Wipe Poland

Eminem said "Why can't we just wipe Poland off the map?"

The rap god knows! we really should.

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Germans tried that. Eminem confirmed next Hitler.

>rap god

can´t tell if the article is real


Bullshit, polish scumbags helped the nazis.

They lost the war, so now they are making a fake story.

Even after the ww2, the polish bastards continued killing Jews. because polish dumb people are jealous of the smart and intelligent Jewish people.

>pick a fight with germany that'sreadying it's 4th reich
Are poles fucking braindead?

>readying it's 4th reich
Does the preparation of 4th reich involve getting assfucked by sandniggers?

Nice try, but I will not change the Subject.

Nice racism there! you just proved the point.
The polish scumbags are always racists.

clean my fucking toilet nigger xD

I had sex with a polish prostitute, you mad? LOL

And I'm moving the borders further east.

Yes actually, it's gonna be multicultural empire so every nigger will count.
Prepare to receive them or get destroyed by economic warfare.

ukraine should deport your people to Israel


Oy vey, Based Eminem! Hey tells these filthy antisemites! Can't wait for his Trump diss!


You probably spent your monthly paycheck on that, enjoy starving to death dumb nigger xDDD

>whitest nigger on the planet
Of course he doesn't understand loyalty

Wipe you off the map, kurwa

more like his life savings

Get the fuck back to your Óblast you fucking kike.

nice source nigger faggot

You probably gave HIV to that innocent woman, are you proud of yourself?

So if we bring a pole to India he will be a street cleaner?


fuck you, you crook!
You cant even show your country because you're not proud of it, you piece of ass.

top 10 anime crossovers

ukrainians are traitors to their russian genes. i wish they will just go back to Canada. shut the fuck up or drop dead.

Yes, I do. you mad?
Fkin polish shitface


Aren't all Ukraineposters Soros shills? He does run that country, doesn't he?



that's rich


A service you will never experience

There's nothing to run in Ukraine, except whores. And that racket went to polish pimps anyway.

is this edgy fag ever gonna get out of the 1990s

I stand with you, бpaтaн.

Jesus, he is total establishment. What a pussy

>Have your entire nation built upon being inferior to your neighbours
>Attack them by assuming inferiority
Please, ukrop. We'll be in Lwów in a couple years anyway

pls r8 my polish gf



Pls die.

-We do have alot of people with Jewish genes (me too), and that makes us more intelligent than your vodka-brain losers. who cant solve a shit.

Poland should be divided between Ukraine Germany and Russia

:') idiot

>still being brainwashed by Jews

Of all the slavs ukrainians are dumbest, they try to fck with Russia and Poland when their jew masters are more than 5000km away in Washington.

> Russia's autistic child.

Then these guys show up!

sad ukraine considering the you helped the poles
nm JIDF under a proxy

>Even after the ww2, the polish bastards continued killing Jews.
is that bad or something?

Eminem confirmed kike slave.


more like brain tumor

Thats 10x better than being shitskin or even worse, a nigger.

This is true. There's some polish shop in The Hague selling rubbish like this.




Proof... or he did not say it


did the cartel gave you permission to post that?

jews put jews in gas chambers and cattle cars themselves.polish JEWS are the ones who organized and ratted out other polish jews to be put in the ghettos.all so they could get a nicer house to stay in and keep their family from being deported.jews would sell YOU out for fuckin lunch money.


so he did not like Polan while it was not fa...

Hell, it is fashionable all the time!

dude poland is a fucking shithole LMAO

/fa as fuck...10/10 wouldnt be able to pull smth like this

Lmao the Jew offended by racism on pol xD

Tell me about the Durgesh, does he POO IN the LOO?

Yeah, come to Lviv, I have a bullet special for your forehead.

I'll have your head hanging on my wall.

>india says poland cleans toilets for a living
>everyone responds oh yeah well to bad he will never clean it

Said a guy from a country in which in 2050 the average age will be 60+ with population of 1/4 of what is now

Polish government should better start thinking what to do with the upcomming void on the eastern border

Go murder some more defenceless Farmers and their children in the name of ukrops clay. I legit prayed for Russia to push to mariupol and butt fuck everyone, but they're sitting on their thumbs lobbing shells at hiv ridden Ukrainian mongrels

>Yeah, come to Lviv

>I have a bullet
You can't afford it despite your mother whoring in poland 24/7

Just like what happened with Crimea right? Right?

ask durgesh, anyway how long do you have until the cartel kill's you?


Listen Ukrainian Jew, I don't think you understand how pol works....but nice try

Pajeet my son, do you need to take another year of potty training?

Lwów is historically and architecturally a Polish city and it will be legally a Polish city again, sooner or later.

is that eva green

Are they eating their curry rice from the very same street they defecate upon?

>muh burritos

Empty eye sockets

Aryan wanna G

Joseph Goebbels doppelganger

>muh turd foods

So what in that picture surprised you more? Someone actually having a toilet, or that he is cleaning the toilet? Well either way is rare probably for you sir streetshitter.


my gf's tits aren't as big as eva's, sadly.

They look like poo, live in poo and eat poo. Literally poo people.

The NPR Jews are still oy veying loudly about all this. Poland is LITERALLY HITLER.

He's right you know, BTW 50% Ukrainian here from Bucovina


> shocking

most likely.

So edgy.

retard I was helping you autist out on your own

Hitler digits confirm.

fuck what am i gonna do now can someone help fellow indian out ?