/fpg/ FIX POL GENERAL HIRO APPROVED META: Addressing the Elephant in the Board

The cancers currently plaguing our board are as follows:
Internet Bloodsports
Lack of awareness
Most Sup Forums posters will agree that the state of Sup Forums as a board is utter shit and reposting garbage, which is why I will be starting a new meta discussion on how to improve the overall discorse, remove cancer, preserve board culture, and generally make the board a quality place to visit. This is also a forum for discussion on how we can improve Sup Forums together instead of relying on mods.

To start, I’ll address the lack of awareness. For any new Sup Forums poster that would like to sort through the shit right now, I would highly encourage you to use filters. Filters are just what they sound like, put a keyword in you are tired of seeing pop up from shitposting OP’s, like BBC or Lauren Southern, and you won’t see threads pertaining to those keywords anymore. Now onto saging threads. You can tell a thread is a shitpost, but feel the need to reply. When you go to post, type “sage” in the options field, and the thread will not bump to the top of the board. Simple.

Now, onto the generals, /ptg/ to start. /ptg/ is a massive hug box reddit invasion that has been going on since trump announced his run in 2015. It started off with good intentions, but then r/thedonald abs boomers took over the thread and now are spilling out into the rest of Sup Forums. The thread is now repetitive and rulebreaking, as it is spammed 24/7. We can’t simply ignore it any longer, as quality debatable threads are being shut down by an army of retards screaming “shill!” whenever someone attempts to breach their safe-space. On to internet bloodsports. This thread is certainly not politics and can be considered spam, therefore they are in violation of two rules. Ecelebs are completely irrelevant to politics and shit up board discussion.
>did you see the debate between Sargon and Ric-
No, fuck you, get off my board. Post something that pertains to news, world events, and politics, not some irrelevant dude who has 500k subs and lives somewhere in the UK, no one cares, none of these people will ever effect politics as we know it unless something drastic happens like Spencer becomes a candidate in the republican primaries.

Any and all suggestions welcome on how we can help Sup Forums get back on its feet.

I agree, the board really went down the shitter after the_donald and trumps election night. It seems people have gotten used to the shit rather than shoveling it out. A good idea to start rebuilding Sup Forums is to loose the meme flags. We’ll need admin support for that though. Removing the meme flags also means we should get rid of the “fucking leaf” posters and the like if we are to improve board discussion.

Does anyone even play RS2 anymore?

its getting bad ratings on steam too

Shameless self bump

Sounds good to me however if there was good content being posted here would it not override the shill threads? Blame yourself faggots your actions are the only one's you may control unless you want to control others making you worse than these shills. Meme flag just to fuck with ya.

I don't, it wasn't great and nobody really wanted it as a sequel. Everyone wanted another Red Orchestra 2.

There’s still good content, it just gets booted by the bumps from the ptg and internet bloodsports generals, plus a few newfags stirring the shitposting to the top. I really don’t care about memeflags, bust the content that gets posted here is in a depressed state post election as our board gets normalized and socialized.

Wrong again! leave you bernie bitch. Btw i agree with ibs thats a yuge youtuber scheme to flood more views for more $$$ and that's how they stay producing more bullshit aka the jews. But your hate for the President is indicative of a berniebro who wanted all the free gibs. Killyourself loser also sage dis spam

Dude your post sounds depressed and self defeating since when did whining about shit change anything pick your nuts up and create better content if you don't like it. "No meme flag this time.

I see our la creatura... friends from r/t_d have arrived

a bump for you

eat shit dweebus, blood sports is great.

I’m not trying to sound whiny, and I rarely create content. I’m more of the person to scour the news to see if anything is interesting and report it here. It just seems like the board isn’t what it used to be, like politics took a backseat in the wake of trumps victory. The board is extremely centered on American politics as well. I want you to go sit in a trump general for a while and tell me that’s top notch content. You won’t be able to last a few minutes before thinking “this is retarded.”

Hiro just needs to bring back IDs that persist across the entire board. This will fix everything.

You are reddit spacing and using a copypasta to try and create division in the ranks. It is so transparent. Fuck you guys are shit at being subversive. Sage in all fields.

>It just seems like the board isn’t what it used to be, like politics took a backseat
Politics has always taken a backseat to shitposting. How new are you?

You can't bump your own threads shill

bump and also a suggestion.
how about we add redpills to these annoying threads as well. That way more spread of truth around the board.

It’s not really effective. They’ve built this self defense mechanism, instead of adressing the argument at hand they call you a shill then leave the thread. If they’re too stubborn to debate you and look at the facts presented dropping a redpill in the thread won’t do very much but anger them.

I browse Sup Forums mainly for breaking news.

Occasionally there is some decent discussion, but that's maybe a couple times a month that I happen across a good thread where I can actually talk to people and share ideas and observations.

Fair enough, I stopped visiting those after the elections I am still sure if there were more interesting content being created then the shill threads would have to compensate which costs them but not us, and users would therefore flock to the more interesting threads, never see the world as out of your control because of others your thoughts themselves are creating your unhappiness if you don't like it change it as you decide reality just like everyone else and avoid saying your a helpless loser because that is bs even if you can't see it.

The shitposting was always about politics. Now it’s about BBC and one word “powerful” threads with a shitty image.

>Internet Bloodsports
Spoken like a true leftist faggot. How's about, suck my fucking cock instead? Your not fucking wanted, and not fucking welcome. Problem solved...you leave.

If a thread is off-topic, report it. If that fails, try browsing at a time when janitors and mods are awake. If that fails, try out Sup Forums has always been and will always be:
>thing happens
>97% shitposting
>2% shitposting disguised as genuine discussion
>1% off topic

/ptg/ goes nowhere faggot
this is a TRUMP board
>in all fields

What to do about the newfag influx? There have been a number of events recently which have driven new users to the board, and oldfags are either completely absent or simply not enforcing the culture

like what the hell is this and how did it get past the captcha?
in honesty a lot of us are a part of the problem and just need to leave, so that's what i am going to do.

He made a substantive post. You made a 2-line shitpost that was almost devoid of content - literally not an argument. You're also a namefag.

I don't know if he's left or right or top or bottom but people like you are the problem, not him.

Thanks for your input, it’s been noted, but there’s nothing really going on IRL right now to base good content off of, which is why /ptg/ and /isb/ are so popular. I really don’t know how to create good content, which is why I deliver news threads about what’s going on in the world. It’s just something I like posting. I posted today to jumpstart board culture, and I’m gonna continue posting this.

I just sort catalog by reply count, skip the obvious general I don't like, obvious bait thread (that's always maxed out ofc), and then the rest should be a good read. Scroll down a bit if I feel like interacting.
And desu ptg > bbc cuck spam thread so all the board needs is clever mods

/ptg/ is fine. I mostly think of it as American Sup Forums general, like a counter to Brit/pol/. Now, /ibs/, that’s literally not politics but, at least it contains all the e-celeb trash. Unfortunately, the rest of the board is literally memeflags, spam and Sup Forums memes. You can thank the Sup Forums & Sup Forums discords, as well as frogtwitter for that. I know this is just the average shill thread but, hey, that’s actual info as to why the board is under 24/7 astroturf. That and horrible management. Can’t even get a nigger hate thread up anymore without it being 404’d.

You got it a bit wrong senpai. Its
>thing happens
>the 95% of this board made up of Jews and gays LARPing shitpost
>the other 5% get mad and also shitpost

The end

I would support /ptg/ if it was run by original Sup Forums posters, but now it’s a reddit/boomer dumping ground and they all land on us.

>I just sort catalog by reply count, skip the obvious general I don't like, obvious bait thread (that's always maxed out ofc), and then the rest should be a good read.
Me too but I end up with pic related

Please elaborate on the discord servers, I’ve never really been on one, are they really the source of memeflaggotry?

Explain to me the difference between brit/pol/ and /ibs/. Why is one fine and the other off-topic?

Lol, taiwan. Yes, tell me more about how this is nothing less than a leftist attack and your a faggot. They sit over >>/qa/ and whine all of the time. You must be new here. I could also give 2 squirts of piss of your perception of a 'namefag' it serves a purpost, multiple to be honest. You being triggered by it...is among them. They want to try to rid Sup Forums of ALL pro trump shit...because it's their jobs to do that. I watch...everything, newfag. So, please. fuck right off back to your cuck shed now ------------->

That’s what I do too, but the board never used to be like this. In 2014-2015, you could hop on any thread and it would be some shitposting, good content, and good discussion. Now, it’s shitposting on almost all threads, coupled with people who’s only calling in life is to call others shills on Sup Forums

I don't censor threads because keywords gives false hidden unless you create very specific filters used to block a certain OP.
If you were to block ptg in the OP text for example you wouldn't have found this thread, you just have to flash over it quickly as to try determine the thread purpose.

>No, fuck you, get off of my board.”
Says the blubbering whiny faggot. You belong on Reddit.

RO2 is the shit.
I see only old Red Orchestra fags whining.

Alright namefag, I’ll take you on. I’ve never been on /qa/, and not once in this thread have I denounced Trump. I am angered at the general, not trump. The general is low quality and off topic at most.



I've been here (albeit on and off) since 2012. On this board, that is. I started sporadically visiting Sup Forums in I think 2007, and using it more frequently in 2010.

None of which has anything to do with the price of butter, but it's funny how when you people get called out on your shit all you can do is accuse the person you're arguing with of being a newfag (and/or a shill). I'm not going to make any impression on you, I know, but it's pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that it's people like you bringing the board quality down.

These are the discussion topics listed by the most previous /ibs/:
>Secularist Alt-Right vs. Christianity
>Alt-Right vs. New Right
>Human biodiversity
>Black Nationalist vs White Nationalist
>More Jews
The most recent brit/pol/ topics listed are:
>Teresa May declares personality illegal
>Jeremy Corbyn is a Russian plant, experts believe he's a hyacinth
>Dianne Abbot accidently recaptured by London Zoo
>Barnier declares brexit to be racist
>Boris Johnson sucks another cock to try and get a crack at number 10
>Rees-Mogg suggests Universal Basic Nanny for all.
>In response to shootings in the US, all sharp sticks are banned.

Both OPs, and the discussion found within appear to be Sup Forums related.

Sage, by the fucking way. No oldfag wants to reads literal paragraphs about your weeping vag.

>it's a hug box
>so ban it
if only you weren't a brainlet and could comprehend the irony

good idea

Lol, you really have never been in 1 thread...have you? The general is more less a preview of how the days news coverage is going to be based. Things to come. To keep ppl informed. That's a good thing *Nods Enthusiastically* I like being informed. And as far as they had planned raids via other outlets that we got screeners of the attacks being planned. Yeah, they actually plan....whining attacks, swear to fucking god. They also plan report-fagging spree's too. But that was usually conducted internal with compromised MODS/ Janitors (I have pics of that too.

Get lost you vermin.

Dawwwwww, found 'the angry mudslime' XD

Im more geared to the e-celeb drama it produces, and why that’s a bad thing. I’ve been on a couple bloodsports and I see videos like
>12 y/o BTFOs Sargon!!!
>Watch Richard Spencer BTFO Sargon!!
It’s just not politics or relevant.
I’m up for fixing it, as the thread as it exists today is just reposted spam trading hands between OP’s with awoo posters and things completely unrelated to trump being posted in thread.

Don’t forget the cancer that is brit/pol/. 70% blogposting, 30% tripfag drama.

Yes. They’re all filled with superiority circlejerking and subverted retards. They think they represent the “true” Sup Forums and Sup Forums‘s is really just Islam. The reason the spamming dies every now and then is because the discords get shoahed. Then a few weeks later, they reorganize, make new ones and it’s back to business with memeflag spam. The new version of le 56% was propagated and spammed by the discords to scare away “the evil stormfaggots” and restore this board to the days of Ron Paul. They’re all retards just posting with anime avatars and being used. It’s awful.

My biggest problem nowadays is the 1 reply OP that gets to live as a real thread. It should be automatically removed because it's almost certainly either bait, propaganda, shilling or just take space thread. Whenever I make an thread it's cause I either want to inform people about something or start a discussion. Which requires in 90 % of the time actively replying to your own thread.
They should also bring back self bumping because I suspect people make threads like this on VPN / mobile to get different id so that their main posts bump the thread but that's more often than not the case. Somebody self bumping his posts doesn't harm shit, an obvious bait thread where OP is replying to himself or trying to get people to join his shitpost is easier to spot. Somebody self bumping his informative or discussion which hasn't kicked off obviously just want the thread to get going.

>literal paragraphs about your weeping vag
Actually that sounds quite good in comparison

pic related

>It’s just not politics or relevant.
It is both politics and relevant. Even those two topics you just brought up. If you don't want people on Sup Forums to be allowed to discuss politically involved people saying things, why don't we ban discussion of things said by cable news personalities or even people running for office? After all, "Trump BTFOs Hillary!!!" or "Watch Cruz BTFO Bernie!!" is not Sup Forums related

They also use various VPNs, which bypasses 4chin’s whole proxy block thing so there’s not really any way to ban them. Not that banning really works here anyway.

Dude, don’t get me wrong. I am 100% FOR trump threads if they are quality and informative. Right now, I hop on a thread and I see the same awoo, the same reposted garbage (expecially on slow days) and stuff in the thread that is annoying or unrelated. It needs to be cleaned up. As for /qa/, what a bunch of fags, but have they ever really accomplished anything worthwhile?
>back to the Ron Paul days
>shitposting 56% civic nationalism to scare away stormfags
That’s really shitty gurilla tactics. Is there any way to Shoah them faster?

>nigger hate
>bunch of gore webms and no actual discussion on racial differences anymore
>not off topic

Brit/pol/ is a containment zone for retards like this lol

Hate to agree with a namefag but /qa/ has been filled with shills trying to ruin pol for the last 2 years usually in the same manner as OP post.

They will try anything, and ibs is a good redpilling platform as it gives butthurt leftists a place to go get their arguements and holy cows slaughtered.

>loose the meme flags


> checks flag
> larper detected

lol triggered mutt much

Is that a family photo?

You could report them if you could find them but, they usually end up falling apart when an admin goes rouge and doxes everyone. It’s amazing tho. I’ve seen them make 1000 post threads on Sup Forums of nothing but, “La Creatura” memes. Who needs bots anymore? Top kek.

Alright, I’ll concede that the 12 year old used a good argument, but you have to admit that Spencer was an ad hominem. Anyway, you bring a good argument for internet bloodsports, but it’s still e-celeb, because none of these people affect anything. I’ve been in the threads, and it seems like the whole thread is a shitpost in disguise. Watching Sargon run away from Enoch in a debate is not politics, because no debate occurred. Watching krauts channel fail is not politics, it’s a channel failing. Some aspects are political, others are not.

Honestly they should make /polg/ and let /sig/ , scanner threads, pizzagate etc back to it

You are the problem.

Awoo's are kinda a signature of sorts for /ptg/. I kinda like the awoo's, their different, also appeal to females.

And if you pay attention to /ptg/ it flows. The day is different, it's broken up in different quandrant's of info throughout the day.
>What's going to happen
>What's about to happen
>What's happening
>What's going on
>And what's going to happen tomorrow

And with /qa/...yeah, they actually whined so hard that a shit ton or REAL-CHAN got b&. It happened for nearly a year strait. From Sept/Oct 2016-April/May 2017. They did it (successfully and internally) to destroy Sup Forums and it HAS effected us. Ppl went to other chans due to the disrespect for the community. Now the culture has shifted a little bit. And im not going to watch it be attacked again.

dont ban the generals, otherwise the kind of cancer you get inside them will spread onto the main board, as i said before /polg/ would be good idea if your so pissed with 3 spots being taken up on the catalogue

>but it’s still e-celeb, because none of these people affect anything
Why does it matter if they are e-celeb or affect anything? Your opinions are worth less by your own reasoning as you affect nothing and aren't even an e-celeb.

That Sargon running away was a single moment in a multiple hour stream. If you want every single post and every single word of every single post on Sup Forums to be 100% politics related, you're just retarded.

A lot of schizoids have arrived when their conspiratard reddit got shoah'd. A lot could be fixed if bait and low effort shill threads get saged instead of bumped with 300+ replies.

Im in favor of the generals. It helps to keep 'an idea' focused.

>1000 La Creatura
That must’ve been a sight to see, Kek. We’ve got to sniff them out and nip them at the bud, that way they die hard and you reduce the load on Sup Forums

Also the main problem isnt the generals. Its retards who respond to the most obvious of bait.


>concern trolling this hard
New Sup Forums got ruined by memeflaggots and nothing else.
The existing problem with Sup Forums is the same problem it always had. Bait threads with reaction images and no topic or listed source. Starting threads with only a source link is also a bait thread because the OP has no intention of discussing anything except to get reactions.
Non-American politics belong on Sup Forums.
Non-American Sup Forumstard shit belongs on /bant/.

Please unfuck yourself if you're too much of a pussy faggot and expect everything to fall into place accordingly. Do your fucking duty and weed out degenerate retards or go back lurking and stfu.

I think that internet bloodsports belongs here. The real issue is Sup Forums memes.

>and it seems like the whole thread is a shitpost in disguise
I already said this, but Sup Forums is shitposting. That is how it always has been and always will be.

Honest opinion, 'one post by this id' threads should be nixed. They are bots or attempted wanna be trolls and nothing more or less. Op should communicate if they have a thread up.

I’m going to advocate for the OP here, because he sucks dick at hammering his point. I don’t think he has a problem with the threads themself, rather the content the threads produce, and whether they should be considered spam or not. The content inside these threads are sub par and repetitive, and the OP considers these threads non political. If the OP posts links to politics, but the thread devolves into shitposting about
>le Sargon btfo
>based mike enoch
Over and over and over then the nature of the thread changes from political to shitposting. It happens constantly on the reddit invasion home base, /ptg/, and while good intentioned and more organized then /ptg/, bloodsports still falls into the same trap, and turns into ecellebing

Like I’m doing? I agree wholeheartedly. I say the OP should be involved in the thread and what he posts about, as well as being a medium for discussion. Otherwise your thread turns to retardation.

>Twelve against the gods
Elaborate user...

>If the OP posts links to politics, but the thread devolves into shitposting about
That is just Sup Forums. You are going to get shitposting, and if you try hard enough to police it you will get more shitposting or a dead board.
>le Hillary btfo
>based Donald Trump
>le Plato btfo
>based Aristotle
What is the difference between the discussion and dissection of the political arguments of people on youtube and the discussion and dissection of the political arguments of politicians, philosophers, or cable personalities, or anonymous posters? How is two posters on Sup Forums observing a debate on youtube and then discussing it any less on-topic than two posters observing a third and fourth poster having a debate in thread and then discussing and dissecting those arguments made? There is no difference.

"ecellebing" has been something people have been banned for across Sup Forums for years now. If you think something is off-topic, report it. Good luck policing every "X BTFOd" post on the board.


This. Watching 200 people reply to weak bait or pasta is just demoralising. Not to mention there are actual subhumans like /leftypol/ organising in discord.

no it was basically
>muh hugbox argument
>no actual evidence or argument WHY
it was a verbose piece of shit OP

I agree. If not it's a waste of space and real discussion in the catalog. They run patterns my man, I swear to god I have a flash drive from like 2013-15 Sup Forums of just tactics they were running. They do the same here.
>Multiple posting threads with the same meaning, but slightly different dialect or tone
They do this to try to get an idea/argument off the ground. This is useful to them to destroy real discussion (Slide). It's 'static' if you know what I mean. They inject bullshit to clog up real discussion. And they are using bots to do it. I have screeners and archives of bot breakdowns, If needed.

all [twitter screen shot] "Sup Forums BTFO" threads should be banned on site

>h-hey I'm an oldfag so my argument is valid
you are racking on all the shill fallacies

>Watching 200 people reply to weak bait or pasta is just demoralising
Soo many newfags came, we really need to teach them how to use the site correctly. Or just troll them for doing it wrong until they get it.
>Not to mention there are actual subhumans like /leftypol/ organising in discord.
This is also fact. BUT there are also MANY professional teams and media teams as well as the DNC.

If you’ve been on Sup Forums for a long time you’ll know shitposting was never this bad. You’re right, it will always be part of Sup Forums, but I want there to be more quality discussion so this place can have real potential again. A debate on YouTube is fine, and a few shitpost are fine, but if everyone watches the debate and zerg rush to reply in the thread that X was BTFO, then there is no real discussion, no explanation for the rest of us why X got btfo, and therefore irrelevant. The politics and debate is not the problem, the reddit spam that infest the board are.

What your calling for is censorship, and complete bullshit. I like the variety of ideas on this shit board and am free too say whatever I please, faggot. Use your filters as you suggested if you dont like it.

Who decides what is discourse, cancer, or bad? You? Who put you in fucking charge. Im a big boy and can decide for my fucking self.

Your essentially turning into the far left and antifa and trying to shut down speech while larping free speech!!! Do you see the irony?

The thing is these threads wouldn’t clog the pipes so much if redditors and newfags didn’t bump them. You see one, you don’t reply, period.

>this bad
I don't enter BLACKED threads and things are the same as always, perhaps better.
>but I want
Sup Forums will never be a serious political discussion board. If you want that, go somewhere that isn't an anime porn website.
>no explanation for the rest of us why X got btfo
You should be watching the video if you participate in the thread, just like you have to read books to engage in political discussion.
>the reddit spam that infest the board are.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck in policing every "X BTFOd" post on the board.

You can’t call shitposting discorse, the board has gotten so bad that there is no such thing as discorse, it’s very rare. Read the thread normie.