ITT: good anime to show to your children

ITT: good anime to show to your children

Boku no pico.
Black Bible
Oni ChiChi


>megane's voice

Original what?

la blue girl
legend of the overfiend
boku no pico
Datenshi-tachi no Kyouen
Inma Seifukugari & Majogari no Yoru ni

Dash Kappei


>implying we'll have children

>Oni Chichi

You sick fuck. How could you ever show a kid, specially your kids, that?
I'd go for Oreimo, Imocho and Eromanga sensei

This masterpiece, S2 when?

Is I Am A Hero actually worth reading? I am about 40 chapters in right now and I find it interesting, but I remember reading that the ending is complete horse shit.


Never. There's nothing else to show really.

please don't bulli my gf

Kemono friends. Nichijou, Cromartie High

My niece liked Little Witch Academia, she's 2 though.

>There's nothing else to show really.
Exactly, but it was great.


Inazuma Eleven

Shows actually for children or family friendly at least.

>To your wife's son

>implying anyone here will have a wife



Only saw episode 1 I think this would be great to show to your children, it's called Narutaru

child-having normalfag casuals get the FUCK off my anime board and go back to le r/anime


Anything by studio Ghibli, obviously. And Dragon ball z- the less bloody version that they had on CN a while back.

Would Sup Forumsnons have their kids learn Nipponese early so its natural to them? Raising your own personal manga translator.