When will Americans say enough is enough


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There are never enough guns.

Enough happenings? Never!

Hey baby, wanna make tripfaglets?



Enough trip fags who cherry pick in order to push their agenda?
I say I’ve had enough. Anyone else


I swear to God. Sup Forums has gone to absolute SHIT

it will take civil war levels of casualties before we budge on the second amendment.


All of them

Mass shootings happen more in than any other country

with so many other countries to pick from, why choose to live in the one that has freedoms you feel threatened by?

Enough!!!!! with your anti-gun rhetoric?

Are you a school? Because I want to shoot children in you.

>I posted it again!


It will take a civil war to give them up.

Someone doesn't understand per capita

I think you mean Jewish.

Top kek

Enough is ENOUGH.
I'm buying a Mini 14.

I have said it a million times but you faggots still preach gun control. ENOUGH ALREADY! FUCK OFF BROKEN RECORD

Cool now show the one with headlines of illegals killing people and let’s hear you whine about those preventable tragedies

The FBI does their fucking job rather than waste resources on trying to lie to the public about the Russians.

What do you mean, when they get you for sedition?


so much more aesthetic than the AR anyway

>americans think we will force them to do things they dont like if we take away their guns
>hmm- lets take away their guns by force
>the 2nd amendment justifies itself

enough is enough when u justify my 2nd amendment. come take it commie scum

good question. why will all the people saying thoughts and prayers aren't enough resort to saying "all we can do is offer thoughts and prayers" next time a muzzie blows up a group of people?

If everyone carried a gun nothing like this would happen. The second you pull yours and try anything everyone else just puts you down

Someone should rape OP in her roastie vagina with a hot gun muzzle