This is my wife, Lt Riza Hawkeye. I am ok with sharing her with another man

This is my wife, Lt Riza Hawkeye. I am ok with sharing her with another man.

Say something nice to her

Mustang, how can you use this website if you are blind?

user my point is I am ok with sharing her with another man.

That man is Mustang.
Please catch up.

I don't get why she can't use flame alchemy

mustang got back his sight

>Say something nice to her
She has smelly feet

The instructions are on her back, how can she read them?

a mirror, the reflection from water, mustang tells her

But then the instructions are in reverse


it wouldve been cool if they killed off the flame colonel, and she took up his gloves and became the flame alchemist and is also a badass sniper


>Hate blondes in real life and 2D
>Hawkeye is sex
I don't understand

So why can't she use Ice Alchemy?


>no trigger discipline

>no blood on the sword

Daily Reminder 2017 is the year of NTR.

You hate Saber?

Mustang drew the instructions on his gloves, he could just make another pair

trends revolve around cycles 2018 will be the year of true love for the purpose of procreation and strongest bonds

>ntr in FMA

She looks great with her hair down.

With her hair down shes my waifu.
Hair up Riza is my friend only

What the fuck is wrong with her ankles?

Shut up.

They look broken. Where do her legs even go?