What the hell is National Bolshevism? Can someone explain pls? I've tried to understand but don't get jack shit

What the hell is National Bolshevism? Can someone explain pls? I've tried to understand but don't get jack shit

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>but don't get jack shit
That's the whole point of communism.

>That's the whole point of communism.

Judeo Bolshevism

This is the idea of the revival of a strong Soviet Union and a social state, but without the ideas of "internationalism" and assistance to "brotherly" countries. This is Russian revanchism, based on the desire to destroy and annex the separated countries like Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Belarus, and so on.

I'm pretty sure it was a political party...like the Democrats
It's meant majority rules basically...like Democracy
The Communist Party came out of it and took over.
It was founded by Lenin basically talking about workers rights and fighting for the little guy, Peace and Love, social labor.
Russia had just exited from a system right before the 1900's where there was a small working class under the nobility and most of the nation was peasants with nothing.
Instead of trying to build a strong working class, through capitalism, the people grew impatient because the Russian Japanese war, left Russia economically poor. And the people were starving.
And so they followed the people that promised to give them stuff. Socialists.
And they rebelled against the Czar and murdered him.
At least that's the basic understanding from what I get, if you leave out names like Father Gabon, and Jacob Schiff.

I thought it was just ethno-nationalist communism?

so basically national communism? like Serbia under Milosevich?

It's when you think Stalin did nothing wrong

In general, this is more fascism or radical Russian nationalism, but with Soviet attributes as a reminder of the former power of the USSR. The slogan of the Russian National Bolsheviks is "Russia is everything, the rest is nothing (Poccия вcё, ocтaльнoe - ничтo)."

>what does this random offshoot of Communism even mean?
The most asked question in politics

>What the hell is National Bolshevism?
The "Alt-Right", not kidding.


Dugin is not a Bolshevist or communist, dipshit.

Wacky meme ideology born in the chaos of the collapse of the Soviet Union. There's not a whole lot to it and it's basically dead

Alt right does not exist.


Nationalism + Bolchevism = National Bolchevism

Quick mass

r/the_donald would like to have a word with you

Give the Jews your money as fast as you can, then get a vasectomy.

Combination of communist and fascist anti-liberalism

The thinking man's fascism
The non-degenerate communist

Ethno nationalists that are too afraid to go full fascism and still embrace socialism ,despite the fact that marxism rejects the notions of race, culture, nation etc.
They're mostly a contradiction and a meme, since marxism is gainst nationalism as a whole.

They need to accept fascism and drop the commie parts if they are nationalists. Even in a nationalistic homogeneous nation, socialism fails.

Tldr: they're a meme, not third position like fascism is.

So with who do NazBols side with in WW2? Red army or Nazis?