Grug see children on tv cry because gun violence at school

>grug see children on tv cry because gun violence at school
>grug no like seeing that on tv
>grug take all your guns now

Your entire country got punked by thirteen Russians.

>Why hooknose tribe always after grug bow?

yo kiss my ass grug you fag


for your country it took only one low test commie

>amerigrugs have high rates of homicide by bow
>don't ban bows
stupid amerigrugs

An alphabet bureau desperate to end a fake investigation claims that 13 russians who were shitposting are somehow responsible for influencing an election a year or so BEFORE the election was set to take place, not duped, so much as our bureaus are fucking retarded, and need to be dismantled, it requires some level of intelligence to be duped, my dear leaf, these idiots lack the capacity to achieve that great feat, you accuse them of.

Ugg tribe should give up sticks. We don't need such big sticks.

>>grug see children on tv cry because gun violence at school
>>grug no like seeing that on tv
>>grug take all your guns now
What fuck? What gun? What TV? We should club uug for being retarded.

You need to work on your cave Sup Forums lingo bruh

Only the losing said admits this. No possibility they’re just sore losers.

Too be fair, a high IQ is required to properly understand Rock and Mammoth

>Cugg see thunderspear fight on talking box
>little gruglings die
What wrong with Cheeto tribe? And mest eater tribe? Not see thunderspear is dangerous to gruglings? Kangaroo tribe ban thunderspear and have no dead gruglings from thunderspear. Cugg is proud member of bean tribe, no need for meat or thunderspear, is current sun and moon. Me have to go see my mate and mate's grugling.

Me hate cugg
Me thunderspear cugg and cugg no can thunderspear back hauhauah

do not talk bad of hooknose tribe
hooknose tribe had holobonga
hooknose tribe friends

Why always little black grugos die from clubbing?
Guard tribe grugs must be racist

>We wuz first cave men before whitie taken our land

Cugg brother am here
>cugg and me brothers
>hunting tribe party we joined
>kill lots of mammoth, make snu snu with tribe grugettes
>one day long nose tribe come over
>say no need for mammoth or hunt, have beans
>brother eats beans, likes, no hunt or mammoth
>grogettes listen to long nose, start not having snu snu, make hair different with snail spit
>me try beans, hate, want to hunt and snu snu, want use thunderspear
>tribes no let use thunderspear, long tribe say bad for gruglings
>dark tribe comes around, begin to snu snu with grugettes
>me angry, want snu snu, thunderspear, and brother back
Me hate long nose tribe


>can't even capitalize on a low-brow meme
>insults others for his retardation

t. grug meme fan

ITT: burger-tards regress into neolithic modes of phonetic communication(s)
> USA on suicide watch

Cave painting of OP, he also like to put babymaker in man.


By the way, if people here haven't seen "Quest for Fire", you should. Excellent movie.

Grug no need bow. Bow for chief hands only, same with spear and club. Grug allowed to have weapons why cave have high crime. Grug no need weapon anyways. Who defend cave from, all cavemen same, all cavemen are like Grug.

Remember Holobonga.

grubposting is my favorite meme of 2018 so far

>13 vodka-chugging mouth breathers influenced 62,000,000 to go vote for Trump

>existing in the stone age
This meme is a shit version of stone/pol/. It's like no one is even trying anymore.
