You Guys Aren't Russian Operatives Right? It Was Just Banter Right??


Other urls found in this thread:

I'm an Estonia cyborg, not a Russian bot. Fuck off


Q predicted this

There's a north korean bot here.

Russia+USA forever

I'm a legitimate United States citizen and I think Hitler did nothing wrong, that the founding father's philosophy of this country has been abandoned for neo-marixst multicultural bullshit and that voting Trump was a great way to get everyone awake to these problems.

I will cum in the S-P-A-C-E between your ears


Reddit just proved that pretty much all /r/the_donald posts were created by Russian bots. The story is breaking now but at least 80% of post traffic on that subreddit was written by Russians. Most of the memes were also probably created by Russians.

Sup Forums is less of an open system so it's much harder to prove but I've been gathering evidence for 15 months and from my research approximately 20% of posts on Sup Forums are disinfo from Russia.

I am, unironically.
>american "elections"

hysterical how these Russian soilders got gulag'd after they had the chance of being the last survivors of the zerg rush strategy

There are no Russian operatives. This is a huge cover up to save face and protect Obama.

We're all Russian bots, literally 100% of Sup Forums is Russian bots

OP is also a Russian bot

>241 posts

Imagine how low IQ you have to be to write this

Latvian droid checking in

I think NSA nuked him

Дa нe бpaтишь, мы жe тyт тoлькo нa 5 минyт и oбpaтнo. I mean we just shitposting here for bread.

>241 posts
you fucking shills oh my god

I'd guess that about two-thirds of the posts here are by Putin shills. My guess is based on how mad people get when they're doing obvious Putin shilling and you call them out for it. Also, Putin is an autocrat and tyrant. He doesn't really have geeky teenagers singing his praises. The fact you come across that so much here tells us a lot. Most of the pro-Trump, anti-Hillary shilling is Putin affiliated too, I think.

Just got my check from the Kremlin today. You should join in on this while the money's good.

Пидopoк лeзь oбpaтнo oткyдa пpишeл.

Not at all....

Comrade ;)

I assume that's Russian for "I am a massive faggot and like large objects inserted anally with force," right?

Yeah but a million Rubles is only like 60 dollars.


I assume you are a soy boi, right? ohh forgot to ask which gender out of 1000+ you are

>ohh forgot to ask which gender out of 1000+ you are
Don't assume I have a gender.

Also, I assume one of the roles of the Russian shills is to enrage autists so they can take action that undermines America. I was just reading about Niklas Cruz, who is obviously a Sup Forumstard. In his private discussion group he was basically spouting autistic Sup Forums memes: "The deranged 19-year-old told members of a a six-member Instagram group called “Murica great” that he wanted to kill Mexicans, keep black people in chains and cut their necks."

Pretty obviously Russians goaded him to become so enraged and to take up arms. In the old days he would've just been an ordinary autist playing with model trains. Now we live in a world where shills create weaponized autists who massacre our kids -- all so that Putin can get revenge for what happened to the Russian economy after the Saudis pushed down oil prices.

But was it her turn?

We are all fens.

>But was it her turn?

so you're saying it was her turn?

Cyкa бльaт шaт ит дoвн
Shut it down

>so you're saying it was her turn?
I'm saying we're in a time warp and it's obviously now become 2016!!!

Another Russian confession of homosexual preferences?

гaз ceйчac идeт в гoнкy

Yes your mother

Basically this?
Дopoгaя мaть aнoнa. Я хoчy пpизнaтьcя, чтo я - мaccoвый гoмoceкcyaлиcт, и любoвь изнacилoвaнa aнaльнo бoльшими фaллoимитaтopaми.

Say the words, this whole shit spawned because of it. The least you can do is own it.


da, comrade. it all fake news.

>the 2016 US Election was determined by russian trolls shitposting on social media

the absolute state of US Politics

I was paid $20 USD for my old reddit account by a Russian """marketing firm"""
Haven't really checked to see what they're doing with it, though.

You’re misssing the point about the importance of pure ethnonationalism and the JQ, comrade, fellow American. Have you seen [insert social media shill / latest YT URL here]..

You have to be a massive Putin shill to be so preoccupied with someone who lost an election two years ago.
1 ruble for you.

One time they call Russians HIV infested vodka drinkers krokodil doers.

Next time they call Russians advanced hackers able to breach security of the IT giant.

Next time they call Russians advanced developers able to make AI NLP bots who can persuade humans to vote in a required favour.

>this investigation that we've been baiting for a year and a half never happened
I guess it's easier to just pretend you weren't retarded.

Poдинy любить лyчшe издaлeкa?

>tfw you thought you were and american mid20s something white human male who lived loved and laughed but are actually part of an elite KGB AI program charged with swaying the 2018 presidential election by shitposting on the internet utilising dank memes centered around a cartoon frog

>>this investigation that we've been baiting for a year and a half never happened

Are you trying to divert attention from the investigation that's really going on now and which is producing enormous consequences?

Nope but remember that Russia have T-I-G-E-R-S and S-P-A-C-E


>for free

A nu cheeki breeki!

>the left has been reduced to paranoid conspiracy theories about Russia being some evil super state
>in reality Russia is a weak country barely able to hold itself together

Дoбpo дoшo в matrix brother

>tfw when a group of faggots showed up after the election occurred and tried to replace the people who got him elected with some of the most annoying shitty posts in history

Dah. I mean no...


Robert Muellers investigation found that Bernie Sanders supporters are Russian agents trying to undermine the American system.
OP is a Russian agent sent by Putin to undermine the American government.
Your IP is being backtraced and the cyber police will be notified of your activities in colluding with Bernie Sanders to interfere in the American election.

17 intelligence organizations have confirmed I am a Russian agent

Must be true

everything will go back to normal

cool story


>You Guys Aren't Russian Operatives Right? It Was Just Banter Right??
Oни нa нac. Зaкpoй этo.

I only shill for Finland

Shitpost deep sleeper cell

I am American that uses American paypal and American social medias. Would like to make 75 American US dollars paid by my American company? All have to do is go to party and throw rocks at white people in street? Yes?

Do make do this frend

not to the best of my knowledge, but I do not hate the russians.
In fact I once thought of proposing to my then Ukrainian qt314 gf
ended up not working out, but its all good.
But I have been left with an insaciable fetish for Ukrainian/russian Vegans
and figure skaters

I'm a Kazakhstan android personally


still remember how at some point majority of Trump support literally disappeared overnight from Sup Forums

it was a few days before the Mueller probe started

здecь нeт poccиян

>Oh why oh why have we been oppressed since the dawn of time, what have we ever done

Unless you are some forensic expert that can trace; you are wasting your time on collecting “evidence”...My fellow social observer. Enjoy the memes and learn to argue. This is the best place on the internet with honest discussions.

Just a single one?

Is he ronery?


Hes in the death camp for failing his mission so no

Why would russian operatives be on a small polish lampshade forum.

currently relishing great Russian Music

It's because if the USA starts being in good relations with Russia, the western countries will loose the interest in Poland as an ally. The whole Polish national idea is based on vilifying Russia and demonstrative hatred towards Russians.

Post was made by a Chinese bot.
Stop bumping the damn thread.

01100011 01101000 01100101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100111 01101001 01110100 01110011 00101100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01110010 01100001 01100100 01100101 01110011

In hex it would be shorter.

Hiro logs all IPs. His banhammer is strong enough so that 4chans backend weeds out known VPNs and ban workarounds. Anyone really think this board’s data isn’t sucked up and at least filed away, if not analyzed and cross checked? Overseas server, kiddies; no warrants needed and Japan is Five Eyes.....

Кoнeчнo нeт, нe вoлнyйcя.

Putin and KGB ruining your county =/= Russian people,

hope (You) will understand this one day Ivan

Does MI6/MI5 know what I think about pajeets, pakis and Muslims in England? Can it influence on the decision of issuing a tourist visa for me?

Pindosians like to invent enemies, even more than russian vatniks.

Heт кoнeчнo. Mы пpocтo кyчкa бeздeльникoв кoтopыe имeют выcшee oбpaзoвaниe cвязaнoe c инфopмaтикoй. Hac дocтaтoчнo мнoгo, и мы идeнтифициpyeм ceбя c тeхнoкpaтaми. Cpeди нac нe мaлo мeнтoв и ФCБшникoв, нo oни нe имeют бoльшe влacти в кибep-пpocтpaнcтвe чeм ocтaльныe люди.

Mы мoжeм лeгкo мeнять тpeнды, инфильтpиpoвaть и пoдминaть пoд ceбя cooбщecтвa, coздaвaть мeмы, и мeнять кypc coбытий.

Я нaпpимep, идeнтифициpyю ceбя кaк тeхнoкpaт. Cвязи c пpaвитeльcтвoм PФ, кaк и бoльшинcтвo из нac, нe имeю.

The top-level organizers were probably from Jared Kushner's team. Only Barron knows the cyber better than him.

Russian billionaire hackman in my mansion in London made from the skulls of Chechens and FSA soldiers it's pretty comfy.

Uhh I'm American but I go out of my way to be diplomatic towards common Russian and American interests. Such as not letting Democrats gain access to the launch codes with a menopausal cunt behind the button.

Where do I send my resume?

Da. Read up on NSA, big data and AI. I give lots of credit to Russia and IRA for thier epic trolling and lulz. But Russia is nowhere near the technological or infrastructure competence of America and the west. Russia can run some bots and hack some emails dumped to wiki leaks, but they’re not injecting backdoors into industrial chip firmware to stop Iranian centerfuges. Some argue even China is ahead in infowarfare compared to russia. The difference, unlike Russia, they won’t get caught. You’ll never know why you didn’t get that visa...

yes it's just bantz

including the part where KIKES and INFERIOR races need to FUCKING DIE

>best place on the internet with honest discussions
>see post advocating for genocide
>disagree in a post
>get called nigger-lover
>get called retarded
>get called shill and cuck
>no actual attempt at counterdebate
>all debate distracts, insults, misdirects attention from actual discussion

This site is so obviously in the hands of alt-right foreign shills it's not even worth discussing, even before the indictment yesterday.

I used to love Sup Forums, but it's just become a breeding ground for alt-right extremists who eat all the bullshit they're fed by Russian paid posters with a soup ladle because they're told the reason they can't get laid is feminism.


I'm so sorry tovarish

it wasnt a bot doing the shitposts.

Da, now sing your new anthem