Muh labor force participation

>muh labor force participation
>muh working hours
>midnight conference calls

Why are capitalists so obsessed with getting as many people working as long as possible? I thought the whole point of technology was to work fewer hours and enjoy more free time. I mean industrial society has already met all of the basic needs for humanity; what are we all supposed to be working for now?

>Capitalism which maximizes profit and monetary efficiency above all else creates pointless jobs
Hmm it rgealy mgkeas eme yhimk



what? that happened under communism in poland. in order to provide jobs for everyone some of them were pointless like switching off the light in the morning, and switching it off in the evening and nothing in between. if anything under capitalism there's no point in creating useless jobs.


Yes but the point is that there really is a lot of pointless jobs being created for some reason under capitalism. Marketing for instance is arguably the most pointless profession ever invented.

>I thought the whole point of technology was to work fewer hours and enjoy more free time.
In STEM it would be, commit a few lines of code, handball the responsibility, shit post on Sup Forums... But alas the HR who doesn't actually know what you really do but somehow had the expertise to hire you isn't happy unless you appear to be working consistently.

On that note, only HR and some project manager roles are pointless jobs. Lots of people believe HR is an affirmative action program in itself.

Capitalism creates pointless shit that no one needs just to make a quick buck, like fidget spinners or Gucci phone cases. Wasting resources and peoples lives to sell things to them they didn’t know they needed until (((advertising))) told them.

Yes, of only there was a single box in the store labeled food so we didn't have to have the trouble of informing people what products are available.

Yeah who needs HR, employees should just hire themselves.

Or.. You know.. Program managers and project managers can handle resumes, they're even more likely to have some technical expertise.

Whilst our HR person isn't dealing with feminist complaints and hiring, she just walks around the office saying hello and making sure everyone is working. Why is this necessary?

That’s the only way to get ahead. If you cannot earn money and have everything provided to you, you will always be welfare underclass that lives on just enough like food stamps. People need jobs in order to try to have ownership of things. Without accumulating wealth, we would have a landed gentry and masses of serfs.

>I need the chatty man on tv to tell me what food to eat

You have to be super weary of anthropologists. It's a good mix of super redpilled, kikes and honorary kikes.

Sounds like you have shit HR. HR here actually works.
How would you purpose people find out about new food products?

Do you never go into supermarkets and look what's on the shelf?

>Why are capitalists so obsessed with getting as many people working as long as possible?
the only reason this is the case is because women have entered the workforce en-mase

women in the workplace and retard quotas fill up the biggest pointless jobs like HR

>How would you purpose people find out about new food products?
Have you ever considered that when you need something, you go look for it and find it?

Why the fuck are you even defending advertisement? One of the most degenerate inventions of capitalism. Always polluting my eyesight wherever i go.

Don't forget HR, and sales

>because women have entered the workforce en-mase
And why did that happen?

>HR here actually works.
Doing.. What?

>working work!
We have another role entirely called resource optimisation which is a technical person that takes note of everyone's technical abilities. I wasn't even interviewed by HR.

HR is literally policing graduates and juniors, they hold no sway over anyone who's been here for 2 years. If there's a problem, it should be reflected in my output and not how often I use my phone.

Sales is because technical people hate talking to clients.

pointless jobs are the result of vast amounts of wealth created by, you guessed it, capitalism.

With automation and AI, all work could be replaced by robots, leaving all humans to do 'pointless jobs.'

Or...maybe...not work so much?

that happens when you haven't got capitalism and the jews inflate your currency stealing your savings. In real capitalism, sound money allows you to save, and you are be able to invest your savings later on which increases your spare time to be more creative and enjoy with your family.

If we ban all sales people, nothing would change in the economy and we'd be 100% more efficient.

>I-It’s not r-real capitalism

Jobs exist because they create profit or advantage.

Management provides advantage.

Marketing provides advantage. People respond to brand appeal. Not useless at all retard.

You people are retards and don't understand anything. You just like hating things you don't understand (capitalism).

Automation and AI is going to hit our society like a freight train. As much as people like to fantasize about universal basic income, those who do not work will never be well off.

perhaps if we took half of the workforce and put their labor towards maintaining a household and raising the future generation

More likely you'll get the role split between project managers and technical people, which would be kind of awkward. Even our sales team has technical expertise.

It's literally just HR that does not.

I assume you would call designing the ads on the boxes something other than marketing?
most of the stuff you're saying is handled by other people is handled by HR here. The most time consuming thing for HR is peoples paychecks. They have to put into the automated system how much get's taken out for taxes or child support or other legal payments along with their hours for the week. In companies with like 100 people per HR person it's pretty time consuming.

Success accrues to those who are willing to work the hardest to acheive it. If you do not choose to work harder, faster or longer hours than others, then you will achieve lesser degrees of success by comparison. Stop blaming those who are driven to succeed and simply accept the standard of living you deserve as a consequence of your laziness.

>Why are capitalists so obsessed with getting as many people working as long as possible?
idle hands are the Devil's playground

>The most time consuming thing for HR is peoples paychecks.
Handled by the accounting team! Even the awkward child support/welfare stuff where mothers get paid maternity leave partially paid for by the government.

What the fuck is HR? Accounting or resource management? If the former, why aren't they accountants? If the latter, why don't they know the difference between JavaScript and Java?

But user, we already do that. They're called single mothers and black people. And unless you're talking about welfare, I don't see who would be paying them for raising kids full time. Will the kids pay them? Brainlet. Brainlets the whole lot of you.

t.HR worker

t. someone who doesn't know what marketing is and calls it pointless anyway

Wtf I love commercials now!

wtf I prefer boxes have labels on them

If you've ever worked for a public company you'd know that the inefficiencies introduced by crippling the company every quarter to artificially inflate profit numbers is the driving force behind 90% of the jobs at any given company.

i only have one rule
>dont talk to me before i have my coffee

It's not capitalism, more specifically, it's consumerism that is creating these pointless jobs. Who's going to buy the latest thousand dollar iPhone if half the population isn't grinding away at some bullshit 50 hour a week office job?
It also keeps the cattle from getting restless.

National Socialism is just crypto-marxism

wtf i buy my products based on some ink in the box

wtf i love being visually raped every single day by corporations attempting to force me to consume like a good goy

because the jews need their slaves lol

If everyone stopped buying stupid shit the economy would collapse tomorrow. Household consumption is 70% of GDP. The entire (((economy))) revolves around getting gentiles in debt after you told them to buy new phones every year and rent a BMW. Shlomo doesn’t want you to think about the waste capitalism accrues because it would stop the hamster wheel.

Still better than degenerate consumerism

>Or...maybe...not work so much?
Work and Job are two different things. Work is what people don't want to do. A job is whatever you're paid to do, which could be fun!

Technology is always reducing work, but it's not destroying jobs, because technology creates vast amounts of wealth (by increasing productivity), and this wealth creates new jobs, many of which are pointless.

>its not capitalism, its consumerism
is akin to saying
>its not omelets, its eggs

One is the natural consequence of the other.

>wtf i buy my products based on some ink in the box
Yeah let's walk into a store of unlabeled boxes and just buy one and see what we get. Hopefully I get a food box today.

Jews and their brainwashed meat puppets will never allow it.
At the very least, we'll just have people stay in perpetual high school, learning new things because people can't stand the thought of people doing absolutely nothing with their time.
Although sadly the more realistic outcome will be the fall of civilization since the working class will rise up only to be gunned down by the elite's automated military.

Never heard the expression idle hands do the devil's work? I wouldn't trust any of my coworkers on a day off and if you don't have a job I don't trust you either.

>unlabeled boxes
Having the nutritional information, a small descriptive title, and perhaps a photograph of the product is more then enough to make a informed consumer decision. You don't need to be bombarded every single fucking day, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, by fucking ads.

>i get the information about the product i'm about to buying from ads and funny little drawings in the box


>nutritional information, a small descriptive title, and perhaps a photograph of the product
What would you call the job of the person doing that?

>t. brainlets can't deal with commercials
Wow, you fucks sound so whiny. Hey, why don't you not consume media that is funded by advertising revenue? That or take your ADHD medication. Beggars can't be choosers.

It's like that banker's joke about trading pants till one guy tries to sell them and realizes they're garbage. Profit is not the same as efficiency, competency, or even success, sadly.

>Having the nutritional information, a small descriptive title, and perhaps a photograph of the product is more then enough to make a informed consumer decision.
And presumably, that would be printed on the container in ink, yes? So in other words...

>wtf i buy my products based on some ink in the box
I guess that isn't such a ridiculous idea after all, huh brainlet?

Definitely not marketing. Its not marketing that compiles nutrituinal information. And i don't think you need to hire someone to come up with a "small descriptive title" (i.e. butter cookies, low-fat milk...) and to take a picture.

Get the fuck off Sup Forums B*omer

Get the fuck off Sup Forums, N*ET.

So when we call it something other than marketing and have it done by someone who wasn't hired to do it then marketing isn't pointless anymore.

>Hey, why don't you not consume media that is funded by advertising revenue?
I don't. But everytime i go out in the street i get bombarded by fucking ads. If i turn on my tv, bam, more fucking ads. Always ads fucking everywhere.

>I live to work

The ancient Greeks wouldn’t even consider you human

Nutritional information is marketing?

Choosing where to put it is.

Putting a picture and a description on the box isn't marketing?

Don’t question it goy

top kek


Why are libs pushing for greater regulation/oversight?
>Bigger govn't, more jobs...
This all should get shut down...

>don't consume media funded by advertising revenue
>I don't.
>If i turn on my tv, bam, more fucking ads.
So you do consume media funded by advertising revenue. That'd explain the ads.

>i live to leech
You're on par with Jews, congrats.

I already questioned. I'm a communist

You literally don't get what i am saying. I'm defending that ads should be banned. And from this presupposition, marketing is indeed useless.

>Putting a picture and a description on the box isn't marketing?

Holy fucking shit it didn't take long for the ZOG puppets to take over this thread.
Fuck this board!

These "pointless jobs" only exist because of government bureaucracy. It's not capitalism that's to blame, it's government getting in the way of capitalism that's causing this.

You wouldn't be hired unless you were bringing value to the company. Even if a job seems pointless, your employer is (should be) making more money from you than they pay you in salary.

so what, you found a shitty article written about a jew.



>of course i saged

Hey waggie

> Even if a job seems pointless, your employer is (should be) making more money from you than they pay you in salary.

So labor theory of value is real?

What the fuck does this mean? I work for a public company in finance and have no idea what you are talking about

Unlike a coward like you, i don0t think the solution to problems is to hide from them. I'm not gonna run and hide from my home and country. I'm not going to stop living my life. I want ads out of my life

>So Marx was right


I have a job; but I understand the point of life is not to work as much as possible to consume pointless shit so I can line someone’s pockets. NEETs are fine by me because the contemporary, morally repugnant consumerist economic system is not worth supporting.

Remember to buy more stuff goy

this is false and you're stupid
every job that is "not needed" eventually is gotten rid of
people can hardly get hired and companies can't be bothered to hire them
reality shows that the opposite is true
there is no one trying to make sure "everyone is working" because There are millions of ppl looking for jobs that aren't getting hired despite being perfectly qualified

By what right do you claim the authority to determine what I, or anyone else, must consider valuable or wasteful? Why do you think your personal ideal should reign supreme as the universal standard by which others must be forced to live?

This question of value is a decision every individual is entitled to make for themselves. Don't want the latest tech? Don't buy it. I support your decision. Work less hours at a less stressful job that requires less effort or education and live simply with only modest comforts. No one is going to stop you. This ability to set your own standards is the limit of your rightful authority.

Stop trying to control other people.


I literally do get what you're saying. You want to call the most obviously useful parts of marketing something other than marketing so you can call marketing pointless in a thread attacking capitalism.

>Success accrues to those who are willing to work the hardest to acheive it.

>By what right do you claim the authority to determine what I, or anyone else, must consider valuable or wasteful? Why do you think your personal ideal should reign supreme as the universal standard by which others must be forced to live?
Are you a feminist by chance?

>taking life advice from a hopeless drunk who would have died at 30 if he didn't have sober up for menial jobs a few hours a day

>living off of mom's tendies

>Unlike a coward like you, i don0t think the solution to problems is to hide from them.
Only a retard thinks ads are a problem. Are you really so weakminded that you can't handle a fucking advertisement? It's not some life-destroying thing, it's fucking nothing.
>I'm not gonna run and hide from my home and country. I'm not going to stop living my life. I want ads out of my life
How much fucking TV do you fucking watch that you are triggered so much by fucking ads. Watch less TV, improve yourself mentally so you don't act like such a faggot.

That, or like I said, watch media that isn't funded by ads. Complaining about ads on TV is like complaining about endorsements on radio. It's how they stay in business, because you sure as hell aren't giving them money for the entertainment they are providing you. Ads are the price you pay for that. Nothing is free, you fucking entitled faggot.

Capitalism creates good jobs liberalism makes pointless ones

>I literally cannot imagine a life beyond making my boss rich

Normie detected. Go buy another iPhone or something

>living off of mom's tendies
>literally imblying

Sales people exist because customers, either in B2B or B2C have negotiating power and companies compete for being able to sell. The only way sales can be removed is upsetting this system. Like in a hardline command economy, where there's no competition.

You should try it out what it's like when supply becomes detached from demand, like it used to in Eastern Bloc countries. I definitely prefer to have ads and sales.

I'm not denying that marketing is useful. But it is useful only to the capitalists. Opposed to you, i don't enjoy that globalist corporations are constantly trying to brainwash me into buying their products. And there is no opt out choice. Only hermitage.

And not to mention the visual polution. Beautiful sceneries ruined because someone decided to place a fucking ad there. My once beautiful downtown ruined because it became filled with fucking ads

>I have a job; but I understand the point of life is not to work as much as possible to consume pointless shit so I can line someone’s pockets.
And where in the fuck did I say that you have to work as much as possible. Just work enough to support yourself and get what you want on your own. A man provides for himself. A child is provided for. Obviously, you have taken the grown-up pill, but NEETs haven't, and they must be reminded of how disgusting their existence is. They are a manifestation of our sick society, and as such are sick themselves.

pic related, it's NEETs.


Feminism is cancer.

>Neet in Ecuador
I thinked your country was also collapsing

It is, I just have money desu

>Only a retard thinks ads are a problem. Are you really so weakminded that you can't handle a fucking advertisement? It's not some life-destroying thing, it's fucking nothing.
Only retards think they aren't. You think you are so special and superior to everyone else that they do not affect you?

>How much fucking TV do you fucking watch that you are triggered so much by fucking ads.
I don't watch TV.

But ads are not only in TV. They are fucking everywhere.