Me thinks the Holobunga not happen

Me thinks the Holobunga not happen
6 Long nose tribe?
That is many long nose tribe
More than there was in ooga land

6. That a lot of people who die. Probably not troo

grug no like long nose tribe
long nose take grug meat, give funny bean
taste like meat but make grug magic stick tiny

Funny bean give boobis, Chad tribe beat boobibeanbois.

Me nooga tribe

me nooga stick bigger dan cave grug

Sven, tell Robbaz to make more videos pleez. He's be shlacking lately.

meat folds no like small stick
meat folds like chad tribe and chimpanze pet of long nose tribe
me take AR-1 into cave tomorrow

Long nose tribe made nooga tribe face wrong. In real me chin more wide.


Holobunga happen
Evil man kill long nose tribe with fire

big nose tribe come tell grug 6 die in holobunga
6 grug think that alot
now buig nose tribe want all grugs berries
grug think holobunga not real
grug think big nose tribe lie

Grug draw woman on wall
Grug love woman
Long nose draw monkey man on wall with woman
Long nose tell me monkey man better than grug
Grug no like monkey man or long nose man

They made the thing to look like a beggar/bum with feminine features to evoke emotions of sympathy and pity when they decided to paint it black.

Just look at the fucking thing and tell me it isn't going to tell you its downtrodden story before it asks you for spare change.

Why would anyone need an assault bow? You can use big stick? No one needs these high carrying arrow bags. When the cave elders wrote on the great cavewall this is NOT what they had in mind


Long nose want give more cave to monkey man. Less cave to Grug.

/cavepol/ all weabunga
stare cave draw polish spear too much
never club girl and take to cave

Monkey man good man. Grug do bad thing. Must pay to monkey man.


i did nuffin wrong long nose man !

Grug sad about cave massacre
Long Nose chief say time for common sense club law
Grug not think this is solution to club violence
Grug think Long Nose not want us to have club

A club? Next you'll be wanting fast shooting flaming arrows like the fat tribe! Get a lubb! Bin that club!

>me look around cave
>notice many dark skin tribe now live in cave
>used to be all light skin tribe
>long nose man say light skin am tribeist, need to accept multigrugalism
>light skin man with funny hair say light skin should have cave for themself
>tells me that long nose have cave where they kick out all dark skin
>long nose man hear him and take away his hunting spear, now he not even allowed to pick berries
Makes grug brainwork

Ooga fucking booga
Why no one notice me new hat
Me deserve compliment for once in me life!

Grug not understand your tongue

grug make thump thump with wooman
grug put white water in wooman at end of thump thump
grug fall asleep after thump thump
long nose man tell grug's wooman that wooman need more man
now grug's thump thump sleep with many man
long nose man make me pay berries to her

Hat stink like mammoth poo!
Take off now! Or get clubclub to brainbrain!

Gronk know this feels
feels bad

Why longnose tribe say like this? I see longnose femgrugs do same, it makes no sense to Gronk

some of you grug are cool
dont come to cave tomorrow

You big guy

Me fucked Wilma while you out berry picking

glub lose favorite rock down hole

glub blame long nose tribe

Eat frog and snail pie with woman in cave.
Long nose chief come in cave and says i need to share with monkey man.
Monkey man eat all the frog and snail pie.
Say it to long nose chief but long nose chief say i am mean with monkey man.
Then Long nose chief give my cave and woman to monkey man.
Me alone now. I should have listened to tiny mustache chaman years ago...

long nose sold me you favorite rock today, explain that


long nose tribe always be-hind everything

Hubglub should have stoned them all


You nose looking very long suddenly..... my nose smaller than small rock

me thinks we wuz kangs.

thank groog

smoke the long noses, tribe war now!

Grug marry woman from slant-eye tribe
Gren very mad and told others Grug is traitor
but Gren thump with many from the dark skin tribe two moons ago
Grug think Gren working with long nose chief

no no no, we get the stick & measure

This best think on wall this sun. Long nose tribe kicked out of many caves, many times. Long nose say not they fault. Me say it always long nose fault. Me say grugs should kick long noses out of whole big world cave at once. Me call this last cave fix.


stick not fair, not always same long, look at man-snake instead

>Dark Grug so smart
>Dark Grug better than white ape man living in caves
>Dark Grug big shaman of dribe, den whitey Grug came
>Whitey Grug take all dem club an fire of dark Grug
>Now Dark Grug make happy fest with ass on flames
>Remind dark Grug how caveape whitey came and stole


Just wanted to let everyone posting in here know that they have to go back

no to tiny mustache shaman
we need big bearded big hatted big leader!
we need more stone spears to fight!
we need more non-monkey cavemen to fight!

Snowtribe best tribe
Am kill all other tribe to prove

Is that you hugbug? Did you come back to rid us of long nose tribe?

Hurrr hughbug.



>fairly white facial features
>slap on a negroid nose


I'm pure German-Italian, Ukrainian, American Indian, and Irish m8

yeah because the nose isn't much bone
totally possible to make it whatever you want using jewish reconstruction tricks
just like skin color

who this newgrug? why he insult us with his stick on head
he look like big stick sucker to me

Schlmobunga tell pale tribe women to make snusnu with gorillamen tribe.
Me no more swallow the blue berry, now me swallow the red berry. Long nose tribe go in fire pit

he from the redcave... he must return to is bean eater, shitty tribe.

>grug related

long nose tribe chief think grug need string and rock for grunt other cave
grug like string and rock
long nose chief think holubunga happen
grug think not happen
long nose chief take string and rock think grug Zana

Hugbug am not destroyed by self stone
many moons ago
Hugbug hide in ice cave
Hugbug unite tribes
Hugbug give cave and sticks back to tribe
Hugbug smash long nose tribe


you are tiny mustache shaman!!
You came in my cave many moon ago !
I come with you this time. Long nose lies to me, all the time.
I don't like long nose now.

ooga booga

me think long nos tribe want us to say burn them in fire pit so normgrug shout for more long nos chief
long nos want all normgrug to think us antinos

dark grug found

Maybe 1 long nose die maybe even 2
But not enough wood in forest to burn 6 long nose
We would still see ash pit
Where ash pit?
Me no believe
Me no want give up shells for past bad thing
Me never burn no long nose even though me see why some want burn them

Long nose chief tell Grug he have to open cave for dark skin tribe
Grug say no and now Long Nose tribe tell other tribe not to trade berries with Grug tribe
Grug want berries but want to keep cave for his tribe
Tribe angry at Grug now
Grug want to smash long nose chief

Only coward use bow
Real man use club
Arrows kill too many mammoth at once
What Grug eat tomorrow?
Long nose tribe say we have to go to their witch doctor before we can have assault bow
Grug thinks long nose tribe want to keep all coward bows for themself
Grug no understand why though
Why long nose tribe want bad weapon if it bad for Grug tribe?

red berry me on long nose sand tribe

That rock too big
Not fair to small Grugs who can't lift big rock
Me ban anyone from lifting rocks now
Noone ever get hurt again me hero

for you

big rock not break oak tree

This gone on too long!
Many children die in last cave stabbing!
No more assault spear!!!

no take grug spear

Cave spear rule make when all had bone spear.
You think you beat bad chief with bone spear?
Chief have stone spear and bow!

This grug very mad about new cave wall law, is lie law, there no wall at all. dark skin took my wheel.

grug in chief no allow take spear


Grug in chief bad chief, lie all time.
Still have goat love tribe and listen to long nose tribe.
We wait long time, still cave bad

clean cave
take grugponsibility

Grug saw orange chief with long nose tribe 3 moons ago
Why orange chief sons and daughters marry with long nose tribe?
Grug not trust orange chief


>says the baby boomer who came after the election
not knowing this originally a libertarian board
fuck off to stormfront faggot

When did caveman posting take off?

few moons ago....

After big water, but before big rock



Oh shit, I've been found out, there go my 30 rubles

16 Big nose die in holobunga.
Grug want 2 holobunga? Grug is best ally! Grug now protect Big Nose Cave with life.

I don't know but I'm fucking dying.
> take grugponsibility

diabetes warlord coming in with the grand accusations!


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