One Piece

Is Blackbeard going to be the final boss of One Piece?

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Blackbeard used to be the coolest guy in One Piece but now it's Kaido. Kaido looks and acts like us irl

No, that's going to be Shanks.

Why would Shanks fight Luffy?

It seems unlikely, he'll be the Raoh for sure but then there'll have to be the next arc to wrap everything up where there's another big boss


It's the other way.
Lufy said they are eventually taking down all the Yonko

Of the treasure or the series?
Final boss of Raftel will be Blackbeard.
Final boss of the series will be the World Nobles.

>One piece
>Ever ending

Wait until they reveal a new planet/galaxy where the real treasure is hidden and Blackneard just being a subordinate.

Name 1 anime/manga character that is cooler than Kaido.

Is there a chapter this week, friends?



This isn't Naruto


Spiral king, gamagori, I also hear obito was the coolest guy...


After the end of OP, I think we will have a manga of doflamingo music career.

Doflaming will go to a music school in tokyo.

No, One Piece is going to be the final boss.

he fucking better be

But the war happens after they find One Piece, that's what Whitebeard very clearly said

That's right. They find One Piece, and it becomes the final boss who starts a war.

>you'll be reading OP til you're and old man
you may even have to task your children with finishing it

Will Blackbeard show up in Reverie?

Student against master
i love it

No, but Shanks will.

He definitely had the coolest introduction out of all One Piece characters

Final boss is obviously gonna be Buggy.


this is dumb enough to be true especially since this fucking jobber somehow conned himself into a government sponsored walord.

Blackbeard is going to be pirate king.

I believe strongly that Blackbeard will be the primary antagonist and penultimate boss, but the real final boss is something or someone we've yet to see.

Nah it'll be Akainu


Akainu or Blackbeard.

Also why does Oda draw his characters ridiculously tall? BB, Doffy, Admirals etc. are all huge.

No it will be the island guardian of Raftel. Trust me guys I come from 2025.

To the user that wanted the Chopper/Milky story, your request is ready.

it's ending within the next ten years though, are you old as fuck?

I wadda drink.

Taking one or two draw requests to kill time.

big mam's was better

Does BB even have Conqueror's Haki?
Isn't he a Hakilet?

>Student against master

Shanks never tought luffy squat.

draw Thriller Bark Robin

>i didnt read Mock Town arc

There has been some bad signs post-ts. DF Awekening combined with Haki will leave us at some serious power level bullshit.

Warden threw a party in the county jail..

On it

Meruem is a better done and cooler version of Kaido.


Who is your dicks final boss?

Kaido is getting build up for the relatively near future, Blackbeard is endgame

>the one piece was in the lining of gold Rogers straw hat
>gr trusted it to shanks
>left it with luffy to throw off pressures

>luffy had the one piece and was king of the pirates before his adventure even began


I want this to happen now

Yes he's going to start the war with one piece not Luffy.

He is more like Hao than Raoh.

World Nobles will already be beat before Blackbeard.
Blackbeard will beat them.

I seriously hope he's gotten stronger or will get stronger because if he's suppose to be the final baddie then he's kind of lacking in terms of power

Blackbeards first action with the super weapon Quake was to attack and try to destroy the main military base of the WG.

Blackbeard is going to kill Shanks
my dad is Oda quote me on this

Why is Blackbeard after Dragon?

>disgusting fuckign landwhale stuffing her ugly fat fuck face
Lose some weight fatty,being a disgusting slob always stuffing your face has never been cool.

Definitely not.

The fight against the Marines is the precursor to the final battle for the One Piece. The match ups are obvious:

Luffy vs Akainu
Zoro vs Fujitora
Sanji vs Kizaru
Jinbei vs 4th Admiral

And then AFTER that is when we get the ultimate battles that are the fulfillment of the crew's ultimate dreams (i.e. Luffy fighting BB for the One Piece and King of Pirates throne, Zoro fighting Mihawk for title of The World's Strongest Swordsman, etc.).

But Kizaru>Fujitora.

>implying One Piece won't have a rushed ending like most other shit so far and leave open ends left and right

Ecept Oda confirmed that the final war will be after someone finds OP you fucking retard.Luffy will fight BB for the PK title and then the final war will be against the marines.

Gravity > Light

no, the singing one in the anime you mong

That is fucking asinine. The whole point of One Piece is to follow Luffy's journey towards becoming PK. It's obviously going to be the final thing that happens. Are you actually retarded?

I fucked up the arms/body but soontm ill draw a new one. Have a portrait til then.

Because Burguess is a sore loser

>implying Teach isn't a fake who gave himself the D because he felt disrespected

He has not displayed any ability with conquerors or armament.

He obviously knows that it exists, and he does mention during his fight with Luffy in Impel Down that he can sense Luffy has raised his strength, but I don't know if that was specifically observation haki or just him noticing that Luffy has gotten stronger in general since Jaya.

the whole point of one piece is to find the one piece. Once it's found you are the pirate king, and once it's found a great war will start.

Luffy becoming PK will not be the final thing that happens. After he is, he will have to prove that he's greater than roger.

i am the only one who think that Luffy straw hat is the key for the One Piece?

what if the hat can contain/become a map or something?

How come the Will of D. didn't save Law's sister?

Remember when he told Buggy about a treasure map while giving him the strawhat, well you know why now, heck the last phoneglyphs my be in the inside of the hat but no one has bothered to check.

because it's a fucking hat dumbass. it's been ruined before and repaired so we know it's not made out of anything special

Can we get one of Smoothie

No, Luffy will fight BB on Raftel, but Raftel will not be the end of the series.

As WB said in his last moments, finding One Piece will be the trigger of a massive battle against the World Government and that will be the true finale of One Piece

BB is literally the first character in the series to mention Haki. It'd be retarded for him not to have it


Yes, I'm Oda and it's true

>grown up Nami

fucking puke

These edgelords who say Obito can just fuck off. His whole revenge was because of just some dumb Sakura like bitch.

armament would make him OP, as it would cancel out his DF weakness

Sure, later today I'll start

how would that be retarded? he was with whitebeard, of course he can just know about without havin it

he is a nobody, having naruto and sauske fight after evertyhing at the end was bullshit,
oda will not pull the same stunt. One piece is a bigger story than blackbeard. all he represents is the greed of men.

>Raftel isn't the end
There will probably be an epilogue chapter showing Usopp telling the story but yes it is.

The war is going to start before anyone gets to Raftel, and one piece will be found by either Luffy or Teach during the chaos.

Kaido said he would start the war.

Shanks said Teach was strong enough to kill Ace NOT KNOWING Teach had any DF at all and stated to WB he'd kill him too. You are retarded.

You can't possibly be this much of a retarded nigger faggot that you can't comprehend a story written for 12 year old gooks?It's obvious as fuck that we're gonna have to deal with the consequences of Luffy finding the one piece you retarded shit.

Whitebeard himself stated that a war will happen once someone finds the fucking treasure,fucking kill yourself

One war is related to OP and one is related to Kaido being a suicidal edgelord you dumbass.The war Kaido will start will be in Wano.

Were Pain, Obito or Madara the final boss of Naruto?
Was Aizen the final boss of Bleach?
Was Zeref the final boss of Fairy Tail?

He may be the main villain of the series, but I don't think he'll be the endgame villain. Unless someone else in the WG(probably Sakazuki) or Dragon becomes the main villain, then BB may be endgame.

They're being ironic since Naruto said Obito was the coolest guy.



>all he represents is the greed of men.

Wouldn't that be Tenryƫbito?

Black Beard doesn't seem to hold avarice over anything, he's just in the same long race as all the other pirates to be king.

His methods are only the opposite of Luffy's but he maintains the same will and determination that Luffy himself has.

>that crying kid Blackbeard.
>he's just Doflamingo guys I swear.
Blackbeard has done as much damage to the WG as Luffy and ALSO sacked the revolutionaries. He's the main antagonist Hao in Shaman King you are naive if you believe otherwise.

Whitebeard told Shanks Blackbeard wouldn't be able to kill and replace him too retard.
The Great War will happen when Kaido starts it.
Blackbeard will find One Piece or take it from Luffy right away.

>Kaido looks and acts like us irl
So you are a 30 feet tall muscular bipolar alcoholic?And here i thought everyone on Sup Forums was a little girl.