Where can I get started on Holocaust realism?

Where can I get started on Holocaust realism?

Other urls found in this thread:

dullophob.com/Lexikon/Joshua Shalev/1-Contents.html


Faurisson, Irving, Arthur Butz, Jurgen Graf, Germar Rudolf, and Carlo Mattogno. And then Finklestein for the Holocaust industry and Ernst Nolte for WW2 revisionism.

This isn't really a question for /lit/ though.

certainly not by reading anything that demented old goon wrote

This, but add Raul Hilberg (the first Holocaust historian). He even endorses Finkelstein's view of a Holocaust cultural industry. Shlomo Sand is also good, points out lots of Jewish supremacy and the political weapon of labelling your opponents "anti-Semites".

He wrote some great books

Also I forgot Samuel Crowell's 'The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes' for evidence that mass gassing never occured.

You should start with a bullet to the brain.

Yes, Hilberg is worth reading however there are many inaccuracies in it's sources and Jürgen Graf's The Giant with Feet of Clay has some good critiques of it.

Also read about read up on the Historikerstreit, of which Ernst Nolte was one the key players. (I have no idea why Nolte isn't talked about more since his work is in the process of being proven right yet again.)

>He wrote some great books
supposedly yes, at the start of his career. i haven't read any of his early stuff but he was regarded as someone with a promising career
then he went full tinfoil
non-crazies who have encountered him say he is pretty creepy in person

I have read Hitler's War and The War Path and they are worth reading if you are interested in WW2 no matter your ideological inclinations.

Also add Stolfi's book which is a good critique of the great Hitler biographies

All the pseudo-"forensic experts" who "disproved" gas chambers as some form of elaborate Soviet "hoax" turned out to be pure charlatans shockingly.
Even David Irving himself at this point has to admit millions of Jews were killed, he just doesn't like the term "holocaust":

What's much more interesting is the sociology surrounding the holocaust industry, this is a very good overview of a lot of cases on how the holocaust has been misused:

> This account begins with a brief overview of the rise and fall of fascism between 1918 and 1945, as well as the casualties of world war 2 and in its aftermath. It is suggested that charges of anti-Semitism are now made against whoever does not support Jewish demands sufficiently. Such is exemplified by the charges against a wide array of individuals and institutions as well as the resurrection of accounts of the Holocaust over the past forty years. It is suggested that these endeavors approach witch hunting and are not primarily about righting past injustices but are rather a mechanism to garner support for current Jewish and Israeli interests. The final portions deal with Israeli arms production and sales, its invasion and occupation of Lebanon during the 1980s and the drawn out repression of the Palestinian Intifada.

I feed it through a good text to speech if you want to listen to it: ia800605.us.archive.org/20/items/FASCISMJEWISHCHAUVINISMANDHOLOCAUSTREVIVAL/FASCISM, JEWISH CHAUVINISM AND HOLOCAUST REVIVAL.mp3

I suggest you actually read some of the material regarding gas chambers like Cromwell's book, it raises some good points and the author isn't a Holocaust denier or trying to push some ideological message. Even mainstream Holocaust historians concede hard evidence for mass killings in gas chambers has proven to be elusive.

Do you mean the Layla Salim version?

Who are the mainstream "holocaust historians" that find anything problematic in the accounts of mass killings in gas chambers?
Isn't Crowell the guy that uses "false memory syndrome" as an explanation for eyewitness accounts? I thougth his writings were just long-winded observations on eye witness testimonies, he doesn't do original forensic shit which is all debunked and just keeps floating around as image macros today for gullible idiots.
None of the big name "revisionists" from what I can tell are even still trying to peddle the same line as they were in the 80s, every year they have to keep revising their numbers upwards, a case in point here is Irving:

>eww creepy as an argument

are you a literal woman?

Unironical holocaust denier on my board? Wew

No, and no. I suggest you actually read Cromwell's and Mattogno's work if you're curious rather than making assumptions.

You can instead not be a nazi and take an actual history class.

"French author Jean-Claude Pressac acknowledged in his detailed 1989 study, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, that he was unable to find any direct proof of wartime gas chamber killings at Auschwitz (including the its nearby satellite camp of Birkenau). Instead, he offered 39 documentary "criminal traces" of such gassings -- what he called "indirect proofs."

These "traces" are wartime documents, mostly from the Auschwitz central construction office, that contain passing references to "gas tight doors," "gas detectors," and such. In the view of Pressac, and other defenders of the standard Holocaust story, these are implicit references to equipment or devices that were part of homicidal gassing operations."

>he doesn't know anything about historiography and philosophy of history and he's posting on a literature board


>/lit/ being this much in the thrall of Jews
Just because it's written on paper and in history books doesn't make it true.

Why should I give a shit about the holocaust or jews whether it happend or not?

If you don't believe this you are a HOLOCAUST DENIER and therefore COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR MIND

le history is wroten by le victers xD

There is no benefit to literature in pretending that historical facts aren't true.

What's his original contributions to research then, can you summarize? There's hundreds of works but they mostly cite back to the same sources from the 80s/early 90s. This thesis covers the state of revisionism up to the early 90s [from a revisionist] and from what I can tell there's been no real original "forensic research" done since then that's not just going over the same old topics again: dullophob.com/Lexikon/Joshua Shalev/1-Contents.html


You can find literally hundreds of cases of liars [either for money/fame/etc], what deniers tend to do is they find cases of liars then extrapolate from there to claim every account is a lie.
The holocaust has been used to underwrite the existence of the state of Israel and is a massive business industry worldwide and that's what needs to be properly understood and contextualized and gets diverted away from by pseudo-historians, "forensics experts" and garden variety anti-Semites.

>History is just a set of facts
You're IQ needs to be triple digit to post here.

Fucking autocorrect

>You can find literally hundreds of cases of liars
How do you distinguish the lying Jews from the truthful ones?

Their stance on Israel.

Well we better shut down all the courts since we apparently have no way of verify claims

>historical facts
The historical winners get to decide what the "historical facts" are

>implying Jews don't have 160 IQ on average and don't play 69D chess and are connected in a single unifying universal Jewish consciousness, therefore completely nullifying their public opinion in order to deceive the stupid goyim while shaping the nature of the universe and our existence with money which was invented by Reptile Overlords in order to deceive white people who are superior, and yet, inferior because The Jew is conniving and conspiring to destroy them from the beginning of the universe

They wont win in Amerikkka

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