>my daughter is a thot and she must die
Is Diavolo, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
>my daughter is a thot and she must die
Is Diavolo, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post the best JoJo OST, Game or Anime
>They'll use GW for sure!
He could've been, but our guy he is not. In the end he lost to a thot. On the other hand you have Pucci, whomst slayed his thot and preferred (getting fucked in his boy)pucci.
Is part 5 announced yet?
Yeah over 20 years ago. The anime no, though there's a possibility it'll happen some time at this event.
has part 5 anounce yet???
>Banpresto JOJO'S FIGURE GALLERY 6 X Diamond Records Jotaro
>More photos from inside JoJofes
>Another half of page from DNA
6 & 7
Is called vento aureo retard
that's the joke faggot
Is called Part 5 retard
>dare I say it
Fuck off back to whatever board you came from, newfag.
It's Ogon no Kaze retard. Vento Aureo is the Pasta translation.
It's Ougon
t. Houi Woua Mouata Noubourou
is call gold experience retards
So has part 5 been announced yet? How long does the festival last?
How has Jojolion been going? I forgot the name of the site I used to read the manga during the beetle fights
Ahem, gold experience requiem
Did Yukako use Cinderella to brainwash Koichi into falling in love with her?
When I first read through those arcs it made me quite uncomfortable. It seriously seems like he was forced to do it against his will.
>Araki-JoJo is retweeting stuff from Hiroshi Matsuyama (President/CEO of CyberConnect2)
>as well as Mori Ryosuke from Shueisha
>tfw animeonlyfags are gonna take over the thread asking for part 5
Eh, it's hard to say, honestly, Cinderella seems to be able to play around with fate a little, but it's not like Koichi was completely brainwashed to ignore her bad points, it just made him see them in a more endearing light.
So yeah, it's a bit iffy, but I don't think you could go as far as to say he was brainwashed, Cinderella just made Yukako really pretty and played with fate a little so that Koichi and Yukako could meet up in a 'right place right time' kind of thing.
Are we getting another game doc?
>jobin is a character
>10cm range of making things kinda hot
> Jobin has shit range but his normal hits cause way more damage since he's also using Speed King each time he hits to boil your blood or something.
Quick! What is Koichi thinking about?
How is SBR...
I keep trying to read it but I get bored during the first few chapters or so. It's not that I even really dislike the concept. But since I can't help but miss the old universe I get distracted and can't enjoy the story of SBR. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was just a new series and had nothing to do with JoJo.
Anyone else deal with this? Should I just power through?
It IS a new series and has nothing to do with JoJo, you mega autist
Why is it always posted about in JoJo threads then?
It's the spiritual successor to the series. It's just a story about a guy and his retard friend racing across America to win some $$$.
Diavolo didn't deserve to repeat death for all eternity
Ok, i'll try and turn my autism off enough to get past missing the old world and just try to enjoy it for what it is.
Yeah honestly, he was a horrible person but he really didn't deserve a punishment that much worse than just death.
I guess Giorno always was the vengeful type with people he didn't like, but that's just ridiculously extreme. I could only hope that he made GER stop it one day so Diavolo could just die properly.
>not wanting Jobin to be a luchador beetle-themed wrestler with occasional speed king shenanigans
>his ultimate attack is running you over with his lamborghini and a bus at the same time
He legit says in the finale that he doesn't know what GER did. GER did the eternal death thing on it's own, and Giorno is sweating profusely and looking very concerned after Diavolo disappears because he has no idea what happened.
He still knows that he's been taken care of by GER though, I'm pretty sure he says it when Trish and Mista are freaking out about trying to find Diavolo.
I don't think it's to farfetched to believe that Giorno would try to learn more about/control Golden Experiences requiem form, and then potentially thinking that enough is enough for Diavolo.
Now let me see their Quality Queen sketch.
Fuck off back to Tumblr.
I know that, I'm just saying it's not really Giorno being vengeful or a cunt but GER. I'm sure that he'd release Diavolo if he became aware of what was actually happening to him.
You think Jolyne ever wanted to marry her dad when she was a kid?
> I'm sure he'd release Diavolo if he became aware of what was actually happening to him
He seems to have the general idea at least.
why don't you link the next threads
I dunno, Giorno is ruthless to people he thinks are evil. Pollo was nothing but curt to him and he shot him in the fucking brain.
Just how badly did the guard want a dicking from goldenboy?
requesting the blushing police girl edit
I don't know, I would have thought a guy, even a pretty one, sweating profusely with a look of pain on his face while I was searching him would be fucking weirdo.
Also since he was going to see Polpo I imagine she took a disliking to him right away anyway.
Because Polpo's Stand killed a guy for getting involved, that was the whole catalyst for Koichi seeing his Joestar spirit and Giorno's sense of justice awakening.
Not that user, but I mean, Giorno WAS joining a gang, he even says at one point that he knows gangsters aren't good people, that things like selling debilitating and addictive drugs is fine as long as it isn't sold to children.
Polpo couldn't even control his stand in that way, and it's obviously meant to just be a system to kill the person who's doing the challenge if they fail it/alternatively to give them a stand, it was a tragic coincidence that the old dude saw it, but again, it's not like Polpo intentionally wanted to kill the old dude.
crazy new stand user, and cool new character
The old man wasn't involved with Giorno's trial, what he only was involved in was helping Giorno even though he tried to protest it. I guess that's what Giorno saw as wrong? Maybe he thought Black Sabbath should've only attacked him, not anyone who sees the lighter go back aflame.
>Damo & Little Gappy
>dad is damo
>son is gappy
> The old man wasn't involved in Giorno's trial
I know, that's why I said it was a tragic coincidence, but the nature of Polpo's stand means that it is compelled to attack anyone who relights the flame with the arrow, it's not like Polpo can stop it from attacking strangers.
I can understand why Giorno would still think of it as wrong, since indirectly or not Polpo's stand killed someone, but he also seems to place part of the blame on himself for letting the old dude try to re-light it for him, again, indirectly being part of why the guy died.
As it is, Polpo didn't really do that much, and he was completely unaware of what went down that day, but Giorno still thought that slight was still enough to kill him for what he did.
>tfw Stands aren't real
>part 5 isn't happening
I don't know whether to be happy or sad.
I can't really argue against that as much but I guess it had to be done to move the plot. Bruno and Giorno still had the goal of defeating the Boss and betraying him in the long run, but Polpo's death got Bruno initiated to the position that would make him sacrifice himself as he did.
Even if it didn't make sense for him to go as far as to kill him, his death was definitely important. THEY STILL DON'T FUCKING KNOW GIORNO DID IT
I found another photo of them.
A couple pages from the movie visual book.
What was the Duwang gangs plan with Kira once they found him? Were they gonna straight up murder him or what?
You can tell this little guy gives zero fucks.
It definitely had to be done to move the plot, but I was just using it to try and point out how ruthless Giorno can be to people he thinks are evil, but even so, his infinite Diavolo death definitely trumps everything else, and I can only hope Giorno learns how to shut it off one day so Diavolo can stay dead.
I wish I could find those Cream hoodies. I think they were only released in Nipland but they looked comfy as hell.
Premium Bandai only I'm pretty sure.
Check madarake or yahoo auction.
Josuke could just Angelo him, right?
Jotaro probably had the idea to cart him off to the speedwagon group, since I'd imagine they have some way of dealing with evil stand users, but Rohan/Josuke/Okuyasu and maybe Koichi probably thought he was just better off dead.
They were praying for a rogue ambulance driver.
Yes, that would've been a shitty fate if he were kept alive, no prison would hold him down
They were going to tell him that he was a mean person and he should apologize
>"Dad I wanna go home"
>"No son, we're going to be here until tonight. No lunch breaks either. Now quick, I need you to make a few poses for the internet"
>479th in line 5h ago
>Still waiting to enter
the beginning can be pretty slow and boring, but it's definitely worth it
They'd probably Angelo him or something, Josuke and co's whole modus operandi was no killing because it was more lighthearted, but fate had other ideas in mind.
>a competent fighting dev will never make a jojo game with all the characters adapted with fun and balanced movesets
>we will never get quality single part JoJo game adaptations
>7th stand user
Where do you people come from with these new words?
It's ebonics, more specifically an acronym for That Hoe Over There, so basically blacks.
Still a better father than Jotaro.
Thanks for the tip. I still didn't have any luck though. It's sort of a crapshoot trying to look for something that old.
>Gappyfags having to google slang and bleating about black people
>Posting an unfunny JoJo image so they can pretend their post is on-topic
Typical, worst posters in these threads
whatever makes (You) happy with Gappy :^)
part 5 never
>yfw they skip straight to part 6
>yfw they skip straight to part 8
In 10 years, that kid is going to smash his dad's head.