Serious question:

Serious question:

I've heard liberals try to figure it out, but I want to hear the conservative answer:

Why do Evangelical Christians love Trump, when he is the embodiment of everything they claim to hate?

Liberals say it's because Christians don't follow the bible anymore, but I want to hear your perspective. Why would religious people so fervently support a man who's cheated on all three of his wives?

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Because President Trump is the greatest man ever to walk the Earth.

>embodiment of everything they claim to hate
>positions himself as anti-abortion, mentions the Christian God frequently, goes out of his way to talk about the importance of faith and family

But what about him specifically appeals to religious people?

It's not about religion. It's about saving the white race. And if you're white? It matters.

Because Trump doesnt literally worship Satan like Hillary does why the fuck do you think

So did all of the other Republicans during the primary, but the Evangelicals supported Trump, so that's not the answer.

Hell, that describes literally every single Republican in congress.Why is Trump so special? Because he talks about family and then his 3rd wife won't even sleep in the same building as him?

Because the alternative is Satan incarnate.

They literally believe he is the Lion from revelations.

whether trump is a saint or not is not up for discussion
>because he isnt
its what his movement represents a return to the days where common sense and when things were simpler, not regression in the negative since just getting back to what made us great in case you havent noticed this society is kind of fucked.

Evangelicals are insane. Most christians just see him and republicans as not the dems who support gays/abortions and thus vote rep straight to avoid sin and follow God's plan. Some christians are starting to wake up but the alternative is still shit. So it is either vote for a sinner or someone who wants to legalize sin.

What does Hillary have to do with supporting Trump? The election was over a year ago.

If disliking Clinton more was the reason, then the religious right would have stopped supporting Trump the moment they didn't have to defeat Clinton anymore.

They clearly like Trump for Trump.

Wrong. The religious hardliners were the Cruz voters and were the longest holdouts.

Daily reminder that USA is resposible for the fall of western civilization. Bashing white people and white culture started in Muttland and spread to Europe.
Black history month, black power, black lives matters, SJW, all of this is Mutts invention. Hollywod, gorylion jews, banksters, globalists - thy all come from Muttland or serve their masters from Muttland and Wall Street. Porn industry, degenerration of culture, low education level, high crime and many more. We all know its true.

Europe muast unite and fight with Mutts before its too late. It's all Europeans responsibility to stand against Mutt's propaganda.

It sounds like you have trouble with reading comprehension and perception, but you're enough of a moron to believe what the MSM reports, so it's unsurprising that you can't understand what would draw Christians to Trump

Trump gets support from Christians because all the other republicucks are globalist neocon nigger-lovers

A lot of people actually think he's the messiah.

But why they like him is obvious: He ran on turning back the clock of american culture. To evangelicals, the modern cultural malaise that we're living in is absolutely disgusting. Trump campaigned on rejuvenating the american psyche.

He's no angel, but he still has good intentions.

Because every political leader that tries to get their support by pretending to be like them is cringy and disingrnuous and they resent that. Trump isnt one of them and he doesnt really try to pretend - but his policies would benefit them and so they prefer that.

Marxism started in Europe in 1848, read some history

He's a honest human. In a world of demons and lizard people that's all you need to be to be liked by Christians.

Isn't that how the Anti-Christ gets into power?

"Fooling the very elect" or something like that?

What does Christianity have to do with globalism? Other than the parts where the Bible say God rules all nations and to love your neighbor etc.

Christians want change and he was change in the flesh. So he was he best for his personal flaws. No one talks about FDR and JFK cheating on their wives, because they were amazing statesmen. The President has to lead in a direction, not turn on a dime depending on who they are near. Like how Hilary changed accents depending on that state.

>jews and evangelical Christians working together to breed the perfect cow

>"Fooling the very elect" or something like that?

Something like that... but trump's reception by our overal society was NOT as one would expect of the antichrist.

Everybody hated him, and he had no chance to win.

Because we aren't dumb enough to reject the New Testament.

We know as humans nobody is perfect, that's why we need a Savior.

Get fucked, Jewish filth.

Globalism and postmodern morality have increased in influence together as traditional values have waned. In the minds of Christians globalism is just newspeak code for the godless atheist multiculturalism that is choking out the old ways.

IMHO, It's because he doesn't talk down to them.

He may not be the ideal embodiment of the ideal Christian, but he doesn't make fun of Christians. There's a large chunk of atheists out there that have no clue how arrogant they can come off sometimes. I've been around people who didn't know I was a Christian, and I've heard how they can sometimes talk about us: "Lol, they're so dumb. Don't they realize science." Sometimes you can just get this vibe from people, and I think Clinton felt like she had that vibe. Trump may not be a Christian, but I don't think he goes around saying "Lol, Christians, am I right? It's nice to be so much smarter than one."

You fogot worships israel

You must not have met very many Christians. The vast majority are hypocritical of Christ's teachings, who was basically a socialist. They're just easy to win over because they're fucking stupidly easy to cater to and win over with dumb gimmicks that Trump is proficient in.

they justify it with "forgiveness" I'm sure

Trump isn't seen as the antichrist or anti-christ like, no. (Oprah would be closer but she's too much of a former coke whore to really work.) The current pope is exactly what one would expect the pope to be if the Vatican had been taken over by Satan in 1960 and the antichrist was about to become a thing.

Because they see a system that is turning against them and their beliefs, and Trump promises to bring it down.

And what Politician doesn't Kowtow to the hexagram?

to clarify, the reason Evagelicals like Trump is because he's considered a tool of God in the protect-good-christians side of things. They're not going to support the antichrist just because it means Jesus shows up sooner.

Rand paul but they seem to have beaten it out of him

It mostly people like this. When culture tells you that your faith is dumb and you're an idiotic hypocrite for not supporting the liberal narrative, you want to see the system burn.

I wasn't expecting a real answer, but thanks.

at the end of the day, politics is like a sport event, you go vote for your team and hope it win

If they identify as Christians, they are already admittedly morons, so is it really that big of a leap to for them to think Trump a good boy who dindu nuffin'?

A lot of Christians believe the anti-Christ will rule the world. The more disconnected the world is, the harder it is to rule.

Think of the tower of Babel. One man, Nimrod, set himself against God and united people in his quest. To stop this, God made everybody speak a different language. The anti-Christ will try to do the same.

Christians don't want war between nations, but they don't think a global government is wise either.

The question you should be asking yourself now is if they’re right about what globalism actually is (even if you don’t buy into the Christian religion)

>What does Hillary have to do with supporting Trump? The election was over a year ago.
Hillary is the embodiment of the Left. Just because the election is over doesnt mean Hillary and people just like her arent trying to fuck us over. They'll be back in November and they'll be back in 2020, and in between they'll be protesting, shutting down the government, refusing to work with the President, and overall hindering progress.
Christians like Trump because Trump will at least protect the country and not sell us out to foreigners. Trump actually cares about families, religious rights, borders, the military, free speech, the right to protect yourself, and calling out the media for lying to the people on a grand scale. Hillary, Obama, and other leftists will not protect these things. They will sell you out.
Trump doesn't have to be a bible-thumping good boy to appeal to Christians. Trump can start calling hookers to the white house and still be a better President than any leftist.
Trump actually used to be a Democrat himself. Of course his past actions dont appear Christan. God only knows what Trump witnessed while working in Hollywood. One day he might tell his story. He's probably waiting until he gets out of office and a foot in the grave, though. Whatever he has to say will probably get him killed.

Hmm i wonder why evangelicals support trump

As if I needed proof for see

From a liberal perspective I think it is because they thought they could use him. After the first debate it was clear Trump was a winner and the others all had different motives.

Like most of the Republican party they forgot that moral character matters and just wanted a winner. Trump could have been the best president if he would just stop being an ass. We needed a unifier on the right after what they saw as a divided nation from Obama. The left views Obama as the great unifier and Trump has been shown to be a divider.

People still hope to use Trump to pass shit legislation and blame him for the fallout. Why do you think the GOP stopped caring about the debt?

Is this pasta? Please tell me this is pasta and that people aren't this delusional.

My two cents, christians arent perfect, everyone talks like christians have some moral high ground. We do but only to the (((sinagogue of satan))). As a christian you judge a fellow christian by his actions and his faith, not his past. Trump is a good president, a good man, and above all, a good christian.

Its like the prejection on the brain of the average fox news veiwer


Hillary rapes and murders children
trafficked from Haiti and other shitholes.
She drinks their blood too. Look up
Laura Silsby on google for more info.
Jack Dorsey is a knuckle-dragging

I don’t get this impression at all, actually. Got a source on “Evangelical Christians love Trump” or nah?

Because he doesn't belittle them.

Stupidity. And Clinton was a faaaar worse threat to them. Not a single person on the Republican side who was likely meant to get the nomination was a good choice for them.

All you had potentially is Blue Neo-Con, Red Neo-Con. Then comes in Trump who is a master swindler.

>trump is a good chistian
>Said that muslims,jews,and christians worship the same God
>prayed to a wall jesus said was compleatly destroyed


Quoting a good article I read: Trump is an assault on the progressive state

The thesis is basically Trump has formed a coalition against progressives. Evangelicals are one of those groups.

Because the first thing about Christianity is Forgiveness.

Liberals want you to believe its Love and Equality, but those are dishonest, especially the part about equality. Christianity promotes Equality before God, but not material or social or cultural or any other equality. Christianity is the rejection of the affairs of man altogether, and the embrace of the spiritual.

Really? As if any U.S. politicians "belittle" Christians, one of the largest voting blocks in the entire country. Even candidates who aren't believers pay lip-service and attend church to appease Godfags.

Also neo liberal =hillary clinton
Progresive=what bernie sanders claims to be

>In the minds of Christians globalism is just newspeak code for the godless atheist multiculturalism that is choking out the old ways.
That is exactly what globalism is, socially.
OP is a disingenuous faggot

Barack "They're clinging to muh guns and Bible" Obama

If you ask Sup Forums what 2+2 equals, they will tell you it equals 3 because 4 is a Jewish Conspiracy to lure white people away from the Trinity, so it's surprising when someone gives you a real answer.

To be fair you did

And liberals cling to delusions such as equality and "everyones special"

It amounts to cognitive dissonance rearing its head. Deep down they know their stances on everything are misguided.

>4 is a jewish conspiracy

No, 0 is. Pay attention.

We don't love him faggot, we hate the lies, virtue signaling and backhanded scheming of the left that given enough power would gas us for praising Jesus... so we hire a king snake to kill other snakes and he is doing a damn good job of it.

Why is it cognitive dissonance? For 50 years liberals have told all americans that what an american does in the privacy of their home is no ones business.

So now all of a sudden Trump is an existential threat to everything they stand for and they get a moral compass on all these things that they have spit on for all this time?

Its just laughably and transparently opportunistic

>delusions such as equality
Yep, and proud of it. Are you not proud of your guns and bibles? Why bitch about Obama mentioning a truth about your group?

Admit it you just did not like that the black guy called you out on a truth.


verb: belittle; 3rd person present: belittles; past tense: belittled; past participle: belittled; gerund or present participle: belittling

make (someone or something) seem unimportant.
"this is not to belittle his role"
synonyms: disparage, denigrate, run down, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, play down, trivialize, minimize, make light of, pooh-pooh, treat lightly, scoff at, sneer at; More
antonyms: praise, magnify

late 18th century: a coinage of Thomas Jefferson originally meaning ‘diminish in size, make small’; the current sense dates from the very end of the 18th century.

The Evangelical Church is a poorly disguised synagogue. Look up some of their prominent preachers and you will see an awful lot of Jews. They are misguided fools at best and Satanic heretics at worst.

And saying you cling to them is making little of it?

For Obama it was an acknowledgment he cannot win your group over. This is because you hold this thing to such high guard.

Him acknowledging this fact about your values you take as a personal attack.

Using this logic then mitt romneys 47% video shouldnt have torpedoed his campaign whatsoever.

I know you are just a troll, but if not i will explain something very simple for you: politicians should avoid truth like the plague.

No one wants the truth, they want a pretty lie as long as it seems like the person telling it believes it.

His policies support religious freedom. I'm not voting for him to be my pastor.

first commandment, bitch

Straight up, not a troll. I just search pol to find what the right is thinking.

>politicians should avoid truth like the plague.
That is a sad ideology. I am sorry you feel that way.

>47% video
I don't think it torpedoed him. Romeny was portrayed as a rich elitist out of touch person and the video was direct evidence of it. He played into his own narrative. It was more like Hillary's half of all trump supporters are degenerates. Made her look like an elitist cunt.

Obama saying the south likes guns and bibles is like saying the sky is blue.

Some are 100% with him, but even those who don't give him much credit privately also realize that it's better to have an incompetent ally in charge of you than a competent enemy. So they grit their teeth and ignore the whole fucking the pornstar thing and all the rest of his indiscretions (real or imagined,) because the alternative is a democratic administration that is actively hostile to their interests and capable of carrying out its agenda.

>sad ideology
Its called realism. If you think every politician is out there telling the truth then you are more gullible than the entire plebiscite. Everyone knows they get lied to, but we want to hear it told in an inoffensive way. Both of those comments, the one by obama and the one by romney were offensive truths, which is doubly damaging.

Honestly the modus operandi of the democrats is to lie lie lie lie lie and to do it comprehensively. If you dont see that yet then you are still too inexperienced.

tl;dr: democracy is stupid. Politicians suck, but the voters are the real reason democracy will always fail.

Christianity is degeneracy.


>Jesus jerks off dogs. He waits until 2-3am on a Wednesday night, and quietly slips out his back door, and in his backyard he eases himself over the fence into his neighbors yard. Creeping through the darkness guided by the pale yellow beam of a penlight, he approaches his neighbor's doghouse. Once he gets close enough for the dog to hear him, the german shepherd-boxer mix emerges from the doghouse, tail wagging. He knows what is about to happen.

>Jesus crouches next to the dog and cradles the dog's massive sheath in his hand, gently gripping. The dog's breathing quickens and it begins to bump it's hips as jesus rocks his hand back and forth. Jesus groans in ecstasy as the dog's thrusting intensifies, and loud dog grunts fill the night air and jesus's other hand begins rubbing his small penis through his jorts. The dog latches onto jesus' upper arm with it's front legs and the dog begins jackhammering the air, his massive swollen erection flopping freely as jesus grips the huge red knot. gouts of hot sour dog semen launch into the moist night air in steaming loops and jesus adds to the grunting as he approaches orgasm. jesus's leg shivers as he unloads the holy ghost into his underroos. Satiated, cowardly jesus scurries back to his trailer to clean himself in his ugly yellow stand up shower. The dog stands there in the dark, confused but satisfied.

That's what jesus does.

Jesus does that.

Why do you worship such a loser, user?

No its sad to think postilions should lie to you.

If Democracy is so stupid why are we still #1 while all the dictators are in the third world? Dictators always fail after "Dear Leader" dies and no one is more powerful to take their place. Democracy allows a nation to continue after generations and allow us to survive a shit leader when we know he is gone in 4-8 years.

Pick one. They’re Pharisees


i think this is it but that means they are willing to put aside their stupid fucking religious ethics score card just because their politics

using stupid blanket statements dosnt help the argument and makes it worse

>Why do Evangelical Christians love Trump

Honest but painful truth? White Christian men are complete and total cowards. They need a strong man like Trump to protect them because the average white Christian man is unable, and more importantly, unwilling to protect himself, his wife, or his children. These pathetic simpering Christian white males gravitate to any alpha male who will allow them to continue their weak and self indulgent lifestyle, most importantly so they can continue to seek endless comfort and spend all their time on pointless hobbies.

Unfortunately, men like Trump are becoming increasing rare, while Muslims, negros, and Hispanics--who are all extraordinarily violent--are rapidly multiplying. The obvious conclusion is that there won't be enough alpha white men to protect Christian cucks for much longer, and the few alpha men will grow weary of dealing with the cuckoldry of the white Christian beta males and most likely convert to Islam to be with other more alpha men.

And when the last of our alphas convert to Islam the Evangelical faggots and chubby white male losers will face a reckoning of biblical proportions, and there false desert shitskin prophet won't save them.

It's the future they chose.

absolute fucking retards think he’s the messiah
saying he’s the messiah is the fucking exact same as ISIS members killing people based on the Quran but they haven’t fucking read a word of it

Christianity is a historically conservative structure, they've been around for roughly two millenia. There's no organic thinking in them, OP. They're just a bunch of random people scattered around the world trying to get an afterlife. They all have very diverse ideological and emotional assets, unified just through a series of rituals (that a vast majority don't even follow) and through a suspicion that there is a God, a very specific God actually.
They're not "inherently good", they're just in it because of a doctrine; they're not bad either, though a great portion of their demographic can be described as reactionary and devoted to preserving a set of traditional values. Their dogma technically doesn't favor the rich, and yet you have the Vatican and those fucking evangelists. It's what they do with their contradictions what matters, and frankly they don't do much.


The roman empire lasted over 1000 years. Do you think USA will make it that long?

This is utter nonsense. Christianity is about spiritually "begetting" sons from humanity who will have life everlasting. Jesus talked more about the Straight and Narrow path towards life everlasting as an extension of the Holy Spirit, and how his Coming would destroy Judaism as it was then known.

Honestly how delusional do people have to be to think that Christianity advocates for socialism? Its a spiritual religion, he advocates for a total separation from Humankind. Render unto Caesar what is Caesars is a pithy rejection of any Christian involvement in Government advocacy of any kind.

>Wrong. The religious hardliners were the Cruz voters and were the longest holdouts.
