pajeets and Gooks with burger flags told me if I dont stay ignorant and know what they are talking about, I will be ripped off.

If you understand them you lose!

My excuse is that I am learning Hatun Runa Simi. You will never succeed in the mountains without knowing Runa Simi. Runa Simi=Allin Simi.

my white dick is too big to learn chinese


Probs fucked it up, Chinese is hard as fuck

China is soon gonna get raped by BIG PAJEET COCK

They're a fifth column.

People that shit on streets vs people that eat dogs

Let them kill each other, then we come in and finish off the survivors, then the fucking weebs are next

I am too stupid to learn Mandarin because I am a white male

Lmao and the USA has a demographic bubble which is much more severe than China's so called economic bubble.

China has no economic bubble even close to the US. China has no social security or medical 'safety net' like the US or the West has so it has no obligations to its old people. It is up to the children to care for its elders and many of these children are filthy rich as compared to their parents a generation ago, so they can afford it.

Meanwhile the West has to keep importing immigrants around the world to keep its social welfare programs going because the white birth rate is so low.

>boils puppy in sewer oil for dinner

Why would I want to learn some faggot paper tiger language? I'd rather learn more practical languages like Arabic and Spanish.


USA is very similar to Brazil. The demographics trend alone indicate the destiny of the United States fate.

Chinese isn't one language.

Beijing may want everyone to speak Mandarin but people speak other things in China like Cantonese and Hunanese.

Cantonese and English are the languages of economic power house Hong Kong.

-Any chinese person worth speaking to knows English

-the literal thousands of hours needed to ger basic comprehension would be more productively put towards actual business or technical acumen

That said, learn it as a casual hobby if you are so inclined.