Tokyo Ghoul: Re 136

Chapter out and Kuroiwa is rip, Zero Squad and Hirako vs Hajime and Ui, Urie eaten yet again. Will Ishida ever leave him alone?

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9/10 chapter imo senpai

Why do people call Urie a jobber when his opponents are stronger than him in general? Every arc the opponent he faces is above his caliber, Big Madam, Noro, Kakuja Amon, Donato, Roma, are easily above his level in each arc.

And yet these same people will think him Framing Out soon will be an asspull with no build up. Like shit he's been getting beat up every arc including now which strengthens him because muh half ghoul magic.

Someone post the .gif





where is kurona?

Did she even go with goat underground?

Kuroiwa is not rip yet.

It's just a meme. Don't think about it too much.

Probably on the expedition team along with Nishiki.

Where the fuck are Ape and Dog? What did Ishida bring them back for if they serve absolutely no purpose?


Urie sufferd more than kaneki

>tfw I wanted Urie to suffer the most in the beginning of :re, but now I just want his smile protected
How did Ishida do it?

to show how much of a "nice guy" Arima was, sparing Kaneki's coworker buddies.

Heeeere's to you Vancouver and Bart!
*Crowd of Vancouvers join in to sing*

Twinkle Twinkle little clown
How I wonder what you are
Up above the circus is so high
Like a red clown nose up in the sky

I laughed my fucking ass off!

Just a reminder that Clownposting made our BE THE BECOME threads what they are tod/a/y!

Support your local clownposters!

Standing, on the edge of the girder. Where Kanecki once stood....

You only say that because...

I can't wait for ChibiReviews to have a in depth explanation of this chapter!

When the fuck is chibi's in depth analysis so I can understand what the fuck is going on in this chapter?

got you sempai

>I as a faggot who ruined this series

And another Friday night comes to an end.

feels like Hirako might die to Ui to show how far Ui has fallen.

As if, Ui will be beaten, captured, and redeemed in a fight where he kills zombie Hairu.

nah..... Ui needs to suffer more, just for touka's sake. the more characters that suffer tragedy, the less likely touka will suffer too.

> Ui & O my Rize Kagune Hajime
> Hirako & 0 Squad

Who's going to win? My bets are on 0 Squad imo, Ui's brain probably isn't functioning because he's in tragedy mode and once Hirako get's shitty he'll probably slice his head clean off. Then we have 0 Squad trap children who will likely make Hajime job with random RC suppressant quinque

So you're telling me when Kanecki raided Coachella.....that Donatello wasn't the real Crown Clown and it was other girl who was the leader all along??

well, Roma founded the clowns group and then quit to wander off due to boredom. Donato I guess is the current sit in "leader".

I'm just glad Ishida finally remembered Roma was supposed to be kinda tough

c-chapter wherE? there is nothing on MS

How long until Ui just fucking offs himself? His life has fallen to pieces. His sensei and waifu are fucking dead, his subordinate is now ghoul jesus, his new boss is balls of the wall insane and taunts him with his dead girlfriend.

They seem to have new provider.

When Urie gets a torture session then we'll talk.


...but what am I going to do without my pages of fanart and scanlator credits?

why is hinami so cute?

visit tumblr for that and not in a rude mean way (sorta) (LOL)

That was weird. Are we sure Ishida isn't brain dead from smoking weed? This manga feels so lifeless.

Just to make sure. Hirako is almost level Arima, more like a Haise level of strength and ability, the 0 squad are also pretty tough since they are from garden trained by Arima. Furs ta is also really good quique user sience he is from V and half human, adding her new Rize Kagune.

Roma, Eto, Uta and all other clowns are also pretty strong because their obscene amount of Kakuhous and RC levels with their Kakujas.

Technically the top dog right now is Kaneki if he was totally healthy.

I actually got some feels from Urie.

>ishida made Urie and other characters far more likeable than kaneki and his own circle

What is the reason? Is this actually setting up for their deaths for the so called "tragedy" I see people mention? Would be a dick move to kill off a well developed character(s) and continue to make the first part cast a bunch of plot armored dindus

Really? I can't care less. Touka's plot armor will keep her alive no matter what, Urie has to suffer so his suffering will keep him alive no matter what.

Hajime could probably solo zero squad while Ui takes on Hirako.

The way everyone is sucking his dick and how worried Mutsuki and big guy Aura were of him returning, I'm excited to see him have an all-out fight now after the timeskip. He must be strong as fuck


Urie is gonna wreck Roma from the inside.

Screencap this.

Can we go back to touken already? I can't stand these plot-focused chapters.

I hope you're right

Yeah, eating Urie is not healthy for ghouls

>mfw Hajime singlehandedly destroys zero squad

A new... era... of powercreep

Are there Thursday night spoilers now?

Has he suffered enough to become the Tokyo Ghoul?

Rize Keneki cannibalistic rape fight when?

He already has but this has to be it. Something good better happen to him soon or else...

Cant wait for an epic asspull.

you think he's gonna frame out or otherwise eat roma from the inside?

Next chapter, Urine's hair will turn white and he will....


Amazing prediction dude. What tipped you off? The fact he didn't finish his monologue or how he did the same thing 100 chapters ago

This manga is fucking dogshit

Kakuja Urie will kill Shiko and resist until Suzuya comes to fight Roma


Is this even tokyo ghoul anymore?

You people should all kill yourselves.

What would be the point? Ishida would simply write me back into the story as a Kanou zombie.

Take is facing Ui so its only the 3 kids but thats not the entire zero squad theres also 3 with eto who could show up

>I raped her (stealth)
what does he mean by this?

As long as Touka is alive we will support the manga.

Why did he have to remind me that best boy died?

Amon is alive



Why is Urie such a jobber?

Isn't this a parralel to the first series where Yoshimura got swallowed? Then i could see Suzuya saving him.
this is still really good.

Is kuroiwa really dead tho? maybe he will Drax that monster on the inside

also, Vancouver posters, where u at?

Friendly reminder that this is happening inside CCG HQ.

He made her be the becum

>SS Noro
>SS Big Madam
>SS Donato but he's a clown so basically SSSSS-rating and magic
>SSS Roma

He just picks the wrong fights desu

We are still missing to see full power
Those clowns are insane.

>arata joker Suzuya vs Roma

muh dick. Why can't we have nice things once in a while?

>Arata Suzuya cuts open Roma to spill out Urie

Nice Woodsman imagery there.

Aaah, look closely Ukina. This nose, this mouth, it’s exactly like yours. I’m sure she’ll grow up to be a beautiful child.

No, Kuzen-san. Her eyes are just like yours. I’m sure she’ll grow up to be strong-willed. Even though she will be a jobber, she will find the RIZE KAGUNE, overturn the BECOME and FRAME OUT

Also, Kaneki after the timeskip. I'm also interested to see what Yomo can do when he's not fighting that cuck Arima

Dying from aids and retardation

MS with the nigger translations again.

Aren't you forgetting someone?

What does nespos means?

>it's real
kek. What the fuck is wrong with these people

>Suzuya shows up
>Sees a batshit crazy Ghoul with a full kakuja trying to rip the limb off a senior investigator and cripple him
>Initiate flashbacks to the fight with Owl

Okay so now both Yomo and Hirako co. have jumped in to save Touka's group. Is this how its gonna be? An arc of them running away and Ishida releasing his arsenal of characters to shield them from danger?

>next will be takizawa
>"but wait other enemy shows up..."
>amon and akira will show up to save him
>group runs into new danger
>ape and dog show up
>"bah bah kaneki bah bah coffee shop"
>they get away again
>kurona makes a sacrifice
>tsukiyama's dad makes a sacrifice
>oh shit this time they might really be in danger
>a group of ghouls show up to fodderize themselves for muh queen
>continue hot pursuit
>oh fuck its eto and the rest of zero squad
>tatara is there too
>he gets downed in one hit
>oh fuck its ishida himself to throw his body in front of them
>then at the end of the line all is lost
>survey group returns

damn, I actually had no clue that those squad zero kids are all from the Sunlit Garden. I'm still 100% sure they'll job to Hajime

You forgot Hide showing up.

What if Kaneki massively attacks CCG installations to find Yoriko.

>Kaneki doing anything

7 chapters left of :re, how it is going to end?

Urie be the becomes dragon