Which Anime has been the most influential on Sup Forums?
Which Anime has been the most influential on Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums was started as a project by Christopher "moot" Poole, a user of a small IRC/DC community known as Raspberry Heaven, which was [then] composed of users from the "Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse" (ADTRW) sub-forum of The Something Awful Forums. The site began as a small image dump for those communities that soon spread like wildfire and garnered enough traffic and popularity to become its own fully fledged community.
He's asking about anime only, I think.
That's a manga, fucktard.
FLCL and TTGL pretty much changed this place from "discussion" to "shitpost" a long time ago.
Boku no Pico.
Milky Holmes
Anime is garbage.
Sup Forums wasn't even around when FLCL aired.
Me, I'm the most influential one on Sup Forums
Nobody mentioned when it aired. But FLCL and TTGL were basically just shiposts fests when Sup Forums was conceived. (While other posts actually gave a shit about discussion.)
You know in your heart that it is true.
boku no pico
i wish i was kidding
Sup Forums, including Sup Forums, has become so infested with normies I don't think any anime has much influence any more, certainly not to the extent RM, CG, LS et al once had.
Karen from Kiniro Mosaic is about the only one I see now, but I doubt most posters know who she is, just "le cartoon British girl".
this is complete nonsense
>Karen from Kiniro Mosaic is about the only one I see now
can't even get proper desu spam going these days
psy cop ass
Flip Flappers
stop, no bully
>"Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse" (ADTRW)
huh didn't know what the abbreviation meant until now
no in the past FLCL threads were pretty civil
people went "lolsoRandom" after shitposting became a thing
>Rozen Maiden
for shitposting
>Code Geass
>Lucky Star
>Hunter x Hunter
ttgl too, unless you pointed out that
rossiu did nothing wrong
Sup Forums wouldn't even exist if some nerd didn't wanna talk about his waifu from Eva with people.
TTGL vs Lucky Star threads were the precursor to all the shitty fanbase wars Sup Forums keeps having.
Naruto and Eva seemed to have caused the most shitquakes
>not code geass
who is this semen demon?
Celebrating Cockona's beautiful penis isn't bullying.
Not just one.
As for culture(=shitposting), I would say these are the top influencers: Evangelion, Code Geass, Naruto, YuGiOh, TTGL, Initial D, Jojo
Dis nigga knows his stuff. In particular Azumanga introduced ironic waifus, the irony was lost when Lucky Star brought in a wave of newfags.
this too
I'm not sure when the shipperfaggotry started in earnest. I'd like to say Toradora but I know it was before then.
>community known as Raspberry Heaven
raspberry heaven had a lot of completely unironic pedos
Though before waifus Sup Forums used to worship anime girls like gods
Haruhi was the goddess of Sup Forums for awhile (Osaka was for Sup Forums)
Asuka was moot's waifu and the true goddess of Sup Forums
reminder that eri is the eternal queen of Sup Forums
What's the one anime you were glad you had to watch with Sup Forums?
I'm really happy I got to watch Parts 1 and 2 of JJBA with Sup Forums. The shitstorm that ensued when the very first time Roundabout by Yes played was great. If only it stopped there.
Watching Samurai Flamenco with Sup Forums was probably my favorite time being on here especially for Chopping Chimp.
I got here shortly before TTGL starting airing and that first episode really was an experience. Funny enough though, some of the best threads were during that Kittan episode with the godawful "Breathing closely into an anus" animation.
Those were the -actual- rules until m00t died.
We need to go back to them.
s3 soon
Asuka was never a meme.
OMG TEH REI, PenisRei, and Rei Clones all were.
>don't listen to these three rules
>now has to spend the rest of our days with Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and reddit
we were warned
don't forget toilet rei
a lot
the threads make shit anime worth it
i love Sup Forums
It aired in the US on Adult Swim in 03 or 04 that's how I first saw it and I got here in 04. Cant remember any discussion about it though besides "it's garbage."
For a moment I thought you were full of delusions like us raildexfags, but then I remembered the tease. Still can't believe it.
Time for some love
rick and morty
that's Reidick you newfag
I'm going to cry.
dude on the left
Rozen Maiden, Haruhi and Lucky Star were probably the most iconic anime to ever infect Sup Forums when we'd shitpost and spam nonsense all day long, amazing how irrelevant they seem now.
I miss those days though.
>I'm not sure when the shipperfaggotry started in earnest. I'd like to say Toradora but I know it was before then.
It started with "OTP" (one true pairing) canon couples that people were fond of, but fuckers keep trying to bend what "canon" meant.
except haruhi. fucking kyoani.
If we're talking studios as a whole, it's hard to beat the glory days of Gainax.
Was moot really this illiterate?
Honto da!
He was underage b& at the time.
where do I go to escape the normies
we've been over this
out of here.
You know what's missing?
The old Fate / Stay Night series.
Before the VNs were translated, it was our collective entry point into the Nasuverse.
>not reading tsukihime
fatefags i swear
Fuck off.
tsukihime doesnt have an anime and therefore it isn't Sup Forums related, newfriend.
>doesn't even sage
>tells other people to fuck off
the tsukihime anime was great and arc was very handsome in it
THIS. This is the oldest shitpost festival I can remember.
Die Trevor.
NGE was basically the start of waifu wars, so there's a good candidate.
Found the oldfags.
What, didn't you love the endless 8 weeks?
Rozen Maiden, Azumanga, and Haruhi in the early days probably.
In more recent years, Madoka, Monogatari, maybe Kill la Kill? I specifically remember high amounts of shitposting surrounding those ones specifically.
>In more recent years
Madoka was 6 years ago, user
Trevor is at no-you now through.
Kill la Kill really gotten forgotten nowadays replaced with Flip Flappers which is also falling in memory
maybe UBW?
That's recent.
I would give anything to go back to mid 2000s anime
If you're including Haruhi from 2006, the DEEN adaption of F/SN was another massive one. There are still 4-5 memes from that show still in circulation a decade later.
Most anons don't even remember
>All off-topic images will be removed
Sad they don't remove frogshit anymore.
6 years ago, and the movie 4, and it's still getting fairly regular threads and seems pretty relevant.
>mods say they'll remove frogposters
>see no frogs on catalog (save froppy)
inb4 random post in a thread obviously made for shitposting that's going to be deleted anyway.
Maybe Eva. Isn't there a screenshot of moot saying something like he is sick of Rei posters and would ban them?
>I'm really happy I got to watch Parts 1 and 2 of JJBA with Sup Forums. The shitstorm that ensued when the very first time Roundabout by Yes played was great. If only it stopped there.
Why did the fanbase get so shitty so quick?
I mean they still do on Sup Forums and a few other boards but other boards are still infected by offtopic images