If you turned into a cute anime girl, which male character would you want to take your virginity?

If you turned into a cute anime girl, which male character would you want to take your virginity?

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Another cute anime girl.


I would want Cockona to take my virginity.

Girls can't take your virginity, reread OP

Another cute anime girl (male)

Cockona has a cock, so she can.

Probably naruto's harem jutsu



Yeah he can make tentacles happen.

Another cute anime girl (male).

Coco from the third Boku no Pico OVA.

This idol(male)


An ovipositor tentacle

Any cute trap.

If he were white maybe.

>Badly veiled /lgbt/ thread
I don't like this.

You can't thread yourself, retard.


I have 2 husbandos, no homo, but I'll choose Kyousuke everytime, the most alpha of alphas, the pinnacle of masculinity.

Nobody is talking about surgical monstrosities. I was assuming this was just magic.

At least this way I wouldn't be a whore


>draw a girl
>call it a boy

Astolfo is a meme trap and the shittiest trap there is. Even Pico is better.


So much shit taste ITT


a hikikomori shota looking cutie like Yorozu Hiraku ~~~



This middle aged old fart.

>I have 2 husbandos

slut (pure)

Noel Vermillion.


Any guy with a huge cock will work.

oh you
I would go with Sakamoto

King Charioce.

Best choice.

Lot of people with the right idea out and about tonight. Question is, do you want to aggressively femdom an adorable trap and wring his balls dry until he's broken and devoted only to you, or do you want to be taken by a lustful dominant trap who brings you to the apex of a woman's pleasure with more virility than most men and more beauty and sexiness than most women?
Decisions decisions.

Do I have to be a dragon?

Pretty much.