Student manages to make anti gun propaganda film During the Florida shooting. Odd?

Is this happening again? not another Newtown, right?

I believe it. Gen z is a bunch of sad soulless kids who are fucked in the head. Not their fault that their gen x parents just plopped then in front of the goy tube and blared violence and sex in their eyes and ears from the first day Of their life



(((They))) aren't even hiding it anymore

holy shit. I had my doubts about this being fake but this is proof its a fucking psyop. wtf.

Products of a self-important, megaphonic, "let your voice be heard" culture find that the most important thing they could possibly do during a life and death crisis is film themselves for a youtube video

You don't need a conspiracy to explain that. This generation is that retarded.

what did they mean by this?

I have always admired that Florida sawgrass.

it means leafs are gay

How did they catch him alive?

most highschool kids are insufferable on a good day. rich liberal jewish kids with an opportunity for 15 min of fame are downright soulless. the utter narcissism and lack of empathy is heartbreaking.

he escaped by blending in, walked to a plaza of walmart/subway/mcdicks, he then walked further south essentially getting away, through a neighborhood where a cop saw matching description but he doubted the culprit because of the stature (dude is 5'7 19)
cruz surrendered without a fight

>matching description
So he probably would've gotten away with it if he hadn't colored his hair like a retard?

oh shit, forgot to add.
it's easy to track if you find the school and just find the nearest plaza to the south iirc, the arrest records show the address where he was detained (and it seems there is actually an error in the record the address is spelled slightly different) but i still found it
this shit is fascinating to me, wish we could get way more info faster

it was his clothes, school color shirt and forget the color pants
his hair colour is a red/brown natural though it seems

Oh weird, it definitely doesn't look natural in the OP
Well he looks like a freak overall so I guess he had no chance at blending in

it actually seems that he just didnt want to escape really.
Can you imagine doing this, walking along, getting away with it and realizing that?
it's why it's so fascinating to me, i can't imagine what a walk like that would be like.
but yeah, the current story is that he pretty much nonchalantly got away and was later spotted just walking in a neighborhood

Thanks for the info. I suppose we'll never find out more. What a short fucked up life that guy has had.

aye yeah i had a way better perspective of it when i retraced the steps
it's fucking surreal man, im guessing he was sitting in the food chains possibly hearing about what he did/seeing emergency vehicles and shit going that direction, possibly even kids from the school after awhile that fled there

i guess it's the whole hiding in plain sight thing

so how did he get his big stash of weapons into the school. Bullet proof vest, all the extra ammo. Boy he had a lot of stuff

it was just a single gun he had extra mags in backback that he didnt even need to use i dont think
not sure though maybe he did reload
uber doesnt want to say if the driver noticed anything suspicious, although we dont know the style bag he used at all anyway, and an uber driver is probably not the brightest
there wasnt any discussion of a bullet proof vest, the school is a somewhat open style with multiple buildings, it seems he just walked into one

just read something interesting
he was admitted to hospital after arrest for labored breathing
It seems all that adrenaline finally over loaded him to the point of hyperventilating


Stop using a Chinese proxy. If your home country doesn't allow it then get a proxy.

The jew is definitely afraid.

>so how did he get his big stash of weapons into the school. Bullet proof vest, all the extra ammo. Boy he had a lot of stuff
walk in with it in a bag? Have you ever entered a fucking building before?

