Why are all 'white' school shooters biological Jews?

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Come on pol, I need an answer for my school paper.

Bump. I'm surprised pol doesn't have an opinion about Jewish school shooters, considering they are so common.




Was she actually a kike?

Some psychologist found that Jews have a racial predisposition for psychopathy. I don't have a copypasta of this.

I thought it was general neurosis, as played-upon by some (many? I can only think of Woody Allen and Jerry Seinfeld) of their top comedians

Whoops, inherited something from an assblasted Britroach thread

The thing I read specifically stated that, as found in the majority of the subjects, the Jews fail to comprehend what makes beauty beautiful, and in trying to understand it, they subconsciously come to despise it.

B/C their Holy Book of Hatred, the Talmud, commands them 2 treat us GOYIM like cattle and kill us at will.

cant you read ?

I read that too. If it was same one, they talked about the MAOA gene along with high iq being common amongst them too. Do they're smart, violently aggressive, and crazy as fuck.

>half jew criollo
I fucking knew it

Wasn't th3 entire chat a setup by Sup Forums to see if the media would bite?

Wow, I thought jews hating their mothers actually required their mothers being present in their lives to an unhealthy degree and nagging them into a neurotic state of sublimated aggression.

Mother Jews. Breaking their son's spirits by telejewnesis since at least 1999.

School shooting is a bad-chad behavior. Jews are a race of Chads.

Jews are extremely inbred and their minds as well as their bodies are more susceptible to illness. We're not even trying to hide it, just google ,,Jewish mental illness'' or something and you'll have plenty of information.

t. Schizo Jew

When are you guys gonna realize that jews hate jews.

Judas hated Jesus.
Hitler hated Jews

That explains modern architecture

Unironically Jews are Chads.

use this in your paper

What other school shooters are biological Jewish.

If jews are predispositioned to mental illness why don't they just convert to a different religion?

wasn't klebold jewish


why dont u just put it together nigger

The only actual Jew there is Mike Cernovich and maybe Weev.

Nice. Start pushing the "Jew is mentally unstable and should be forbidden to occupy seats of power" narrative by citing the ((("""white"""))) kid's shooting spree and other murders committed by (((them))), sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies (lies, mental illness histories).
>research serial killers and find out who are Jews
>Jew attacks on US military (e.g. USS Liberty)
>Jew commie leaders

Skull formation? Frontal lobes are more squished than with anglo/nordic skulls.
Frontal lobe damage/diminishment = propensity towards criminal and antisocial behavior.
All our social conscience is packed into the front of the brain.

For a white person it takes actual brain damage (physical, nutritional, in utero developmental damage)
or childhood abuse to turn a person into a habitual criminal.

It's possible Jews are born with the predilection, that's then reinforced by their cultural practices.
Circumcision. Victim narratives out the ass. Teaching them that non-jews are essentially cattle, there to be fed upon.
Mother jews laying insane, never ending guilt trips on their kids. Their dads being un-masculine creeps and whiners.

Of course, these judgements are made through the oppressive lens of Western Christian/Protestant values of having a work ethic, being trustworthy and true to your word, altruism and charity. Not being a whiny faggot. Being emotionally stable for your family. Wearing your responsibilities to family and community without complaint. Admitting to your mistakes. That sort of evil whitey stuff. Total Muh Lobez-in'.

This doesn't actually help, because muh
>correlation is not causation

I read what I read, probably the same as you, but attacking the Jewish question I find somewhat difficult. After 6 millennia of recorded history, the Jewish ethnicity is hella mongrelized, and even their own legends acknowledge the shit was concentrated into one of their families.

Point is, the enemy of all things beautiful and the single-handed annihilator of all developed cultures is the great Moneyjew.
It is also true that anyone classifiable as a Jew prefers peddling to manual labor.
However, I have spent my childhood and early adult years in the presence of a Jewish store owner family that were alright. True to a Jew, this Cohenbro would always rip you off by a few percent, but he made sure his wares were proper. He understood his trade and he participated in non-political community life. There is no imaginable societal key to have him and his family pogrom'd (apart from being middle class). His kids also did not display any health problems worth mention and developed intellectually and emotionally as any other kid.

This is anecdotal, and in stark contrast to the statistical prevalence of spiritual Jews among the biggest, baddest bastards of the ruling class.

In the end, the big assholes are all Jews, but come from such different ethnic backgrounds, they cannot be blobbed into a single ethnicity. Proper research would probably single out one set of genes properly identifying all devils on this earth, but such research would be (((anti-semitic)))

How about some PROOFS faggot.

I've only seen evidence of one ever being a jew.

If anything, it might get the chap expelled

That sounds like a fantastic read, could I bother you to source it user?

I might have it in a folder somewhere, but I'm not making any promises. I'm not one of those opening up Generals, and don't archive the research of other Sup Forums bros so diligently. I mainly spend my time here to comprehend that it's not the West vs me, but that we are both under attack from a greater threat

jews are a race of cuckolds,that's why they promote cuckoldry so much

nice try shlomo, putting whites with kikes

They're inbred freaks.

Didn't quite find it, but I'll post something very similar I saved

(((Meme Flag)))

This should be a canary in the coal mine for liberals..

Not even Jewish kids can handle public school

Jews are over-represented in basically every single genetic disorder, with some almost exclusively being found in jewish people and not at all in humans. Moreover they are also heavily over-represented in terms of mental illness and the LGBT spectrum (also a mental illness in my opinion, LGBT disorders are paraphilias) and the related phenomenon of paedophilia (essentially how LGBT people "reproduce" is through child molestation - almost every single one of them was abused as a child and they go on to repeat the cycle). It's no surprise that they are also over-represented relative to their population with things like school shootings.

Also, this guy is literally correct, jews evolved a very cuckoldish kid of lifestyle developed mostly during the middle ages when the men would stay at home rocking back and forth studying the torah and their wives would go out an be the bread winners. You think those wives weren't sick of their neurotic, dweeby, quite frankly gross looking (jews are less sexually dimorphic than humans) husbands? They were obviously getting some dick from the local European chads on the side and the men had to adapt to accept this. It's part of the reason why the jewish mind is so fucking perverted; they are pornographers, they are the ones who 'push the envelope' of acceptability and call it "art", they are the ones who oppose obscenity laws, they are the ones who are incredibly over-represented in terms of sexual indecency in the (((Hollywood))) sex scandals that are breaking where they force women to do disgusting things like jerk them off into plant pots and masturbate while watching them take showers.

Apart from near total control of various industries they brought with them something that would become uniquely American until spread to other nations after the war. The conception of gangsters. Jewish gangsters ran amok in our cities and brought in lawlessness and indeed had such inroads to our "leaders" they could do as they pleased with impunity. This gangster mindset latter spread to the blacks. Due to social and cultural breakdowns as well as brainwashing by the media thuggery would spread to the white population.

By 1942 we had 3.3 million of the world's 4.2 million Masons. In these lodges, Jewry meet in planned the degeneration of our nation. Then, we Americans were made to fight in a war against our European brothers despite our OVERWHELMING (even after Pearl Harbor) calls to stay out of it.

The Jews of Roosevelt's cabinet, the likes of Bullitt, Baruch, Frankfurter, Morgenthau, and Roseman, called upon US to die for them when they had brought NOTHING but misery and abstraction to our young nation. And for whom were we dying for? And why? Roosevelt's New Deal through billions away and enriched only the Jews. WW2 brought America out of it's economic depression but through it, and Europe, and indeed the world into a spiritual depression we may never recover from.

Then of course the Jews, played a major role in the infamous 1964 immigration act. And with Mr. Zangwill's "melting pot" drilled into white America's heads we began our final dive into racial replacement. Today, our nation is in grave danger. Jewry has critical control over almost all our institutions and unlike Europeans, who are still in the starting phases of the melting pot brainwashing, many of European-Americans are being told from a young age "it was always this way."

New York has 2,000,000 Jews, 33% of the population
Philadelphia has 280,000 Jews, 15% of the population.
Cleveland has 12,000 Jews, 8% of the population
Chicago has 260,000 Jews, 8% of the population
Boston has 85,000 Jews, 12% of the population
Baltimore has 70,000 Jews, 17% of the population
Pittsburgh has 60,000 Jews, 17% of the population
Saint Louis has 60,000 Jews, 18% of the population
New Orleans has 55,000 Jews, 16% of the population
Detroit has 50,000 Jews, 17% of the population
Hartford has 27,000 Jews, 17% of the population

There is a psychologist (jewish) called Sam Vaknin. He did a TV show about psychopaths and is in the range of being a psychopath. His older work he used to talk frankly about jews and jewish problem of high rates of psychopathy. He used to talk about how he understood his inner-life was different to other people (goyim) and he used to visit ruined places and enjoy them. He talked openly that his interest in destruction comes from his decayed inner-life. More recently he has changed his tune to hide this part of jewish nature, but the problem of jews in not necessarily objective based, other than a deep seated desire to turn their exterior world into the wasteland that inhabits their soul. They are sick people driven by every ailment of narcissism and patholgy, hence their desire to understand human psychologiy (their own sickness).
Wilhelm Reich's (Freuds #1 student) entire psychoanalytic work is case studies into jewish clients and how he tried to cure them. It is an insight into profoundly mentally sick people.
They are compelled to destroy everything beautiful and replace it with ugliness. larouchepub.com/hzl/2001/feb_conf_address_010218.html

You know romans 1 says ppl become gay because of their hatred of God. zThey get reprobate minds. Fags are always pedos and bible calls them beasts and dogs.

The mind they receive is incapable of believing on Jesus for the forgiveness of sin, they are guaranteed hellfire. This is what the bible has taught for thousands of years.

Because the Jews are a race of pure evil. We are going to have to get rid of all of them, sooner or later. I'm just glad this kid realized this and took a few of those giant rats out. The kikes need to realize that we actually are coming for them.

>German National Socialist Controlled areas
>jews expelled

The Jews did 911

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