Even a Marine veteran agrees that assault rifles aren't ment for civilians


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Civilians should be rounded up as and gassed.

>no vet would EVER want to carry an M1/M14 clone into combat

>Mediocre Jedi
Someone tell this soyboy beating call of duty on veteran does not in fact make you a veteran.

What makes an AR-15 functionally different from a mini-14 ?

different bolt, cycling, body mag release, etc.
same rounds and same pressure though

the heat of the barrel after 50 rounds
>that's about it

What we need is mandatory permanent conscription for all citizens.

>warrior drone that fights for jewish interests.
>pushes jewish interests

Its all so tiring.

I need an AR15 to protect myself from democrats.

Yet MOH Recipiant Dakota Meyer (Also a marine) thinks gun control is absolutely asinine. If we are going to play the service-member opinions card I believe mine trumps yours.

Will the internet ever understand that automatic assault rifles have been banned for a long time?

I didn't think anybody else knew about buffcorrell

You can modify the 14 to the just as light though.

Yeah, I know a certain veteran that thinks a dude can lop his dick off, put on a dress, start talking in a super annoying faggy voice and become a chick. What's your point?

you probably follow me

Not direct impingement? Mags rock in? Lol I don't know. The meme they're responding to is correct.
They're effectively the same thing.

don't really care. ARs are gay anyway.

FuckiNg POGs

Ok so i'm a califag
Yes this state is fucking cancer full of shitskins and libcucks, please based korea just end it all already.
Anyways, after the parkland florida false flag bullshit, I've been seeing a shitload of propaganda about banning and taking away all assault rifles.
The demoKEKS are already getting ready to pass bills to eliminate all assault weapons in the Usa. They want to basically eliminate our 2nd amendement rights to bear arms.
Now I don't have any guns myself, but I want to already start to own guns due to the fact that I know a huge happening is on the horizon.
1) How hard will it be for me to get an assault weapon in beanrfornia?
2) what should I get as an assault weapon? An At-15 or a mini Ak-47?
3) What would happen if the deep state kikes did pass a gun law that would ban all assault weapons and then proceed to ban the 2nd amendement?
What would you guys do if police officers or the military were to go to your homes and confiscate your weapons?

Gun control is civil war.
How many millions must die before leftists agree confiscation is a bad idea?

No fucking vet is going to want to carry an AR-15 into battle, what is this stupid nigger talking about?

If you're going to get some civilian gun and force into military use you're more likely to get some larger caliber rifle and or a handgun and or a shotgun. No one is going to say "Yeah, let me take this piece of shit AR-15 with no stopping power or penetrative capabilities versus someone potentially wearing body armor"

ar is slightly more accurate
mini is slight more reliable

What type is the second rifle? Please pardon my ignorance.


I'd guess they'd pick an AR platform because its what they're familiar with.

So some dumb marine totally misunderstands the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. I am sure he knows a lot about weapons but apparently he doesnt know jack shit about the constitution.

Clearly all of them, we're behind schedule too.

blue falcon faggot.

since when are we allowing the opinions of non whites to determine this discussion.

I doubt the mini is more reliable. I'm sure you can find anectotes from instructors who run rifle classes.
In a dirty environment the action on the mini is wide open. Not a good thing.

You're fucking high. Enjoy fitting your replacement firing pin in your fudd gun

easy user easy, get a rem 700 in say 30.06, wait for the happening and drop a fag from range with a nice m4 and take his shit easy peasy lemon squeezy son

Whats his point lads? I've typed up a retort 4 times but i keep failing to understand why he'd be saying the civilian ar-15 is a killing machine and the mini14 isnt

kek k

>mini is slight more reliable

>even a marine.
Bandwagon propaganda.

a mini-14 is an assault rifle you fucking retard. the M-16 is literally the evolved form of an M14. They even come in full auto for fucks sake.

>ruger minis
>come full retard

One more because OP is so fucking retarded... "No vet would ever want to carry an M14"

Well, explain pic related.

>letting a marine do any of my thinking
Also the ar was designed to be a force multiplier in that it creates casualties instead of killing outright.
If I wound a commie, it takes 2 more to carry him off the field vs. letting a dead commie wait for casualty collection

No its some dumb Marine who doesn't understand the oath of enlistment.

My dad carried a M14 in Vietnam, he preferred it over the M16.

yes: youtube.com/watch?v=7dcQIS1FdLA

Technically both the AR-15 and the Mini-14 are essentially scaled down 7.62 military battle rifles so as far as an argument based in the genesis of their designs he picked literally the worst example as it's directly analogous. The AR-10 and the M14 were both designed to kill and competed against each other to be the standard small arm for the military.

>beating call of duty on veteran does not in fact make you a veteran
What if it was CoD World at War? That should make me a fucking veteran.

This desu

is this legitimate or meme tier no facts?

Haha yeah the M1 wasn't meant for combat at all, we just gave it to the soldiers as a prank

Nigger, the average mini you see on the wall at a lgs is not fa.

>t. Man violating his oath to defend the constitution
hang him

yea, AC-556 comes select fire, though you'll pay about 20 grand for it

Too lazy to google links for you but yeah almost every shooter is a democrat on anti depressants.

I'll bet 100 shekels this guy was a POG.

i like people that weren't caught

Can we stop with this weapon of war bullshit. The m 14 was used in Nam FFS.

Weird how school shootings just magically became an issue once Paxil got approved for use...


>t. learned everything from video games

>uses "jedi" in online handle

I wish this man had died in combat, it was his true calling.

we're not talking about the M14

This guy is a pussy and even worse a fucking pog. Every “veteran” that agrees to destroy the right they volunteered to uphold is either a shill or a retard. Pic related, a green beret telling it like it is.

Jizz rag, I'm not talking about your specifics, I'm talking about M14's in general.

How the fuck am I supposed to know what you're thinking. You realize we're not actually in the same room right?


>t. admin marine who never deployed

you're right. Were talking about a shortened semi auto version of m 14.


>You can call me John Wayne!

This guy oozes masculinity. Soi boy shills take note

that shoots .223 instead of .308.

Its like saying the m14 is just lightweight m1 garand. They share similarities but they're not the same

>"Were DESIGNED for killing HUMANS"

Yes, just like the M14.

This entire "designed to kill people" shit somehow gets memoryholed when talking about archery huh? The war bow changed warfare because it was too fucking good and cheaply pierced good armor. Knights were suddenly worthless.

So yes, archery is designed to kill people. Marital arts is designed to fight/maim/kill people. Nobody cares.


oh no one veteran said that guns are bad. good thing we have the opinion of an enlisted s-shop marine to convince us to turn in our guns. oh heavens me, what would i have done before?

>tacti cool AR15 is better than stock mini14
really makes one think

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Im just an 11b combat veteran but im confused. We always heard that the 5.56 is better at wounding than killing. We never used auto or 3rnd burst because you can put suppression fire downrange very quickly with semi auto. It is also very fun. And I'd prefer an AR cuz its the platform i trained on, but a sniper might say he'd prefer his m14 and a guy from a mech unit might prefer his rws and mounted .50 cal. Also filthy traitor commies should be hanged by the neck until dead. Chili mac mre is not that great. The omelet is ungodly terrible. Driving strykers into ditches is fun. Crashing raven uavs into the ground also fun.

You know....this really made me think.

Thanks Sven, I'm going to save this argument for the next time I have to deal with this bullshit in person. You're alright...

Fuck off kike. I literally want to gas your entire race.

fuck off welfare queen

>most military personnel aren't stupid
Directly contradicts every active military personnel i have ever met

Well fucking of course. AR's are lighter, and it's what you train with. The pistol grip is a tad better for combat, and it's friendly to attachments. None of those points matter in a mass shooting. Now if you were, say, fighting off a tyrannical gov't? Yeah, the AR-15 has a clear advantage. Not much... But it's there.

Banning it just set precedent to ban the wooden gun as well. Because all those points in his image are true. It's the same shit.
Don't touch my stuff.

I liked the omelet MRE desu.

A transferrable full auto AC556 is many magnitudes more available than a transferrable auto sear or an original M16. We're talking $10-20k vs $30-60k.

sucking dicks on a MEU doesn't make you a Vet.

T. fellow belleau woodsman


Hi user. I've learned the error of my ways. No longer a welfare queen. We all are young and do dumb things. Like the time you sucked that nigger cock. And the next time. And the next...

He used “Jedi” in his screen name. His opinion is garbage.

>Bu...But that gun was designed for killing people.

You retarded faggots, half of you don't realize that the gun was invented specifically for killing people. They became a tool of hunting, and self defense as an after thought.

it was only once and ive repented my sins faggot

can you say the same

>we aren't stupid
>we enlisted because we have a love of country and willingness to sacrifice

dohohohohoho oh man

>Remember when I said that we weren't stupid?
>We did what we did so that you can be free


whew...fucking mutts

> "Jedi" in username

He’s not the normal. Every single marine I have ever known owns an arsenal and is totally on board with repealing the current infringing laws

Fully automatic doesn't matter. It's not even feasible outside of a support platform.

>invented specifically for killing people
>self defense as an after thought.
Im pretty sure the key to a great defense is a great offense.

Who cares what a supply clerk thinks. This is the order of redpill if you join the military

>special forces
>combat support (armor, artillery, cav scout)
>Air crew
>desk jockeys

At least ban something that makes sense, like handguns. School shootings are a TINY percentage of the gun deaths in the US, most are performed using handguns by niggers.

The AR-15 is a faggy looking gun though. If I could buy a gun, it'd be a high calibre long rifle, with a nice wooden stock. I get that the AR is moddable and cheap.

This, marines are by far the most redpilled branch

Garand action not military

>infantry and combat MOS's.

POGs are mostly woman and minorities they are pretty blue pilled.

Its legit. There aren't actually that many NRA members so it sort of makes sense and its less relevant and more of just funny to point out.

You hold it slightly different which arguably makes it point worse and arguably makes carrying it less tiring and firing rapidly easier but ergonomics is not a hard science.

Also the magazine, action, etc are very obsolete on the mini 14 and the whole thing is quite heavy in comparison.

The reload is faster is the only major difference.