Tokyo Ghoul Re:

For me it's Furuta Nimura Souta Kichimura Washuu. Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor.

He's going to die soon anyway

i like tokyo ghoul, but furuta it´s just a bad imitation of the joker

amon when


Amon is literally the worst character of tokyo ghoul right now


just came back from a week long vacation, still no spoilers?

In 220 hours

So by the magical power of Kirishima asspull plot armor and muh parallels who is saving Tonka next chapter is it.

Neither. She is winning her fight by herself, Touka is SSS rank

Her pussy is SSS rank, too bad its killing betaneki.

>touka survives this arc as everyone called
>the "toukenfag" shitposter-kunt comes back from the vacation and starts shitposting anyways after that
>then timeskip and touka dies during child-birth thanks to mcdonals burgers weakening her
>people shitpost back to shitposter kunt
how do we protect the threads Sup Forums, can vancouver save us?

Roma can

>female furuta can

Hide can

Who is vancouver


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I MISS YOU, ETO, PLEASE COME BACK I also missed this thread and you people

>touka dies during child-birth thanks to mcdonals burgers weakening her
This is so ridiculous but a possibility that its funny.

Suzuya fucking when? Why does fucking Aura get more scenes than best boy?



Welcome back, man.


The Tokyo GOD

Spoilers when? 10 hours?

like in 4 days




W-what so early?


Oh shit



Touka plot armor stronk.


>Hinami Touka tag team
How is this literal who supposed to be trouble now?




ye its fucking over for him



Chapter title is "Despite his Courage". F


They killed Mado


Why is he so relatable ?

You do know that apart from her excellent supporting capabilities, Hinami has always been shown to have (several) very strong kagune.

>Family member montage.
Fuck, He's fucking dead isn't he.


lift bros ;-;

>introducing a new SSS giant ass Kakuja
>only to kill Iwa in one fucking chapter

why does this happen

Dramatic moment i guess? Also a solid reason for Urie and Saiko and possibly Kuroiwa Jr. to become "terrorists".

oh is another garbage chapter


your ass

Why is Eto so perfect ? 5'5 and weights around 99 pounds(45 kilograms), could you imagine manhandling her tiny body on a hot summer day ? I live in constant despair knowing I'll never have Sen Takatsuki, also known as Eto Yoshimura scold me and apprehend me with her scaly wood tentacles.

Eto is 5' tall.


Someone post the gif


What was that ? A child's cry in the dark ? Or a reprobate clown's cheer ? We skulk in the shadows in our comfy clown suits, we patrol the streets in our kagune clown cars. You shouldn't investigate - the darkness is our domain, from whence we pull your strings and warp the social narrative to our liking. We are the CLOWNS.

Tee-hee, the ignorant sheep's puppet strings are so lofty betwixt my fingers. We are the CLOWNS - the malignant Jesters of this Circus(Garden) !

Will Kuroiwa jr blame Urie for not saving his dad?




Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love Kaneki

No frame out? Urie ded and kuroiwa ded?


Twinkle Twinkle little clown
How I wonder what you are
Up above the circus is so high
Like a red clown nose up in the sky

> 第99回全国高校野球選手権大会本部は11日午前6時30分、今大会初の満員通知を出した。大会本部は「入場することはできません」と呼びかけている。

> 大勢の人が甲子園球場周辺に並び、午前6時15分、外野席を開門。同30分、すべての席が開門となった。

> この日の1回戦4試合はすべて好カード。午前8時から、広陵(広島)-中京大中京(愛知)、横浜(神奈川)-秀岳館(CIA)、興南(沖縄)-智弁和歌山、大阪桐蔭-米子松蔭(鳥取)と優勝経験のあるチームが5つ出場する。

Let me guess nothing happens to Touka while all of the suffering goes to Urie? Bravo Ishida. One of the main reasons why Touka is dragging this manga down is simply because her plot armor protects her from anything bad ever happening.

Why is urie making that face

is sharkbro back?


>actually expecting anything to happen to her
why do you get your hopes up.

Yep. Many people have predicted that everyone else will suffer except tonka'n'friends

It's because he finally knows that he lives in a shit manga.

>muh evil talker

Is Ishida going to sacrifice Hinami?

But it's true. If anything actually happens to Touka i take back what i said but right now it's always others who suffer while she gets away.

soon best boy will return

> it's always others who suffer while she gets away.

>Post yfw ishida the hack sacrifices Hinami for the Kirishitma

Its true, give examples which she does suffer.

this bitch ruined completely this manga


Become be the

you know, I really don't give two shits about Touka or her half breed but it's kind of ridiculous that she takes over the discussion of every chapter even when she barely says one line. what's with the obsession over her?


Did she eat urie or kuroiwa or both

Did she eat Urie? Either he goes tokyo frame out or Ishida is the biggest hack ever.

butthurt etofags get triggered whenever they see the main girl

If thats urie then I can see him framing out and bursting out from within (LOl)

>muh etofags boogieman
While the person who actually cares about muh touka is always ok, you are also retarded by replying with "muh etofags"

>etofag this assblasted
Your fault for shipping garbage in the first place