Sup Forums Frid/a/y Night Osu!

It's time for Friday Night Osu, the casual get-together of rhythm game loving anons that's been around for years!

All Sup Forums lobbies will have the password "rage" and can be found by simply typing "Sup Forums" in the multiplayer search bar. We usually play 3-6* star songs depending on who shows up. You can download the game for free at

Other urls found in this thread:

Not anime or manga

the fuck outta reddit

>Playing spyware

I hate this game.

This game is for masochists desu.


I bet you can't even clear a single insane map

>still caring about difficulty
I bet you don't even have at least one billion total ranked score

I hate this game.

It's not, though.

it's not spyware if it's called an "anticheat", am i right?

Yea, no, that's not my point. It's not in the game anymore. In fact, the source code was even leaked, and it's no longer there.

ded bread

Yeah weird how you go to an anime and manga forum and make a thread not related to anime or manga and it doesn't get a lot of attention
It'd get killed faster if this place had a competent moderation team

>use a literal spyware OS
>give all your personal info to google and social media
>complain about an invasive anticheat when valve and similar are worse

How to Stream?

Think of your mouse/pen as a slithering snake going towards its target.


Practice, there is no shortcut. Play every stream map you can find starting here:

When you get better, refine your skills on the long stream practice maps. Low bpm is essential for finger control.

Nobody knows. It is a mystery.

Play a real music game like IIDX or DDR

The aim aspect of osu! is really fun though.


What makes them better music games than osu?

>DDR as an example for a good 'rhythm' game
kill yourself


I really like this gif

>not project diva
Kill yourself


>pick a slightly technical map/anything that isn't exclusively jumping
>half the room leaves

why is Sup Forums so full of casuals?

>things that didn't happen


Still alive!





>thread still alive
>fingers and wrist still sore

Is even at least one of you here below 15k?

A few

15k but plays like a 150k

Yes, will be 4 digits probably today or tomorrow if I get motivated enough to farm 50 or so pp.


i was but did not play for about 2 months then rank decay to about 23k back down to 19k currently.
