People say that Cocona is just a seasonal waifu

>people say that Cocona is just a seasonal waifu
>three seasons later I am still in love with her


This is a very sincere thread, no memes please.

It is a very sincere meme.

She really grew on me as the series went on.

Worst mom ruined the show

What do you love about her?

The show was already ruined in episode 1?

I only really liked the swimsuit mecha episode, that art student's past episode, and the end of episode 11. The rest were just okay, really great soundtrack though.

for anal

With Mimi.

I'll explain if the thread's still up whenever I wake from my nap!


Have the stitch.

And the webm to go with it.

Just watched Flip Flappers a couple of weeks ago and damn what an unsatisfying ending. It felt more like things just happened instead of any plot being resolved.

I... I wrote a song for Cocona.

You are my Cocona
My only Cocona
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Cocona away

I hope she'll like it.

>3 seasons ago
Where did it go


It kind of felt a little all over the place. I was hoping for some big twist revealing what Pure Illusion really was, but nothing was revealed or new shown after the episode where they went into that art student's pure illusion.


What was her endgame?