She's fun when she's drunk

She's fun when she's drunk.

i wanna see her naked


I wanna be naked with her

Shit show

shit bait

opinion >:^(

shit catch

I want Sake now

what's some good Sake Sup Forums


Tohru, please, don't take advantage of her.

this, boring ass fetishbait show where nothing happens

Nanbu Bijin is you want a Junmai daiginju, though I prefer a Nigori personally. Gekkaiken is good for Nigori

I suppose you have to purchase these on the internet? I don't recall seeing these in the local liquor store.

Spec's has Gekkaiken if you live in Texas. Larger liquor stores will carry Nanbu Bijin if you live in any city with a jap presence.

Read the manga.

of course it doesn't go anywhere, it's kyoani

Tch, internet it is then.

Thanks for the insight, young man.


I wish...

boring ass fetishbait show where nothing happens

How old?


My apologies, nii-sama.

Wow, gramps.
I am amazed you can type this much at your age.

An age 45, a wizard can become so strong they become a faerie.


I lost my opportunity for Wizardary 20 years ago, sadly. Had I known, I might have forsaken, I would have been only 2 years from Elder Mage by now

Get out of here, unvirgin!


I want to ask you something but it's very embarrassing to do on in a public place like Sup Forums, may I contact you through different mean of communication? A messenger perhaps, or email?

>embarrassing to do in a public place
That's why the site is anonymous you fucking tripfag.

Even anonymously, it's embarrassing!

Shut the fuck up, tripfag.

>public place
It's Sup Forums.
>requesting personal information
Go to /soc/ to cyber.

I doubt it's as embarrasing as some of the other stuff I've seen people talk about on here. Now take off your trip and ask the kind man again anonymously.

I don't want to cyber with him. ;_;

I just wanted to get his contact information so I could ask him about alcohol.

And other things...

I bet your dick smells like cheese you stupid tripfag ha ha!

I once masturbated in the church office of my alma mater. Don't use a tripcode if you don't know what it's for.

Annnnd this is where I get off.


I'm not sure how the first half of your post is relevant.


Do it faggot. You won't. Little bitch, lol.

Woah! How much semen does hirom00t pay you to do this hard, satisfying job, mod-sama?

>Even anonymously, it's embarrassing!
Are you a fucking retard?

Lets see you try you larping faggot.

Please don't bully my brain problems.


He's bullying you, not your brain problems.

I see.

I just wanted to contact an older gentleman that appeared to be well versed in alcohol so I could ask him some things, but I think I scared him away.

I apologize for derailing the thread.



You can get good 91% isopropyl at walmart for like $4. I hear it's pretty great for the price.

That user here. Sorry, but I dont talk to rando's (no offense) online unless I've known them a while.

Alcohol knowledge isnt hard, you can find decent reviews online, and if you live in any bigger city, most will have wine and international festivals that allow tasting.

Oh, okay.

Thanks for the tip, user.

Fuck sake, acquire mead. Become viking

I've tried two meads in my time.
One was actually alright, and had to be mixed with beer. The other tasted like honeywine, as if there were no grains in it at all. On the other hand, I've had one sake before. Tasted like hot alcoholic apple juice. It was pretty good.

Mead isn't meant to contain grain at all. Where are you from that mead contains grain?

Oh. I got beer and mead brewing mixed up.

it starts like this but over the years i noticed i started getting really pissed off with other people at the club i went to
so started drinking at home
i don't hurt no one but myself

You should get drunk in the woods. Befriend a bear.

Try Nalewka Babuni. Its one of the best brands I've tasted.

>tfw no cute OL to drink and discuss fetishes with

Go sit on a mountain somewhere and wait for one to come around

Do I need to get stabbed by a god as well, or is that optional?

Not sure, you'll have to go check. Let us know if it works, though.


It'll be fine, probably!

Can I just get stabbed by a normal person at least. Gods are in short supply these days.

As some person on the internet you've never met before, I forbid you from getting stabbed.

It is forbidden.

Sake bottles are so aesthetic

Buy one of the little gold peel-top aluminum cans if you see them somewhere. Can't remember the name but the stuff is so smooth it's hard to describe. It's like silky as it goes down your throat. Pretty sure it's Kikusui Funaguchi but not positive.

>Tfw can't order because Texas Blue Laws and no nearby liquor stores carry

Fuck this bible thumping ass backwards state

I wanna see her naked for real, not just her with no clothes covered up and without seeing tits

manga has that actually.


Which chapter?

Just asking for a friend.

42, a more recent one actually.

This, i made it to teh 4th issue of the im up to date with the least physically

>tfw my book stores haven't stocked volume 4 yet

Oh nice! She has a great body!
Kobayashi is best girl

Oh my.

Order it on amazon
It's great for buying manga