Africans Destroy Solar Panels

>Wakanda foreva!

When will investors learn that they don't need our primitive white colonizer technology?

those are poos, not negroes

lol they still living in huts and eating dirt cookies



Not poos. Muslim niggers. When will we just stop caring about what happens there?

post your face when you realize they are literally being mind controlled to destroy them so that they will have to buy more.

when they give your remote village electricity for the first time and free internet and laptops and you catch you daughter looking up .................?

those are indians destroying panels because they weren't paid or not paid enough.

>Africans Destroy Solar Panels
>These redpilled Africans have wised up to the renewables Jew and Sup Forums mocks them for it

Even if, is not getting paid a good enough reason to cut yourself off the grid? Seems stupid as fuck. They should look for tgeir employer.

those are Indians who wern.t paid for building them

Is this how civilized people behave in such situation? I would stole them as a payment or hold them ransom until I get paid.

You see Muslim niggers. I see doctors, and lawyers, and engineers...

Like Polish always paid in time?

Get a job, white trash cucking isn't a job.

Are you retarded or just a race cuck?

still waiting for a real explanation about this.


Contractors in the west do the same thing. When their clients renege on an agreement or try to jew you, usually they just tear it down.

It's a pretty common practice Kek

The solar panel is a manifestation of white power and had to be destroyed to preserve the dignity of these noble people

[Someone spread a rumor that every 10th solar panel has gold-laced ivory inside]

>not rejewables

>Not getting paid enough
>Destroy company property
>Get fired
>Now you're not getting paid at all