ITT actually realistic otaku self inserts

ITT actually realistic otaku self inserts

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Monster bait.

Is that Sting?


Knows his economics, and is even a little bit dashing

Leather armor triggers me so hard.

lazy lecherous piece of shit who cheeses through every encounter

Cuirbouilli is a thing, ya know.

this got axed right?

>leather armor
>fingerless gloves
>that gay as fuck buckler that won't protect him from shit
>a shitty dagger with zero reach
>cargo pants


sounds very otaku


Yeah sounds like something an otaku would wear to try and look cool. What point are you trying to make? That you have an obsession with realistic armour? That you can't handle unrealistic shit and think every single soldier in medieval times was decked head to toe in plate?

>>that gay as fuck buckler that won't protect him from shit

t. Guy who has no idea how bucklers are used

Looks the novel is getting translated again

>using a buckler as a untrained/unfit slob
>using a dager along with it instead of a weapon with good reach

>That you can't handle unrealistic shit and think every single soldier in medieval times was decked head to toe in plate?
>also what is gambeson
Leather armor won't protect from anything really. It didn't exist and is a meme for a reason.

I'm not projecting, you opened with a dumb shitpost so I'm giving you a hard time.
>It didn't exist and is a meme for a reason.
That doesn't matter, you wanna be a nitpicky little faggot then I'm going to hound you and call you a faggot like you deserve.


It's not really a buckler. An actual buckler has a center grip, and is more like a thin disc with a boss. Its more like a small, bulbous round shield.

That sword looks perfectly reasonable. Swords in general weren't really "big" until Greatswords, so a short sword like that was pretty common as a back up weapon.

>that chapter where party is having an orgy, and mc enters next room.

pretty much a hentai scene, but in this case we have the mc as a filthy secondary. Shit hurt me for some reason.

>>using a dager along with it instead of a weapon with good reach

Bitches don't know about my parrying dagger. also
>implying you need extensive training to use a buckler.
You block with it and you punch with it.

how can those be cargo pants if they don't have any pockets
they're just khakis

>That you can't handle unrealistic shit and think every single soldier in medieval times was decked head to toe in plate?
For a long time, they all wore maille with cotton or leather padding underneath. Eventually plate got cheap enough to become very common among non-richfags and so weapon technology switched away from swords and spears (shit vs plate) to polearms like lucerne hammers or crow's beaks.

oh look its another isekai series with an OP MC, the TWIST is that he looks ugly.

Ugly old virgin
Kinda like you

mmm let me google that...


>Yoshio Tanaka gets reincarnated into a fantasy game world, with healing magic as a “cheat” ability.


Tanaka is based

>Swords in general weren't really "big" until Greatswords

Define "big". Because even an arming sword (a European sword meant for use with one-hand) was on average almost a meter long. And Longswords, naturally, were longer than that, as they were meant to be held with two hands.

>What is a gladius?
I know that guy you are replying to is an idiot but seriously?

>Swords in general weren't really "big" until Greatswords

This is what he said. Even if he meant "Longswords", the arming sword still existed beforehand.

gladii were short because bronze is a shitty material that you can't make longer swords with, not because the shape had some kind of advantage
as soon as you figure out how to make steel you have no reason to ever touch a gladius again

There are two "greatswords" in your picture XIIa and XIIIa which means you haven't proven him wrong yet.

To be fair tho a weak as fuck neet can't swing a real sword properly and only could be trusted with something like that short POS.

This is either bait, or you think that every sword that requires two hands is considered a "greatsword".

"Longsword" is an actual historical term used to refer to swords that are, naturally, longer than what people would call a normal one-handed sword, and thus had room for two hands.

>To be fair tho a weak as fuck neet can't swing a real sword properly

Swords aren't really that heavy. It's like a couple pounds distributed across a meter long object.

That being said, a fucking rando would still have issues when it comes to stuff like proper edge alignment.

the best weapons for inexperienced noskill randos (such as peasants) are spears and crossbows
spears also have the advantage of being cheap as shit to create since they use very little metal

the best weapons for inexperienced noskill randos (such as peasants) are spears and crossbows

Honestly, for monster hunters in general, spears and bows would be best. It's always preferable to be out of the reach of the creature that can swat your head clean off.

>shitty material

It has 5% magic resistance AND mana regen you know.

>bronze is a shitty material that you can't make longer swords with
I'll put a cinquedea in your gut and ask you again how shitty bronze is.
Seriously, though. It's really a great material for daggers, rondels and the like. Everyone should try making one in their life.

The real answer is that the words used to classify these things are arbitrary. Any two handed sword with a heavy long blade is roughly a great sword. You telling me I am wrong is basically sourced back to one single guy who decided to name these things because there are so damn many of them. Additionally even if you go back to his source you are wrong.

Except, like I said, the term "Longsword" is actually used in historical sources. Such as fencing manuals.

>Any two handed sword with a heavy long blade is roughly a great sword.
Jumping in. Can't stand your stupid ass anymore.
Have you ever tried not being so wrong and pedantic in your life?
The original argument is;
>Swords in general weren't really "big" until Greatswords,
Which is patently false whichever way you look at it. Anything over an arm's length is and has always been thought as 'long' by any standard. In fact, it was the actual standard for the longest of time.

Is there anything worse than armchair arms and armor experts and what they do to threads?

Yes, the armchair military tactics people.

anime is worse

>Is there anything worse than armchair arms

Thought that this was going to be a condemnation of furniture for a second there.

Not to take this back to how crap leather is but those armchairs with the buttons that hold the shape can be really uncomfortable.

Re:zero's mc is the only realistic otaku self insert. He's a whiny useless faggot that crys and dies 99 times before he manages to accomplish even the smallest task. What's not realistic is how the entire world bends over backwards to always make sure he gets the girl and suceeds in the end.


I like them, though.
The complaints usually follow someone getting told to fuck off. Strange.

japanese armor was made with layers of little plates of hard pig leather.

social skills too intense for me desu

Afterwards he kills a bunch of orcs, and buys a house with the reward.
He goes on to expel the spirit of the alchemist that lived there.
He meets a Noble and then goes on an adventure to get a dragon liver to save a princess cursed she got the curse by being a super slut
He enlists team orgy into the dragon hunt cause he doesnt know better.
He fucks up dragons by the dozens, has an epic fight with an Ancient Dragon lvl 1009, saves the blonde and she wets her panties for him, says she wants to marry him, he says "no way fag, I dont like used goods". (Note: The Author states in an intermission that she was only doing anal)
This cycle happens several times until MC is a super rich super powerful noble with the King begging him to marry his daughter and a bunch of girls doing the same.
He is still looking for QT pure virgin waifu to marry.
Falls down a well and dies drowning.
God appears like he did at the start and says "sorry dude, you died too early."

10/10 would get trolled by author again.

about fucking time, ive been having to read Spaniard Machine Translations.

this post confuses me. I've read to the part of the house, and some spoiler about the sluts. Did you make up the rest?
you better spill those beans, user.

I immediately thought of Subaru from Re:Zero

what exactly confuses you?
The knight has the blond as his GF and the other girl as his side ho, cause shes a succubus thats up for anything.
Turns out the Blond dudes dick is below average according tot he succubus, cause she has lots of sex friends.
The blond after being rescued from the Dragon falls madly in love with Tanaka, he blows her off, she spends the rest of the story trying to get him to marry her while being blown the fuck out.

the drowning part. did he really die again?
Also, good thing he just keeps rejecting black hole slut. Didn't know the other one was a succubus.

yes, he dies drowning, it was a troll end by the author and it was glorious.

oh, so it finished like that or god just revive him again?

I think the author was going to do a sequel, but then he got a LN deal.

kek, thanks. Hope he keeps the LN deal, and do not ruin the story. That was nice.

And /k/ fags once again prove they are autistic cancer that basically has their dick rusted from all the helmet fucking they do. I like it, please continue.

>have the *exact* same body type
>the same glazed eyes
>I would probably even use a sword and shield if in a similar situation

The only difference is my moustache is actually pretty great- it's the only physical feature I'm proud of. But still, the similarity is uncanny. It's not like I'd ever read garbage isekai though. Never ever.
Bucklers sure are hard to use.

Totally meme armor.

implying youve made one

>expecting a otaku to wear realistic armor

>It didn't exist and is a meme for a reason.
But it did fucking exist. It just wasn't really widespread due to being a generally expensive and wasteful use of leather.


>Hey god, make me a god-tier healer so I can fuck all the otherworld bitches without worrying about STD's.
>Dies a virgin because he didn't want to fuck anyone who wasn't a virgin, falls down a well and dies.

God what a piece of garbage, even by isekai standards.

Based Tanaka.

Is this from an actual thing?

Yes, but it's really shit.

Tell me more.


Wasn't the maid/waitress the only virgin though but she was the most batshit insane of the harem?

wew no kidding?

The best weapon for noskill poorfags are clubs. They cost nothing and need absolutely no training.

>he cant catch arrows and crossbow bolts with his club
Get gud.

Tanaka is too good for that world

Realismfags are cancer and the fact that I can't escape from them even on Sup Forums ticks me off. I wish every arms and armor enthusiast would just drop dead or at least stick to /tg/ where their cancer is contained.

I dunno man, if the MLB has like 90% of its players roiding up then it seems pretty demanding.