Why do Amerindians have lower IQs than East Asians, even though they are both Mongoloids?

Why do Amerindians have lower IQs than East Asians, even though they are both Mongoloids?

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Because they weren't subjected to the same evolutionary pressures

Because they can't stop the stupid ones from taking the IQ tests

Alcoholism and huffing gasoline

good question.

why do levantines and maghrebis have lower IQs that europeans even though they are both caucasoids?

Smart ones are dead, recent ones have very little education. Not rocket science

And this

East Asians developed a written language, Amerindians did not

Don't worry, they are still smarter than the europeans

> euros were so dumb they cross-bred with bunch of cave-apes 11000-7000 BC

Here's your "you".

There are hardly any pure Amerindians left, so how would you know their IQ? Mestizos probably have different IQs than full blooded Amerindians

Every time

“why do Australian Aborigines and Telugu Brahmins have different IQs when they are both australoids?”

in both cases the questions are flawed on two levels: the underlying presumption is stupid, like there was one prehistoric period of race formation and all descendant lineages of each major race were chained to an immutable ancestral IQ, and also in that “mongoloid” has turned out to only fuzzily circumscribe a population-genetic unit. 30% of the ancestry of Amerindians is not east asian-like but comes from Ancient North Eurasians, Pleistocene Siberians related to europoids

The strong/smart ones are all dead. The only ones remaining are the ones so degenerate they couldn't be fucked to stand up for their own families. You think they're not going to have rampant alcoholism and score lower than mud on an IQ test?

what are the Mesoamerican hieroglyphic scripts

probably because they were busy ripped each other heart out and eating each other to develop a written language and develop some form of intelligence though intellectual pressure


but the places with most elaborate and grandest-scale sacrificial and cannibalistic performances are also exactly where the highest civilizational attainments are seen.

similarly European colonial administrators lamented that the cannibal tribes in Central Africa were also more vigorous and mentally superior to their neighbors. I wonder what’s behind this

Clark-Unz selection raised the average IQs of Europeans and Asians.


American Indians are ten times better than WE WUZing niggers, I'll just say that.

Let me get uhh Mesoamerican scripts

iq is education bound