Why is Sup Forums so triggered when there is a chinese anime (Donghwa) on this board?

Why is Sup Forums so triggered when there is a chinese anime (Donghwa) on this board?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's not anime

What does Sup Forums think about american manga (comics)?


Stop shitposting.

Because they are shit first of all, and because they are no different from any anime inspired European cartoon which have no place here either.

I don't mind it being here, but it seems pretty clear that an organized effort is being made to push it into the limelight for political purposes.

Also, this chinime was not very good. Voice acting was very harsh and hard to listen to, the plot and characters were unoriginal and uninteresting, and the animation was choppy. Stills looked fine, though. I also didn't mind the promotion of personal virture via MC, although the wish fulfillment stuff was overdone in a major way.

Because chinese novels are superior to shitty japanese novels.

Shit taste



LMAO fuck off with your inferiority complex Lyase

That not novel, it just a bunch of no name web fanfiction
>proud for reading those pile of shit

lmfao DONGhwa

Those chink titles are always so painfully generic. At least LNs have some self-awareness.


Invincible Martial Sword Demon God

Sub-human pleb. Superman is the only comic doing well this days. Even Batman and Spiderman went to shit.

>literally chink redditor sub human
So this is the redditor that keep spams shitposting thread on Sup Forums huh

>Genius superstar cultivation martial art mmo invincible sword god and inferior demon god

More like fanfictionupdate LMAO

It's called Donghua, back to .

Much of Sup Forums is extremely autistic.

The autists make up the better part of Sup Forums's population. If only there were a way to drive the non-autists away.

>Martial World
>True Martial World

They have the same author, same repetitive plot and over 3 thousands chapters long.