Is it me or does constantly saying "the russians" sound like something McCarthy and the guys in the 50s would do during...

Is it me or does constantly saying "the russians" sound like something McCarthy and the guys in the 50s would do during the red scare? Now is the left rather than the right though.

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Back then, it was a fight between geopolitical and economic powers. These days, it's just Jews lashing out at Russians over old ethnic animus.

but mccarthy was actually right in most of his accusations. do some research. Mccarthyism gets a bad rep but the guy was pretty smart. Cant say the same about these democrats

I guess Putin is just too based for them.

You just made this connection, OP?

Do Americans seriously not know that McCarthy was right and vindicated by the Venona papers?

>but mccarthy was actually right in most of his accusations.
no he wasnt you inbred

McCarthy was right though. Just look what has become of the country in 2 generations--almost complete supervision or the population, and a slave revolt in morality.

This is just an excuse leftists use to try to mask their thinly veiled hatred they have for ethnic Russians.

Joseph was right and dindu nuffin wrong.

standard tactics - make up external threat to blame everything on

likewise in Stalins' Soviet Russia millions of people were imprisoned and killed under fake accusation of being a foreign spy

Except he was


The difference is when McCarthy said "muh commies", peoples lives were actually ruined. The only thing Democrats are ruining by screaming "muh Russians" is themselves.


he was a dramatic alcoholic, but he was right strayafag

Both today and in the 50s, Russians were actually up to malicious shit. Problem is there most people are either on one end of the spectrum(blame everything on the Russians) or the other(Russians dindu nuffin)

McCarthy was kind of insane, but the US government was absolutely full of Marxists. They were mostly not Soviet agents, they were just American communists.

Only difference is McCarthy was actually right about the commies.

This. A lot of McCarthy's prediction about infiltration of the media and government were correct. Hell, it's obvious to people with a few brain cells left and an actual understanding of communist tactics.
(((They))) made them and so they fight like (((them))).

Do you not understand that the US is currently fighting a proxy war in Syria against Russia and that all of the higher ups at several American agencies have their careers riding on the perceived success of this proxy war? What more reason do you need to understand this current Russia obsession? The US has so many foreign dicks so far up their ass that these dicks have literally replaced the head of lady liberty with a monstrous dick hydra, why else would one such dick be singled out?

>"the russians"

It's one of those things the Left would be screaming "racist" over if it was said about non-Whites.

>Is it me or does constantly saying "the russians" sound like

DONALD TRUMP JR: "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."
ERIC TRUMP: "We don't rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia."

This is pretty much McCarthyism 2.0

the tighter they hold onto this, the more embarrassing this is gonna be for them

>no he wasnt you inbred
This is what people actually believe

remember trigger #1: people only liked bernie and socialism and hated America because they have been indoctrinated by russian spies.

the amount of fear (((they))) are showing is amazing.
they label any contradictory news as propaganda and subversion and persecute it.
do not say evil bitch hillary was sick or irresponsible with secret data, because that's propaganda and influencing elections.
tell that trump is incompetent neonazi, because that's real news.

for americans to allow this comedy to play out in 2018 is just sad.

ps. wrote billion of pro-trump anti-hillary stuff all over the internet, still waiting to get paid

You would be 100% correct, user. They are trying to start a war.

gotta love how its just a photo of a hand, I wonder who's behind that hand.

Well on a superficial level sure but there's one big difference between McCarthyism and Russiagate: McCarthy was actually right.

>American communists
>not Soviet agents
If not direct Soviet agents their organizations were likely highly infiltrated by them. All communists were, therefore, working with the Soviets and were traitors by definitation.

Based Putin. I wish we could get more of that here in America.

We are doing this shit on purpose to get the MSM to be distrusted and to burn itself out. We are letting them overplay their hand, and people are indeed getting fed up.

Difference here is McCarthy's concerns were legitimate. The Democrats blaming Russia for their lose is just pure made up bs and they know it. They are trying to divert the publics attention from the real crimes like pizzagate/corruption.

Have you seen modern academia? McCarthy was right

Yes, we've reached the point in time where leftwingers are aping McCarthy and hate Russia and by extent the Soviet union. It is defiantly a weird timeline.

You're just starting to realize it? Tell a neighbor about the USA 1950s red scare and argue how this isn't any different from today.


I mean, the guy may have been right in the end, but he was incompetent as fuck. If there's a burglary epidemic in your neighborhood, you don't solve it by going door-to-door and shouting "YOU'RE A FUCKING BURGLAR AREN'T YOU!?" in the faces of all your neighbors.

>going door-to-door and shouting "YOU'RE A FUCKING BURGLAR AREN'T YOU!?
Well, since he was right, it appears that he didn't do that

Amazing jobs by Russians making everyone hate Hillary Clinton. If it wasn't for them surely she would have won.

look at the fucking state of academia. at the westpoint commie. the long march is VERY real and McCarthy was right

McCarthy was a fucking hero that was done in because every fucking commie he caught was a kike, the one time he was forced to pursue a non kike, that also wasn't a commie, he was done and ridiculed.

Kikes did him in, do your research you fucking shit head.

Shit.... sorry, I have a few drinks... and I'm a McCarthy admirer... to me he opened up my eyes on the propaganda the is utilized to besmirch people.

Carry on...

No, it's KIKES upset that traditional Russian culture has displaced them and their communist kikery.

Fuck you fag... what the fuck do you know about McCarthy really... you're regurgitating shit you have heard throughout your life, without ever making an effort to educate yourself...
Here cunt... your first step...

You need to research Frankfurt school and Columbia university.... and you will see more than you think you know... Edward g griffin has a good vid on jetube...

This article is shameless fake news from the failing New York Times.

practically all listed there are jewish.

So what, Jews can be communists also

Mothercunter.... Russians were fucked over by kikes, don't you think that maybe, just maybe, they are trying to help America avoid the abyss that killed millions of Russians and easter Europeans?...

You muthercunting gagging kike

If Leftists had even the faintest grasp of history they never would have been a problem to begin with

I think the constant cries of ‘racism’ borders on McCarthyism than the cries of Russia this and Russia that. I’m afraid of having a conversation in the workplace lest I get labeled a ‘ist’ of some sort.

Do some reserach

holy shit you're an inbred

put some effort into educating youself retard

Yes, it's strange how much of a lack of care these tolerant, open-minded people are known for, when it comes to dealing with Russians, other Eastern Europeans, Central Europeans, and also many East Asians.

Fuck you pussy.. pussies like you and an epidemic ,larping on here... cunt!

I dont get how spreading true things is collusion. When wikileaks released shit on Iraq war it was holy word to liberals while CIA were liar. Now they think wikileaks is fake and CIA is not lying as soon as trump wins. LIBERALS ARE BRAINWASHED

the russian narrative was suppose to do two things: Turn the red state population against conservative politicians because they dislike russia ect and also to take any weight out of any future uncoverings of DNC collusion with russia/china for vote manipulation. Second parts the big one. Russia is working both angles, colluding with DNC operatives who want communism and organizing two opposing side protests to stoke violence and divisions. The hearings will only focus on the fact that russian operatives organized a few protests pro conservative while ignoring or under reporting that also heald antifa/dnc events at the same time.

McCarthy literally did nothing wrong though. Read about the Venona papers.


Jewish Bolshevism, user. That's where it all started.

I don't understand why they focus on Trump. It's all started since Bush times when Russia invades Chechnya and still terrorises everyone.

It really does