Sakura Matou is a very nice young lady.
Sakura Matou is a very nice young lady
Best girl.
Something wrong with that statement?
Heaven's Feel: A happy wholesome story for the entire family!
talk about false advertising
Nobody could write a more repulsive character than her. Jesus Christ.
Stilgar, have we Wormsign?
this one is my fav
If I remember correctly Heaven's Feel only get's dark about 2/3rds into it.
You have that interlude of True Assassin bursting out of Fake Assassin pretty early, the shadow's existence in his fight with Cu, and then not too long after Saber gets munched
HF really makes the atmosphere heavy early
>mfw hyped for HF movies
>mfw another Yuki Kajiura OST
>not rider
Say what you want
But I'd still creampie Sakura
Do people not get tired of shitting on Sakura for over a decade? I don't even get the point she isn't that popular.
Rider being Sakura's Servant rather than Shinji's is a spoiler, I suppose. It's not surprising they wouldn't show that off in promo material for the first movie.
it's because she's actually the best girl and her route is the true route.
Rinfags go full defense mode for years.
I'd be scared to put my dick in her vagoo honestly
I'm glad you were kind enough to voice your opinion- but it is objectively proven that sakurafags have IQs comparable to negroes. May I suggest coming to know our lord and saviour King Arthur?
True. Full of worms and shit.
imagine if suddenly you felt a worm start to crawl inside your dick
Wasn't she a virgin in RN? Also best girl, no matter how much you meme the worms
Shinji uses it so its safe
Since Sakura can't get preggo its even better
I'd be helping her out too since at least she's not being raped
>Since Sakura can't get preggo its even better
This was never confirmed.
Heaven's Feel: A happy story
She got fucked by Shinji all these years and no babby was formed
Whether by worms, magic or natural physiology she's a barren womb
Silly user, she does get pregnant. It's just that the worms eat the baby.
Wormslut pls
Zouken was probably using magic birth control or something. The whole reason he wanted an outside magus to begin with was because his family was shit, no way was he gonna let Shinji contaminate right off.
I'd get close to her so I can score on the real prize - her servant.
>loli Sakura empty eyes
I get the sad everytime
Jeez, Takeuchi really can't draw knees.
Has the age of Sakura begun?
I think they'll do like the manga and show them interacting early on so they don't have to rehash the same prologue yet again.
UBW anime exposed the newcomers to how shitty Rin is in comparison to Sakura
user, UBW Rin was shown to be the best heroine in Fate at that point.
Sakura is hated by everyone except for the paid for shills and Saber is just the mascot. Like pikachu is the mascot of pokemon. But unlike pikachu she can't sell shit without her master shirou either controlling her or adjacent to her and no one likes her solo adventures.
But UBW anime Sakura was better than UBW anime Rin
It's interesting to see secondaries' reaction when they see saber dies early and turned into edgy villain later on.
Hopefully we get international screening dates soon.
What changes should Ufotable make in adapting Heaven's Feel into three movies?
>mfw having to wait 2-3 years or so for all movies to be out before watching
Does anybody even know if they're using Realta Nua or H-version?
Deadpool Valentine's day level marketing right here
>hf has two ends
>one is true
Mind of Steel true end confirmed.
She can be my servant any day
True end in the sense that it's the end of the last route you play. Sheesh.
Well, she is the third most popular Type Moon girl.
i want to rape ayako
I don't think they've said anything on that front, but going RN would ruin it, though having teethworms crawling through you does look more horrible than dickworms
The true end of Fate is actually this one.
I wish to put my penis inside of him.
That reminds me, there was never a non-mage caught up in the HGW (apart of Issei in that bad end and taiga in UBW).
Sacchin-like story with Ayako and a good end when?
The irony of this post is palpable.
Sakura may be irredeemable trash but god damn I want to fuck her so much.
Zero's got a non-mage.
Protect Sakura's smile.
Is there any truth to that rumor that HF's director is a sakurafag? I've heard a lot of people mention it before but never actually any source to it.
What are the odds Gil will never appear on-screen like the VN? He was there and he did stuff but he was always outside of the frame
I sure hope so.
You mean that background character that no one really gave a shit about?
purityfags annoy me
There's no way he doesn't show up at all. They will at least show him at the start when he talks to Sakura that one time and later on when the shadow devours him. Especially the 2nd scene they will probably make even longer than the VN because to most anime-only people it will be a huge shock for him to die so suddenly and without a bang like that.
get in here lads
Sakura is cute and she is my wife
Even the secondaries found her early scenes like the puffing up with pride one cute as fuck. You'd have a point if it were the 06 anime, but Sakura very clearly stood out to watchers in UBW despite only featuring near the beginning.
Nigga what are you doing?
Heaven's Feel is bad solely because of Sakura
>Heaven's Feel is bad
0/10 already, try harder next time.
You're bad solely because you were born.
It just won't be the same without the sex. HF is the one route where the sex scenes were significant. Sakura's pussy game is the sole reason Shirou abandoned his ideals.
Like an Educated prostitute
every time without fail
Nope, Shirou's development happens arbitrarily because the plot decides Sakura is the heroine, it's extremely contrived
And being able to overlook large problems in writing because the theme is appealing is naive and illiterate from the audience said, and amateurish from the writer's side
>sakura puffs up with worms
>happens arbitrarily because the plot decides Sakura is the heroine
I wonder if you realize that you're saying a whole lot of nothing.
>user puffs up with loneliness.
Shirou was always established to care about Sakura the most in each route before he even met Saber or Rin, he just thought it would be wrong of him to make a move on her. To Shirou, Sakura and Taiga are like family that he'd even kill Rin in UBW in order to protect.
Wait is Ayako even in HF? She doesn't even get raped like in the other two
Yeah, she gets fucked by Rider.
One of the first big changes in other night (HF) compared to stay night (Fate/UBW) that I like: no Rin/Archer teamup.
Love how other night (HF) has all these little dominos falling into place, small changes that add up to major differences.
Shirou choosing to spend more time with Sakura leads to him meeting Zouken/Zolgen. Zouken name dropping the Einzberns leads to Shirou recognizing the name when Illyasviel introduces herself. This makes Shirou hesitate in treating Illyasviel as just an enemy to defeat and he ends up turning down Rin’s offer here.
Which in turn leads to Shirou finding out more about Kiritsugu’s connections to Illyasviel and the Einzberns, which causes his relationship with Illyasviel to become completely different from stay night (Fate/UBW).
But back to no Rin/Archer teamup. You get so used to having Rin as an ally/mentor in stay night (Fate/UBW) that something like this really starts to make HF feel different. Especially compared to Rin’s enemy declarations in UBW which never once felt convincing, this moment where she says it to his face after all that negotiation makes it feel more final. It doesn’t last of course, but this moment has always made me think about a route where Shirou and Rin really do stay enemies and never team up. What would that be like?
But girls can't fuck girls!
I would actually be able to look past a girl being a horny slut if she could play the submissive wifey role like Sakura does but being a slut always goes hand-in-hand with being conniving and obnoxious. Like if you put Rin and Sakura together but stripped all their good points.
The problem of this path is that it was going to be 2 routes, 1 for Illyasviel and another for Sakura in a diferent game from FS/N, but instead they shoved both routes into the same, so after a while it becomes a huge mess and it seems like Shirou is being simply dragged by the events rather than taking real decisions like in the previous routes. Not to mention how early on Sakura seems like the main girl then gets knocked out by Illyasviel and then right at the end the game goes like "Oh that's right it was Sakura the girl not Illyasviel"
>Submissive wifey slut.
I think this is probably the main reason I can't hate Sakura.
This is my fetish.
Do you have more HF vs UBW comparison pics?
Rider sure wants to.
Gil already appears in the first part
Slightly extended version of the PV we got recently
When Ufo made F/Z and the F/SN PS Vita openings, the characters looked completely fine, and closer to Takeuchi's older style. It seems that the no-nose crisis arose with UBW, when they tried to adapt to Takeuchi's current style. Keep in mind that characters don't have much of a nose if you look at Takeuchi's recent drawings.