The капитан blocks your path and demands you drop and give her 50. What do you do?

The капитан blocks your path and demands you drop and give her 50. What do you do?

Drop and give her 50.

Give her 50.

suck her dick an giver her 50

Drop and give her everything I have until my arms snap in half.

Drop and give her 50 and then ask how else I may serve her.

Try to give her 50 but fail miserably somewhere after 30.

I'll give her 50 of something alright

Drop, give her 50, then 50 bucks, then 50 rounds of sex.

Give her 15 because that's the max I can do.

Drop, give her 50 and even more!

i'd give her 69 of something

If any of these bitches were real I wouldn't even put my dick in their crazy puss.

>What do you do?

Like you have a choice

Attempt to do so to the best of my abilities, then apologise profusely when I inevitably fail.

>implying she'd give you a choice.


Any word on the manga? the guy literally wrote a chapter and went back to hentai.

He busy with recreators and hentai. Worst case scenario he doesn't know where to take story or didn't like what he had planed earlier and now is just lazying around until he feels like doing black lagoon again

He's pushed aside his most popular work for this garbage? Fucking hell

i want to turn Balalaika into a mother

Drop my pants and give her 50mm

Ask her why her laces are right over left instead of left over right.

Find revy start family

1 in 200 chance of an autistic kid

better odds than russian roulette. I'll take it.

GIVE HER THE £50,000 and skeddattle!

Is this ever coming back?

Get sniped, probably.