I didn’t want to believe those 13 Russians could hack the election

But now, even top Republicans are conceding it happened. Where do we go from here my dudes?

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to see any evidence or proof that there was a Pro-Trump rally held in NYC on Nov 12, 2016. That indictment is a load of horseshit. It reads as if the only things they investigated were found online meaning they saw Facebook Events ads for this shit rather than anything that actually materialized in person as a result of Russian nationals planning or involvement.

>But now, even top Republicans
Who are globalist neocon cucks as well and not worth listening to

The only people that voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards, city people all voted for Hillary.

IF buying ads on facebook is what they mean by "hacking an election", there can be no doubt that it is time to shut down the bogus Russia investigation, and arrest Mueller, the leftist media heads, and the Dem leadership for sedition. We must also outlaw the Democrat party.

>even top Republicans
>Evan McMuffin

>went to Trump rally in Albany NY
>place sold out, line out the door
w-were they all Russian bots? Am I a bot?

How does he explain the anti-Trump rallies after Trump won?

Seems pretty fucking obvious they were tasked with riling up the angriest groups. Those would be Bernie and Trump supporters pre-election and Democrats post-election.

This is big

Oh right, so this Mormon spook is suggesting we all should have vote for right-thinking, honest Hillary?
McMuffin, go drown yourself, you poof.

we need to take Utah back from the mormons

>Top Republicans
>Evan McMuffin

Holy shit lol

if it is true, of course.

> by backing extremist politicians and their movements. In 2016, they supported (...) Bernie Sanders.
I see, Democrats are still throwing him under the bus.

We go nowhere 'my dude' because you're an idiot for considering Evan McMullin a republican.....the guy is a goddamned turncoat, read about his other views, you'll see it.

Remember when David French teased his candidate and it turned out to be this closet case? One of my fav 2016 moments

It's a huge embarrassment for the Obama admin. It all happened under their watch. !3 trolls wrecked the intelligence agencies. lol. So funny.

Welp bernie dudes looks like we got some work to do...

Russian bots don't explain packed stadiums for trump, and empty gymnasiums for hilldog.

I remember when the news was widely reporting that Utah was not a safe win for Trump because of McMuffin. It was around the same time that Texas was being memed as a "swing state."


It absolutely blows my mind that these democrats are trying to argue that these Russian troll accounts posting memes changed ANYONE'S mind in the election.

They literally argue that 13 Russians were more effective in changing public opinion on Hillary than the billions of dollars she spent on her campaign.

How does anyone go along with this?

>Eggbert McMuffin
>Top Republican
More like top pole smoker lmao.

Not to mention that the DoJ and the indictments specifically say that these Russians did not have any impact on election results.

Don't engage them, just spam this until they wake up from their dissonance. Discussion just leads them on. Everything they do boils back to this as the motive.

>top republicans
>some faggot called McMuffin who tried to make Trump lose Utah by running.
McMuffin is a deep state spook.

Good luck getting any of that investigated.

yeah, posting more simpsons memes right? max intellectual

Want to know how they really hacked the elections?

The left candidates existed to build-up Hillary.
>pic related
And the right candidates had no chance standing next to Trump; every Conservative looked weak compared to Trump's optics. It was always going to be Trump VS. Hillary.

But Hillary was the worst possible candidate, from the leaks to her coughing fits. So, in reality, it was always going to be Trump.

They don't need to rig the voting machines when they can manipulate the opinion of the masses.

They are still manipulating your opinion on various topics.

the day I care about what an egg mcmuffin thinks.


also suspend any further elections until we can figure out how to stop this from happening

there was an anti trump rally in NYC that day


>the republican party would allow one of its own to run a sabotage campaign against their own nominee
Wew. You lads should take a break from Infowars, baka.

more like bottom republican

>GOP backed Trump the whole time gusy
your thread sucks btw

>posting your birth
Truly a sight to behold, top intellectual right here.

I'll just leave this here. kthx

>billions of dollars she spent on her campaign
plus free media time in the USA and abroad

i would bet at least $10 billion was spent on her campaign.

>please dont go too extreme! please return to the Uniparty

Hahahaha, this all started when it was proven that Hillary Cheated Bernie Sanders.
Now, the story is that Hillary was the victim, while Bernie was the bad guy.

Exactly. How are people not pointing out on the mainstream media that admitting a small group of Russian shitposters subverted the election is like saying you are RIDICULOUSLY incompetent at running a campaign to an absolutely stunning degree?

i love these, here's an unrelated one

>by backing extremist politicians and their movements
yeah this is just the same government establishment that lied you into war with Iraq, pretended like ISIS in Syria were moderate rebels, now telling you that voting for anyone except for Clinton/Bush or their proteges serves the interests of Putin, who is the greatest evil currently walking the Earth.
The doublespeak is just so, so blatant: "attack our democracy by backing non-establishment candidates" only the establishment candidates are allowed to win in our "democracy".
Just hang these fucking people for fuck sake. The disgusting part is they know there are millions of drugged up people who believe the double-speak because they lack the intelligence to process the contradiction of the statement, they just know that "attack our democracy" = bad and so "extremist politicians (e.g. Trump and Sanders)" must also = bad.
Obviously he doesn't mention how the Russian trolls ALSO SUPPORTED HILLARY CLINTON.
Like this faggot is intentionally pushing a weaponized narrative from fantasy land, knowing he is full of shit. Honestly, we have to hang these people, we're all living in a madhouse now with everyone just preaching a different narrative they crafted to justify whatever they want.
We're approaching Tower of Babel shit guys. This is all just going to break down soon.

Yeah lol. Assuming no actual collusion, democrats are reaping what they sowed.

This is gonna be fun rubbing in their faces for the next 3 years.

>trump cures cancer
>heres why curing cancer is bad for you

Stop posting these terrible bait threads, they're so fucking stupid

Even if they are disengaging from going after Trump, they can't be allowed to get away with this bullshit narrative. The lies are never going to stop.

I support the Russian effort to divide Americans. We need division so that we can have civil war.

so what other countries created social media accounts to do this?

>democrats are trying to argue that these Russian troll accounts posting memes changed ANYONE'S mind in the election.
>indictment literally says "this didn't change the election outcome"
>democrats all chatter "aha this is proof that Russian influence changed the election outcome we just have to wait for the next indictment Hillary can still win President!"
Like I have to think there are people deliberately thinking real hard how to make up bullshit to string everyone along while preventing too many people from ever being totally certain.

This is why we must nuke everything and start over

nice, this is helping my collection

If by "top Republican" you mean neocon fag then, yeah.

>Russia supported Bernie Sanders!
Sure is a good thing Hillary cheated in the Primaries to stop him then, isn't it?

>be Bernie Sanders
>be a career politician
>pretend to run for President
>campaign on free healthcare/education, UBI, gun control, BLM and open borders
>pretend to fail
>give in to Hillary without the least bit of fight
>use Goybucks to buy lakeside cottage on a private island, in a gated community, behind fences/locked doors n' windows, under 24 hr surveillance, surrounded by guys with guns
just impact my shit right the fuck up, Kohai

This is so fucking stupid. Day of the rope when?

>those 13 Russians could hack the election
Thousands more did as well and the FBI will make sure they never come to the US and never enjoy another European vacation without looking over their shoulder.

What a great time to live in!

>top republicans
yeah ok

No probs man

Russian bots
Troll farm
13 Russian trolls

Muh 17 intelligence agencies are helpless against a minor foreign psyops.

There was virtually nobody outside of a few remote individuals who *didn't* think the (((Russians))) are the source of all the world's problems. Even if they didn't believe so at heart, they still showed it so they weren't outcast by the samethink garbage that is politics. Even remotely fringe ideas basically fucks you in the ass if it implies you with corruption. But you can still have "distasteful" ideas, it probably won't get you anywhere... but you can.
>They didn't think the (((Russians))) hacked the elections!
>With this solid concrete evidence, they were proven to have hacked the election!
>They must be corrupt shills bought out by the (((Russians)))!

Meanwhile there has never been any actual proof, just speculative garbage we are expected to swallow whole.

At this point they might as well throw sanctions on every single russian citizen, especially those of dual-citizenship elsewhere, just to keep those pesky slavs from interfering with the "unhackable" elections!
>Proceeds to influence and corrupt every election on the planet wherever they have a single boot on the ground

Americans, what do you feel when you look at this person?

I love both Putin AND Trump. I want them to be good friends so that they can make their countries great again.

>the FBI will make sure they never come to the US and never enjoy another European vacation without looking over their shoulder

The same FBI who didnt stop the school shooter who literally said "im gonna shoot up a school" with his first and last name as his username. This delusion is fucking hilarious


why does the FBI suck so much dick?

>russians post some memes
>attacking our democracy
The great irony here is that the only people "attacking our democracy" are these neocons and neoliberals who patronize us by hounding about the negligible effects of russian propaganda.

Disgust. That turtleneck makes him look european. Is he a faggot?

I like how OP doesn't even have to name him for Sup Forumslacks to know EXACTLY who was quoted. Top notch.

They have always been incredibly incompetent they are just portrayed as heroes in the movies and the media and people have a really warped view.

Hey, he got like 2% of the vote, in one state!

CIA spook whinging about a foreign government fucking with our election.

Think about that really. The same CIA that goes around killing people and funding color revolutions to overthrow governments that don't bow down to the U.S

Lol what a bunch of faggots

It's proof that the Democrats and Republicans have been working together for years. They are using this to cover up the fact that Americans want more then a two party system.

The same republicans that voted yes for the Iraq War based on false intel? Believe what you want OP

Not really, but one of his most famous statements and gags is "Americans are SOOOO STUPID LMAO". I'm not even kidding. He died in the november last year.

Democrats REEEEEing actually makes Putin look powerful. As if he could actually influence an election.

Don't forget his wife is under investigation for that college shit.

>He died in the november last year.


All true, but the DNC dident give him much choice tbf

Fun fact, his house is less then a mile from a kindergarten

The nature of their job, and the people attracted to it, makes it like working on a fishing trawler in pitch darkness.
When they do well it's a secret for 50 years, when they fuck up it's in someone's interest to blare it from the rooftops immediately.
All this conspiracy shit over the last ten years isn't improving anything.

In some sense

Famous but Incompetent

As an old school Sup Forums and /new/ user, I have to concede that I hope this causes a cascade of events that leads to Trump being impeached.

Now before you get your burger-addled sheep-like brain in a frenzy, please realize that Sup Forums has never been a pro-Republican board, it's may appear so, but it's not, fuck the shills that would have you believe otherwise.

I voted for Trump for one reason only, because I want to see this world burn, and I want to see him impeached, so I can sit back and enjoy the chaos, and all true Sup Forumslacks feel the same, being the Libertarians that we are.

Now get the fuck off my board reddit and facebook newfags.

Waiting for Mueller to hand down indictments against CTR and Shareblue for election inyerference

Satan has spoken, OP is a faggot

>one big long no true scottsman fallacy

fuck off.

>a literal cia nigger

Only faggot retards who support the Zionist occupation government vote

Its the other way around. The city niggers are the retards, the people who choose not to live in big cities with all the scumbags are smart.

They do the same thing as Anti-Semites do here.

Anti-Semites here persuade us that there's a collusion between Jews across the world.

If you try to disagree they call you a Jew.

Hello keddit, I see you like buzz words.


Not an argument

texas went 44% hill it is most certainly a swing state at this point

How exactly do you "hack" members of the electoral college?

By hack they mean post funny Trump and Bernie pictures on facebook and twitter

>implying I give a shit about arguing with a faggot such as yourself

why you mad lol