Who is the single most intimidating female character in anime?

Who is the single most intimidating female character in anime?


>She will never forget the scar you left her


Rin is a stick. You could snap her in half.




spooky stuff my friends

Literally no reason she should've lost to Akame.


yur mum

What is this meme? Rin has one of the most generic designs ever.

>You will never fight against an intimidating ghost using the power of your dick.


Who this


Women cannot be intimidating.

Why the fuck did he stop writing? This was pretty good

Your waifu when she catches you masturbating to doujins of someone other than her

You were scared when your mom forced you to do the dishes, though.


nani the fuck did you say, you little bitch? I'll wring your fucking neck, and I mean physically!

What a strong man you are

The Duck.


Does this count



This was the post I was looking for. Now I can leave.

They intimidate my dick all the time.


Haha I'll post a loli who is obviously not actually intimidating nobody else could think of that joke.

Tokimi or Washu. Then L-sama.



Who /burnface/ here?


I like femdom, I like musclegirls, I like women who can kick ass and lift cars over their head

but they just aren't intimidating to me. You know why?

attraction. It's the same reason why stacey loves chad and tyrone

I wish we got to see her in her armor more often

Lisa Lisa

>No one posts Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing


G is love
G is life

We're talking about anime, m8.

3DPD does not apply.

She gives off the vibe of something imitating a human. She is so enigmatic that it's creepy.

Ougi is like a baby compared to the adult females in Monogatari series.

New phone who dis?

Not a single mention so far? disappointing.


Yeah but she isn't about physical intimidation and she has that malicious plotting aura. Also I have been spooped by things acting like humans my entire life. I also feel like she is actually hiding her true power level.



Only because of her bodyguard.

see . but still

She gives you this look and your entire self esteem is destroyed.

Shiburin is fucking intimidating.

>tfw her character died for Kenpachi's PU
Fucking Kubo.

Thanks for making me less than a man.

she's also one of the most popular anime/mango characters to exist currently in Japan.


holy shit you win the thread
"let's make a suicide pact.. ok now you go first."

Ever watch female wrestlers/MMA/boxing?

Back to /r9k/.

Nice meme.

until the grand reveal



I don't even think you can even hold a normal conversation with her without her making an attempt to kill you

I was so hyped

This psycho. The thing that makes her scary is how she behaves just like real world secret police plus execution squad leaders behave. Competent, ruthless, and sadistic, you wouldn't even know that you are her prey until you or your loved ones start disappearing, and then it's too late.


>when she's got an asian bbc

She is not intimidating, she is lovely

>*Anime women can't be intimidating
Sup Forums women do it just fine.


Shouldn't she be packing a Shpagin for that reference?

She will masturbate with your skull, user.

Fukiko from Dear Brother.



I thought full censorship just left it entirely white.


Image search gives me nothing.


As in scary only? I always find pretty girls intimidating.

Must be weird, they're just normal people.

Magane can do whatever she wants with my bones and I will gladly accept it

Need some assistance here.

Yes you do, you degenerate brain-dead faggot.
It's very brave of you to ask for help regarding your condition.

Is that supposed to be some sort of hypocritical humor?

Her eyes are doing things to me.

its called bra girl

Thanks, that's all I require.

She defeated the hairy scary guy cock



>balalaika isn't intimidating

wow, shit opinion AND a tumblr download

please, leave

Takano always made me uneasy when she appeared because she is responsible for ruining everything and always gets away with it in each loop while be giving off an aura of being absolute and untouchable)


Last loop ruined her


According to some people on Sup Forums, they consider this one worse than the devil himself.