Pop Team Epic
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Team RedditEpic
Why though? What could they try to accomplish? They basically just need to slap some Inferno Cop tier animation on a board, add music and voice acting and it's done.
That's actually how I'm hoping future technology will turn Sup Forums into my waifu.
Broadcasted in VR format
>tfw to dumb too understand popteppypic
You're not Bkub enough .
Where can I learn?
Or should I just accept that this higher form of art is not for me?
Sup, Bitch Hands
Thank God it got delayed. That's a few more months before the Sup Forumsermin show up.
Real 4chanime
Oh, fuck. This just occurred to me. There are going to be doujinshi of this. Are you prepared?
Wouldn't be surprised if more studios start to delay their shows because they know they are going to be crushed in sales by Umaru Season 2.
It's like putting a kid to fight against a pro wrestler.
This too
It looks like the pig from mitsudomoe
So the show will end at April the 1st.
Because of April Fools' Day or because of the financial year ending?
No I am not.
yes, you should.
>canadian flash animation trier
>gets delayed 3 month
for what purpose?
>canadian flash animation tier
how do you know that?
Blame King Records
I heard they got two dates mixed up.
I wonder what bkub thinks of this. I imagine his attitude is pretty bizarre.
who wins in fight, popuko or gudako
What did he meant by this?
Has anyone tried reading GOHO Mafia! Kajita-kun? I slacked on learning kanji so it's already hard to fully appreciate, but the low-def pages makes it even harder to read the few words I've picked over the years.
Here's one that was quick to translate.
>and now King Records
bkub and co will have some fun biting both feeding hands.
Would you be okay with Aoi voicing Popuko?
To be honest I always found Popuko more suitable for Norio Wakamoto.
Sugita is going to voice both of them
What's with the massive Aoi streak the last 2 years?
She finished her University studies so now she can fully focus on her career as a voice actress/idol, she always does a good job with the roles she gets which in turn leads to her getting more and bigger roles, she is good for PR/ entertaining during events. Many reasons, really.
The Yakuza backing helps
>that chub
Aoi : Popuko
Sugita: Pipimi
So, Aho Girl?
What is the funniest popteamepic strip?
>that bulge
>the shape of that bulge
Looks like it's time to commit a sin.
Who want's to know?
I like the glasses and the banging on the wall ones
I really like the pixelated one for some reason.
That's not a real one.
As much as people like to post it a little too often, the cuckoo clock one. If only because nothing is preventing her from just smashing the whole clock.
>You will never be a Jap picking up the latest issue of Manga Life Win, start reading some weird new SoL 4koma they started running, only to have your mind actually blown by it being a PTE revival
Why live?
The Touhou comics were okay for webcomic standards but Pop Team is just garbage.
I see you behind that post, Takeshobo. Now please go and stay go.
Are you sure?
You would have to post more for me to be 100% sure.
Cute underwear to be desu.
Who ordered the freshly scanned and translated bonus strips from the tankobons?
Damn it, Star Ice Cream.
You've failed me for the last time, again.
Cute Popuko.
Featuring Squirrel Nuts.
When's the airing date?
>Pop Team Epic
It's called bkub, faggot.
Fuck off
I bet they're doing this just to fuck with us.
January now.
Anyone got an idea of how to reword the last panel? It feels a little awkward.
I don't really get what it's trying to say.
Post the Jap.
Something about how they're going to show this creature now, but they can't identify exactly what kind of creature it is.
And here I thought the characters wouldn't turn me on.
Got high quality versions of the bonus images now too.
"And now for something completely different."
Could make a good wallpaper.
Change the last two words from "it is" to "to call"?
Hoshiiro Girldrop was all in color in the tankobon, but only this and the last page have been uploaded to danbooru. I'd like to redo the whole thing so I hope the rest show up.
Me on the left.
Anime when
Pink is named Hoshifuri Sosogu, blue is Tsukino Shizuku, and green is Yuhi Korona if anyone cares.