I knew these fuckers were going to start coming after us once the whites stopped kissing their feet

I knew these fuckers were going to start coming after us once the whites stopped kissing their feet.

What counter-measures do asians take to stop the spread of this bullshit?

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Jews fear the Samurai

the funny thing is that chinese people literally couldn't give less of a fuck about what some liberal thinks

they even are banning practicing islam

Nothing. What the fuck are they even going to do; they don't live there and the chinks don't want em.

Well my state media never runs on negative article about the chinks so im assuming theyre COMPED

>Giving a shit about bootyblasted nigs/leftists
They’ll be fine, user. They don’t even give a fuck about each other.

>What counter-measures do asians take to stop the spread of this bullshit?

None. Ramp up the racism because you can get away with.

Spread the truth about how stupid and worthless non-whites/non-Asians are.

>What counter-measures do asians take to stop the spread of this bullshit?
Double down and show no sympathy for the shitskins

Asians are the most racist people on the planet. They don't even pretend to be anything else, especially when it comes to blacks.

>chinese run over each other
>ignore people dying in front of them without trying to help
>die to bad infrastructure
all of those are fine
>chinese make fun of black "people"
plluuumfmmffpfpf HOW DARE YOU

Nigs are like cucks' precious little pit bull pets; of course they're going to stick up for them.

Chinese insects eat gutter oil food. And they're stealing all resources in Africa. Chinks are a menace to humanity

Chinks aren't samurais. Japanese are the samurai. Chinese are the ninjas retard

A professional actress paints her face black to better render a black African character in a show that promotes positive images of black people and the friendship between China and Africa

How is this racist?

I never understand these libtard ideologies

Like that "Cultural Appropriation". It's admiration for fxxk sake

Bunch of liberal art major morons who are incapable of doing anything useful for this world so use all their energy trying to defining everything racist, sexist, etc


Chinks are the chankoros.

Based Middle Kingdom

Why do american nigs care so much about black face?

chink is even funnier than nigger lol.
my favortie slur, if i'm tbqh.

slope is also great aha.

We don't give a up so they wouldn't pick on us often

Muslims give a fxxk and blow them up so they bend over to the most racist, homophobic and misogyny group of people on this planet

You give a fxxk and try to reason with them politely, they bark and bite you like chihuahuas

See who are empowering the libtards?

>A professional actress paints her face black
Literally all they needed.

Guarantee (((they))) make us go to war with China within the decade.

this is because of antidepressants right?

chinks werent ninjas, japanese were and Koreans to some degree. Chinese were like martial arts ans spears

chinese dont give a shit about their own, why would they care about baizuos?


Learn Chinese and help colonize Africa pol, Changz r the future

Dude, literally don’t even give a fuck. Just embrace it and they cannot even touch you.

People already see Asians as cold, unfeeling ant people. The only reason why white people are expected to feel anything is because they generally do give a shit. Therefore, mining white guilt is a thing, and mining Asian guilt isn’t. The only times that Asians ever say sorry is so that they don’t have to actually do anything about their misdeeds.

T. Hapa who notices things

We build you shit, bro
If you prefer colonization, don't hesitate to invite the white lords back


The Chinese just take it for granted that having skin the color of SHIT is a horrible curse.

I was in China last year and saw this poster for skin cream. Just had to take a shot.

>get black out
>white pride
>all is fair
>the white house
>worthy fairness

Fucked based chinks

chinese cant be racist, because they are not white

china makes 50 billion each year on usa rubbish

Also can I ask you sthg, please?

Do you know which group of people were the first to start trans-continental slave trade and had been doing so for the longest period of time?

The Arabs.

Pic is a Kunlun Nu, a black slave sold to China by the Arabs in China's Tang Dynasty

They did not leave many decedants cause they had been castrated by the slave owners

Why aren't you mad at them? Just mad at the white people?

>What counter-measures do asians take to stop the spread of this bullshit?

Easier to not get mounted than it is to escape the mount.

It feels like I'm the only polygynist. If you mention only fucking women to (((the community))) you get ostracized quickly. On the other side are robots and beta males crying about how there aren't enough women to go around. I've been with my wife for 12 years now and things haven't been better. We're essentially a suburban family that occasionally has female friends over and sometimes those friends can be extra friendly once the kids are in bed and the lights dim. I can't stand the filthy faggots that parade around spilling AIDS everywhere.


They are trained to react to that stimulus just as you train any animal.

90% of whites are just as bad.

TV told them to be mad at whitey who freed them from huts and slavery. Even though Arabs, Portugese, French and Spainiards bought far more more slaves than Anglos ever did.

This picture is like a horrifying logic puzzle about the end of civilization

All good points Chang, keep firing