Mc starts going to a battle highschool

>mc starts going to a battle highschool
>strongest girl there challanges him to a duel

Name one anime that does this.

A ton of them. The generic first one or two battle harem episodes usually go exactly like that.

>be me 3
>eating a cake
>vomit the cake
>cry to mommy

Love this trope. It increases the odds of tomboy romance by 60%.

>He wins makes her his bitch and other schools challenge him
Oh wait beelzebub was already a thing.

none that I want to remember

>mc starts going to a battle highschool
>strongest girl there challanges him to a duel
>fucking kicks his ass
>forced to be his fiance due to his loss
>has to spend the rest of the series trying to be strong enough to defeat her and break the marriage

If this is real I want to read it.

>but by the end he realizes he wants to marry her

after all the angry fanmail calling the MC gay for not tapping that

I am trying my hardest to remember the anime I distinctly remember this happening in.
All I can remember is that the strongest girl had drills

Asterisk War

Asterisk, Rakudai, Saijaku something Bahamut, I think it might've happened in Infinite Stratos?

Easy fix, just make her ugly.

English girl did it but she was far from the strongest

Astrisk War does this exactly and Freezing kind of does this. Also, there are probably way more shows that do exactly what op said; I just tend to avoid them. Then there are other shitty light novel adaptation type shows that feature a super stong, generic male mc with a harem in a battle high school, such as mahouka. Generic wish fulfilment stuff is a big reason why normies tend to hate anime.

sorry I'm not from tumblr

No it isn't, SAO is one of the most popular anime of the decade.

Pretty sure normies are the reason for generic wish fulfillment stuff.

>mc starts going to a battle highschool
>strongest girl there challanges him to a duel
>defeats girl
>mc takes it as "defeat means friendship" and declares her his battle bro
>girl is now in stuck the friend zone until she becomes more feminine

Anime? If this is real.


unbreakable machine doll

let's make this easier

name a battle harem that DOESN'T do this

I want this now

>"Chocolate? Watching the sunset together? What is the meaning of this, battle bro?"
>"Brothers in arms need to be training! Tally ho!"

Hell, though not anime, even Mushoku Tensei does this though she was a reverse trap so I don't think that counts

>mc starts going to a battle highschool

Hey in mushoku tensei, the strongest mage didn't challenge him, that mage was asked by the staff to test him and validate his claim that he was rudeus. Unless you mean the best princesses, but Rudy challenged them anyway

That and she only became the strongest in school due to the MC's genji plan

>camera pans up to the sky

>mc starts going to a battle

I'm just saying if you show SAO or Astrisk War to some dude off the street they'll think it's trashy, shallow entertainment. But if you show them a show where the priority is telling a story rather than wish fulfilment like the old Berserk anime or some shit, then they'll be more likely to respect anime.

Context?. also do dogs eat butter?

All the context you need is in the image itself.

>battle high school