$100,000 challenge

Here is THumP®'s economic plan to end poverty throughout the world explained in simple terms:

Poor countries receive billions of dollars in aid every year. This money is given to the governments of these countries. The governments use the money to support themselves, in the way that the leaders of said governments have determined is in the best interests of the government, not necessarily of the people.

Instead of giving the financial aid to any government, give each person a Credit Card that is electronically restricted to purchasing the basic necessities of life: healthy food, clothing, housing, healthcare, and education. The Credit Card is restricted so that it can't be used for anything else.

Once the people have the issued Credit Cards in hand, and the financial entities of the world that manage aid to poor countries have guaranteed payment of cash for the goods and services allowed by the Cards, the ONLY way that any government will receive the cash, is to PROVIDE THE GOODS AND SERVICES allowed for and electronically restricted by the issued Cards.

Other urls found in this thread:


To supply these goods and services, the government will need to create and support a business infrastructure that will need lots of paid employees to maintain it. A country's economic situation will change rapidly and properly. Good jobs that people want will be created. There won't be any need for unions or watchdog groups that look out for the rights of the laborer. The people will not be forced to work for a company that mistreats them, because their basic necessities are already provided for. But the people cannot buy a television, computer, or phone with their issued Credit Card. The people will WANT to work at jobs where they can get cash for these items. And the majority of the jobs will be in the business sectors that offer the goods and services guaranteed by the Credit Cards.

The people will be in control. The people will use their cards for the best goods and services. The government that wants the cash flow WILL BE FORCED to provide these goods and services or they won't get any money. The wealth of a nation will be tied to the quality of the goods and services it supplies to its people, who hold all the purchasing power.

Pretty simple plan.

It's mind blowing that the powers of this world do not understand how this could work.

THumP® has the solutions. No one else does.

USA needs to stop subsidizing failure.

Commies get the copter.


Who's the commie?
It sounds like a good plan. The necessities of life are the rights of any people, and if we're going to give aid to other countries to help them obtain it, we should do it properly.

I heard he was going to give 5 million dollars to shithole countries for Obummers real birth certificate.


Are you with these guys btw or just using us to try and get the hundred grand they'd supposedly give?

I'm a THumP supporter. I encourage everyone to take the challenge and look into the proposed constitution. If it makes sense to you, promote the ideas and vote Humanity Party in 2020.


THumP is a faggoty wannabe illuminati group.

Yea I've been looking through their site and no thanks. The card idea is good as an alternative to welfare/foreign aid but I'll never support for libertarians. I follow the Founders' doctrine.

Also what with this party's sketchy past I don't have any reason to believe they'd follow through on the challenge, or even have a hundred thousand dollars to give in the first place

Wait, why the fuck would we give free money to other Countries and have to slave 9-5 jobs. How about we keep the money and let them do the damn hard work?
Your plan is dumb.

Or, hear me out on this one. We kill all the failed countries, and give that land to our children, who can use it as successfully as we use our own.

We're already giving free money to them, it's just being embezzled.

They arent libertarians you fools they are basically wananbe NWO faggots. Watch their videos it reeks of it.

We have a birth rate issue because people are too poor to start families. If anything we should be stopping the aid programs.

It's hilarious all the artists in these threads who live with there parents and spend all day masturbating and playing vidya games are against helping the poor and people who don't work kek


>keep those countries poor by subsidizing laziness and incompetence while not giving money to the elites of said country who in turn use it to diddle children.

I'd rather cut them off entirely, but not a bad plan.

You live with your parents

The amount of Sup Forums who are leftist tier losers is very small. No matter how much you wish the opposite to be true.

I own a house on half an acre, a car and a truck. Try again.

I'm going off their proposed constitution
and libertarians are a pawn of the NWO faggots anyway, so it lines up

It'd work for domestic aid too since people "embezzle" things like welfare and child support.
Idk if the birthrate's because they're poor though, isn't it the opposite? they don't want families because they'd rather be partying or playing vidya?

>give each person a Credit Card that is electronically restricted to purchasing the basic necessities of life: healthy food, clothing, housing, healthcare, and education. The Credit Card is restricted so that it can't be used for anything else.
This is retarded because this system is easy to circumvent.
You honestly think third worlders aren't intelligent to exploit this?
*buys videogame labeled vegetables*

Playing vidya isn't this horrible negative thing people make it out to be. Not everyone is a WoW addict playing 16 hour sittings.
People live at home because it is cheaper, why waste 1,000 on rent to live alone?
Couples are holding off on having kids, and instead trying to save up for a down payment on a house first.

Yeah but these guys are NWO wannabes

It's negative if they're choosing vidya over making a family.
And not everyone can be a homeowner. But if they can support kids now, it's not worth waiting. They'll pay for themselves in the longterm if raised properly

>*buys videogame labeled vegetables*
So be it. Industrial communism is life.

Ok but why should first world Countries take on the responsibility to financially support third world countries by sending them Billions in funding?
Wouldn't that Billions in funding be better spent on helping the first worlders. Why should money be taken from my pay in taxation and sent over seas instead of allowing me to better afford starting and providing for a family of my own...

Never said we should.
As long as we stop messing with them altogether.