School shooting victim goes on NPR to bash Trump

This attention whore motherfucker just had 17 of his classmates die and he goes on NPR to bash Trump, actually making a snarky joke saying "I'm not a Russian computer so I can't vote yet, but we need to vote in politicians who will save us from gun violence."

Just try to listen to that without wanting to smash your computer/radio.

He's also the one who was all nice and prepared with talking points for CNN's cameras and had a nice little op-ed already written up about how we need to ban guns now.

This piece of shit doesn't give one shit about his dead classmates, he's simply a pawn being used by his parents, who probably have connections with Florida's Democratic party.

Other urls found in this thread:

The dead must be used to maximum benefit during the week of death. Next week's news cycle and it's over with.


Every. Single. Time.

The Russian bot is strong in you

Why shouldn't he be allowed to express his views, especially seeing as how the events that transpired affect him directly? Or is the 1st Amendment only sacred to alt right when it's used in defense of blatant racism and bigotry?

If 17 of your classmates died would you be making snarky jokes like that? I couldn't believe my ears listening to that on my drive home.

Someone find out if he is a member of the (((tribe)))

His name sounds Jewy as fuck

He's a jew

>who will save us from gun violence.
If you let the state control your fate, you are weak.

He absolutely has a right to express his views. But it seems odd that a 17 year old is suddenly giving talking points that sound like they were written by Democratic speechwriters and his face is all over CNN and his voice on NPR. What about the other 2,980 students who go to that school? Why is he the one on NPR? Why not one of them? Who are his parents/family members and what isn't being disclosed here? This isn't organic. This isn't grassroots.

Its a jew school. the kids interviewed at the scene while it was happening were all saying
>were multicultural we accept everyone, were very diverse and accepting.

do you know how much brain washing it takes to be asked about a gun battle you were just in and respond with political propaganda talking points? Of course he bashing Trump hes a fukcing puppet.

>newsreporter: hey everyone, who wants to speak to us
>the most outgoing, eloquent dude steps up
>this post

you can try to spin this into a fake news all you want, but just because someone gave a decent argument against a thing you dislike doesn't mean that they were somehow coached or w/e. if he said *yeah this sucks, but our 2nd amendment rights need to be protected regardless* everyone here would praise him and wouldn't question anything.

I don't understand how anyone could witness such a traumatic event and immediately want to be on TV, regardless of what they're talking about. It's sick, and it's sick that CNN and other outlets are parading them around the way they are.

And yet we aren't hearing that point of view at all. Because if a student did say that they wouldn't be invited for a minutes-long one on one interview for All Things Considered.

>Because if a student did say that they wouldn't be invited for a minutes-long one on one interview for All Things Considered.

Perhaps. They'd be invited to Sean Hannity Show though.


sweetie you need to calm down. your delusional fantasies are starting to get kinda scary. wouldn't want to be responsible for creating yet another white male school shooter

I bet he was on the show with the lesbians.

>crisis actor

he's probably a jew isnt he

Thats a kike user

Watch yourself faggot

maybe he and his dead friends shouldn't have tortured el goblino over his dead parents.

and this is why everyone laughs at alt right. for a group so hellbent on going out there and arguing about stuff, you can't argue to save your life. and when the inevitable rekting occurs you descend into cringe territory.

Can your fag brain not comprehend that us arguing and calling him out on his shit is both him using his write to free speech and us using ours? Or is the syphilis just too advanced?

we will just gas your faggot ass, the time of argument is over

When you listen to this, it certainly does seem scripted, prepared, like one has memorized the same talking points they all spout, rolling out an agenda with a huge marketing push.
Lefties are going to eat this up, and we are going to star believing that this shit was literally planned, flagged, cooked.
Fuck these people.
We are always just reacting to them, always from our back feet.
We need to have more offensive.

>write to free speech

oh I'm real scared of a larper neckbeard sitting in his mom's basement. I'm done with you

I will have you know I posting from the Afghanistan front. A trained killer. Backtracing now........

>"I'm not a Russian computer so I can't vote yet, but we need to vote in politicians who will save us from gun violence."
I actually like this guy. He's seriously funny.

In the meantime, Trump is doing absolutely nothing to prevent school massacres or to protect the lives of innocent children from MAGA-hat-wearing autists with assault rifles.

I live in Canada though

Hurr durr he maide one spelling mistake so i iz smert.

To be fair, the alt-tight, and Sup Forums in particular, aren’t the ones going to make an intelligent argument about guns or shooting or pretty much anything. They’re the ones most likely to be doing the shooting. Cruz is a textbook Sup Forumsack: loser, loner, ethnostate, uneducated, gun nut,

So what will we do once we have a million more gun regulations but school massacres still happen just as frequently?

It's a shame those 17 didn't make it and he did

Russian bot... Russian Internet Research Agency trolls are on this site... don’t believe any posters... look it up - they are paid a SALARY & work in shifts. EVERY POST IS A LIE.

>school massacres still happen just as frequently
School massacres are not a problem anywhere else in the world other than America. If America can simply become more like Australia, then the problem will be solved, wouldn't you agree?

And honestly, how much do you really want to prevent the killing of innocent American children?

So let's ban white men from America. Problem fuckin' solved.

reddit needs to have a mass shooting

Typical mouthy liberal Jewish kid. You leftists don't realize Americans see this is as third world. What kind of crap parent or adult encourages a minor to mouth off about politics? They are too young to understand the implications of an issue, and it just makes them a target. You are not fit for Anglo civilization. You have to go back.

Trump cannot personally audit school district budgets and demand an answer for why, in a nation that protects every worth a damn with a guy with a gun, school security begins and ends with "please don't murder us" signs.

>So let's ban white men from America. Problem fuckin' solved.
Good fucking thinking. Then we might finally put an end the the problem of whities carrying out massacres.

Listened to this jew fag on the way home today. He sounded like such a fucking plant, all of his talking points sounded like some fucking deep state goon wrote it

>54% of the cases involved guns
so banning guns will solve 100% of school mass killings

>so banning guns will solve 100% of school mass killings
100 percent of school massacres, especially those carried out with military weaponry.

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account

Pretty sure Broward County has had a lot of voter fraud over the years, so it's rich for this kike to talk about Russian Hacking

Here's the thing: America isn't anything like Australia. You aren't going to get rid of the hundreds of millions of guns we already have.

Also as far as I remember, America had hundreds of millions of guns before Columbine too... yet school massacres weren't exactly the fad pre-90s.

The issue goes beyond guns. I believe it's a combination of psychological and social factors. Making a feel-good gun law won't fix that.

shoot him.

>We can't deport 11 million illegals but we can find 300 million firearms
>the infographic i posted already states there are more ways to kill children than with guns
>when all those guns are collected and disposed of then we won't have any more murders, not even with knives, cars, or explosives

if you can't even argue the facts without making a completely idiot pie chart as your "argument" then kill yourself

Gaza Strip rarely experiences school shootings.

>Here's the thing: America isn't anything like Australia. You aren't going to get rid of the hundreds of millions of guns we already have.
>Also as far as I remember, America had hundreds of millions of guns before Columbine too... yet school massacres weren't exactly the fad pre-90s.
>The issue goes beyond guns. I believe it's a combination of psychological and social factors. Making a feel-good gun law won't fix that.
You're actually making sense, which is rare for someone defending guns. The level of gun ownership in America now is out of control. Maybe the solution is simply to accept that Americans having billions of guns means that large numbers of children have to get massacred every years. This is the cost paid for gun freedom in a gun-loving society with massive amounts of gun promotion and minimally restricted gun sales.

There's definitely something else going on with school massacres, though it's obviously extremely easy for autistic and raging kids in America to get hold of high-volume weaponry to carry out mass murder. I'm yet to hear a gun-defending America who has anything remotely resembling a solution to this problem.

An Asian still holds the high score. Think that over maple gook.

Shall not be infringed lad. I don't know why he's even bothering with his shitty opinions.

I just gave you a solution


There isn't one. Shit happens when you pack a fuckton of people together and don't raise them worth a fuck. Start punishing single mothers and the problem might fix itself.

>(((decent argument)))
This kike was just parroting libshit talking points, meme flag totin' faggot. Gun control is verifiably a bunch of hokum. The reason school shootings happens is clear as day.
>tfw no gf
kids grow up with no sense of belonging, communities have eroded to an extent that they are meaningless. Man reverts back to tribalism and might is right, so you get the Pareto principle on the sexual market. Chad takes what he wants and incel population explodes. US society is so fucked, But there's hope left:

This guy is fishy, he literally interviewed a fellow classmate about gun control while the shooting was taking place.

There isn't any problem. If you want a country with strict gun laws you can move here. You'll probably get glassed by a leb in a pub though.

hey baby gurl~
fuck trump ok???

There really is a problem. You can't be in denial this much. Look at the graph.

>An Asian still holds the high score.
Not for long, I bet.

>I just gave you a solution
You mean more Muslims in Murica?

>some edgy 17 year old kid says edgy liberal shit
When I was 17 I liked John Kerry.

Does he eat corn the long way?

Were you shilled on CNN and NPR?

No, but I never had to go through a school shooting either.

Forgot link:

Seriously, what the fuck is this shit. This girl who just happened to be a former gun nut and was sitting right next to him gives a calm speech on 'wtf I hate guns now' that sounds straight out of a CNN segment, all while the shooting is still in progress.

>I have rallied for gun rights
>I wanted to be a junior NRA member
>starts spouting rehearsed sounding anti-2A talking points instantaneously as a shooting occurs

False fucking flag.

>"crisis actor"
>this is the only result

This thread needs to step its shit up.

>Mock others for using sourced graphs
>Go on to use a sourcless graph

That graph shows a change in culture. Also the rest of what you said makes you sound like a shill.

>as the US becomes a 3rd world shit hole, infrastructure and a bloated military fails, and the planet despises us a little more every millisecond, ....

It’s pretty hilarious, voting in politicians who will “save us from gun violence” will lead to more of them being shot than ever.

did you really fall for Trump's false flag? This was obviously done to distract the country from all the indictments that prove the investigation is not a hoax and that russia wanted trump to win. the question you should be asking is

On top of everything else the kids see the shooter as a "trump supporter" because he wore the hat around school. One of the victims was a literal mexican drug war refugee, maybe an illegal immigrant (martin duque)

I don't live too far away and it's very heated. Trump is right to not visit the school, there is a lot of (mostly sincere) anger and he won't be able to console the people

>makes you sound like a shill.
Nah, I just like bantering and posting opinions on Sup Forums. A large part of the change in culture has been the increased prominence of gun freedoms in right-wing political positions and also the increase in gun sales. There are many more guns in America now than there were ten or twenty years ago. They've gotten cheaper too. When guns become so common, it's pretty easy for an angry retard to get hold of one and pull off a massacre. The big issues in my opinion is why these massacres aren't happening in the rest of the world. In places like Australia, as the population grows the rules around guns have gotten stricter. The same is true for the rules around cars or alcohol use too. To me it seems that America's preoccupation with liberty and freedom is getting in the road of making good, common-sense decisions that help protect the population. Just my opinion and not shilling.

OK, bud.

Modern kids are political brainwashed weapons that forfeit their own lives to become slaves to the System. Just like that girl chaddie. They have no minds of their own.

How do you suppose he was selected to be interviewed by NPR?

You sure are one dumb motherfucker. Go find a mass shooting and die in it.

>>Go on to use a sourcless graph
The sources are all there. Do you have reading trouble?

>OK, bud.
oh now we dont believe in conspiracy theories anymore on Sup Forums



>there are many more guns in America now than there were ten or twenty years ago. They've gotten cheaper too
And what has the murder rate done, in that time? If it went down, would that destroy your entire argument?

>common sense decisions
What's funny is there were so many red flags on this kid prior to him carrying out this act that ultimately the real failure is on everybody else for not having the responsibility to taking initiatve and ensuring it was prevented. There are more guns than people in the USA. For you to be correct there'd have to be at least a million deaths per day to really make it a "gun" problem. From my understanding, the State authorities had dealt with this kid dozens of times. Sounds like, once again, the government failed in their job and now Citizens are shouldering the blame and loss of their children while Leftists pander to the System to create a less free populace centralized under THEIR version of control. The reality is this is all more anti-White propaganda to continue pushing for the multiracial hyper individualist/materialist society. It's funny because nobody on the Left takes a moment to examine the actual society that creates this environment of low trust and low community. The writing is on the wall though.

>we need to vote in people who will disarm us and make us all vulnerable to more violence and create a monopoly of force for our government

Literal sheep behavior. They vote to be eaten.

This sassy little twink needs to be made into a man by a loving bear.


USA has gone too far already. Chinese hegemony can't come soon enough.

Fuck, why did the shooter have to miss this fucker.

More likely to be killed by an illegal than a gun, but hey if this is what they then so be it.

why do you people care so much about guns anyway

Oh fuck off shill there are plenty of White people that live here. Fucking nigger loving Kike.

>laying a flag on the floor
>putting shit on top of it

Very disrespectful.

The individual number of guns in America has increased with the growing individual population so guns have always been common in the US. Also gun freedoms have decreased in many states like open carry laws, many teachers say 50 years ago had ample opportunity to shoot up their class with their concealed firearms but seemed to be able to restrain themselves. The increase of mass shootings in the past 20 years seems to be following a trend with the worsening overall mental health of the country. Also gun control won’t stop killings because a little while ago there were truck killings even in Australia.


If there’s one thing I’ve realized from this, it’s that (((social media))) has eroded all empathy from large swarms of children. They all want their 15 minutes of internet fame and they don’t care how they get it.

Then you examine demographics and the rise of Cultural Marxism and all the pieces of the puzzle fit.

You're right, the shooter wasn't White. What's your point? I'm probably more White than you fucking Asiatic gook kike shill.

You do actually talk some sense. Obviously the shooter was a Sup Forumstard and he did feel a degree of entitled white rage against women and Jews. The problem here, as I see it, is less one of citizens not shouldering responsibility and more one of the new technologically enabled world that we live in where people can find surrogate communities of hate and resentment. This allows autists to make contact and egg each other on in their paranoia and hatred. When you combine this with guns being more easy to access, then you have a deadly combination.

I don't think that stronger traditional community will help. Those days are gone. We have to work out how to keep kids safe in the era of weaponized autism. We haven't done that yet. The graphic is from James Fields's facebook page. He seems pretty typical of the kinds of kids who will continue carrying out massacres in the future. Personally I don't want those kids getting hold of automatic or semiautomatic or easily concealable guns.

He’s pretty cute in other pictures.