Exactly Ben, just like how some black people accuse white people of taking advantage of them...

Exactly Ben, just like how some black people accuse white people of taking advantage of them, some whites [nazis] make the observation that Jews disproportionately hold positions of influence.

Ben, why does the number six million mean something to every American? Who put that idea in their heads and how did they do it? Could those same people use a similar method to implant other ideas to a result greater than Holocaust awareness?

This is a fake screenshot.

Control your autism

Environment is monumentally more important on intelligence and ability to learn than the color of your skin.

Is he implying the jews could "get rid of " all other races if they wanted to?

I smell a school shooter

>Trusting a chink IQ test

Art is the synthesis of common experiences into a physical instantiation which feeds back into the common experience.

Doesn't matter, I still make a good point.

What does that have to do with anything?

No, considering the fact that Jews are at least as influential as having the ability for every American to be deeply aware of The Holocaustâ„¢, are they not also capable of putting other constructions of the mind into the American conscience? Considering their disproportionate representation in the mass media industry it would seem that they can evoke anything they're capable of. Since everyone, as a matter of being human, is chiefly concerned with self-preservation, doesn't it necessarily follow that Jews influence Americans to the extent which they're capable in the direction of their own interests which don't necessarily align with the interests of the American people themselves?

No, I'm just so much smarter than you that what I'm actually saying falls deaf on your slow mind.

I don't care if you're smarter than me, and I don't care if you're stupider than me. I don't want you in my country either way. Leave me alone, and stop trying to genocide my people.

How come this is so hard for these retards to understand?

Anglo-Saxons are smarter than AshNazi Jews, but I digress (it's where the latter get the IQ from).

Race realism is a jewish trick.

White outscore blacks on IQ tests:
>IQ tests are racist constructs designed by whites to make blacks look bad.

Jews outscore whites on IQ tests:
>IQ tests are accurate and objective measurements of intelligence which scientifically prove that whites are inferior and Jews are the master race.

>whites hate jews because of "muh superior IQ goyim" (myth anyway), not because they are a destructive parasitic race who have never built/created anything of their own

I mean, all of us accept north east Asians are smarter and do less crime. If they don't want whites in their countries that would be understandable. Although the difference between northern Europeans and north east Asians is pretty small.

Why don't mentally superior asians and jews use their vast knowledge to realise they'll have better lives in their own states? There's already a jewish ethnostate and asian countries are like 90+% one ethnicity anyway

The Jewish trick is to give their beautiful daughters to the right men. These men are brought into the Jewish and they expand their sphere of influence.

Race is pointless when discriminating for the only thing that matters, who you surround yourself with. There are shit people of your own race and it can be good to know people of a different race, what's important is finding people who think like you and look like you. America is so shit because it's split into two kinds of people who are simply incompatible with one another. If we broke it up so urban and rural people aren't living under the same governance then they can each be whole again.

>Although the difference between northern Europeans and north east Asians is pretty small.
In IQ, but breaking up homogeneous societies with foreign people is always a negative. Black people will never belong in America just as a matter of appearance.

We don't deny it at all? What's this kike on about?

The fact that there are some of us who think openly embracing nazism is going to move the overton window to somewhere in our favor is laughable

The studies actually show that real jews have a lower IQ than whites (just look at the average IQ in Israel), and cryptojews (aka whites weaseled their way into jewishness) have a higher one.

Aside from that, nobody ever denied certain Asians groups have slightly higher IQ than whites. The problem here however is the fact that the W/A difference in IQ is tiny, whereas the W/B and W/L difference is big.

Because leftists are unaware of the reality that we're animals descended through the process of natural selection. They live according to an idealized illusion of the world, blind to the reality of homo sapiens. If you examine your body close enough you'll realize it's disgusting, if you pay close attention when you're with other people you'll see how pathetic we all are.

Our minds are what's beautiful and immaculate. We create whatever we want in perfect working order with the mind's eye. With this same mind we view the world an illusion of the world that is more or less capable of making predictions.

Honestly, it's literally women's fault. Most adult men don't make the kinds of stupid decisions that have tensed up our political system and culture; most of them are pretty realistic with a few effeminate retards at the bottom. Women are bad negotiators and decision makers because the estrogen in their body makes their thoughts more clouded with emotion. They add things to their picture of the world that don't exist because the constant emotion makes ideas feel real. The world seems ridiculous right now because our collective mind is swaying by the blind people who only have a rough idea of how to improve things. Men can be ridiculed into doing the right thing, women cannot. Trump is immune from criticism because our mass media and election cycles feed into themselves, taking from the collective mind and distributing as fertilizer for viewership. Thus even men are taking unrealistic things seriously.

The patriarch has ruled since before we were human. All of our male ancestors through the mammalian kingdom were the ones building things and making decisions. The permanent things in the world have to be built well or they fall apart and crush people.

Powerful Jews give their daughters to even more powerful whites. Boom, now that guy's Jewish and your group has more total influence.

I'm sorry but niggers are terrible on a universal level. I live in the suburbs and you would imagine the niggers to be well behaved here since they're not raised in the ghettos, but oh, boy, was I wrong. They chimp out just as much and being in the same class as them makes you want to rip your fucking head off since they keep disrupting peace with their lousy nigger music and won't ever shut the fuck up. They're a detriment to the learning environment, it's why I had to drop two classes to stay away from niggers for my own education.

Oy vey we've been found out

Like the goldsmiths and Rothschild. Failed once when the Rothschild cheated with a young black rapper so they tried it a second time

So why do Jews and Asians stay here? Why don't they go to Israel and Asia to be among high IQ members of their own species?

He's not wrong

>doesnt matter


He was downplaying the brilliance of my post just because the tweet isn't real. The points I made are good irrespective of the tweet, therefore the tweet doesn't matter. Kill yourself

>different id

Kys again

>studies show that Asians and Jews are smarter whites
[citation needed]

white nationalists in America the irony

I'm a college student and post from my apartment and campus. Problem?

Yes. What would you had to live here?

english please chief?

*do if

if i had to? for a start i wouldn't be a nationalist for obvious reasons

>What are Twin Studies
>What is the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Policy.

Yes, the delusion of Americanism is hammered from the very beginning of life, I can remember tearing up at the flag as a first grader; hard to imagine giving it up very easily. Hopefully young right wingers get woke on American propaganda as the wheels fall off the political machine.