Symphogear AXS

So this episode we were shown the power of DMJii's unison, saw Miku being gay, and went to go collect the relic cancer plotline from the bottom of the ocean.

The finale will be a Hibiki-Miku unison duet with Miku mediating the stone's power through SSJ. Kaneko is my uncle, screenshot this.

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I honestly hope miku does get involved somehow. Maybe not with a gear but she needs to give hibiki some powerup somehow

They won't actually kill Cag, right? She's the best part of this whole season.

My wife Aoi is so cute.

Saint Germain will choose to kill herself but Hibiki will stop her.

So is prelati ded?

good job retard

I was calling something like that the first time they showed the three and Adam interacting.
It's obvious that Adam is the final boss and that those three will ultimately get befriended or die.

she wasn't even on the frame during the explosion, there's a 0% chance she's dead

like jaime

So what happened with subs for episode 6?
I've been away for a week. Was there drama?

What do you think?

Meme answer: Commie hates us and wants to make us suffer.
Real answer: Translator is away.

Oh right
last season they actually did a frame of Micha's severed doll body.

Hibiki and Miku singing a combat duet together would be the greatest thing ever, and likely push Hibiki to literal god-levels of power. Which then triggers actual God / Custodians and sets up for season 5.
This better happen in the finale, or I'm gonna be furious.

Reminder that Miku is not loved by Hibiki and never will be. The whole staff hates her.

The only moment i want to translate is when hibiki got bullied. that was the highlight of the episode for me.

>Adam tries to summon god
>Hibiki appears

>Miku said that she love Hibiki's selfishness and will support it
Muh heart

miku was looking at hibiki so lewdly this episode.

bikki a shit

shit episode

I just got around to watching the episode. This was unexpected, also relic cancer is relevant again holy shit.

They'll all defect in two episodes. Germaine will do something stupid to avoid choosing - berserk attacking everywhere to get enough power, telling Adam to sacrifice her instead, or just attacking him by herself. Either way she gets beaten up, the other two pop in to save the day, possibly alongside the Gears if Prelati is going to be G Shirabe now and get rescued / captured by Hibiki's group, Adam does something extra dickish just to make it clear everyone has to team up to stop him now, freeze frame, roll ED intro.

>Still being this delusional

Bikki will never be your waifu. Deal with it.


Jii butt.

Mikufags were a mistake

Just ignore him, he's pasta shitposter.

Madoka despises Homura.
Sayaka doesn't love Kyoko.
Hibiki doesn't love Miku.
Yuuna doesn't love Togo thank god.
Nanoha doesn't love Fate.
Sakura has long abandoned Tomoyo.
Kumiko and Reina both want a dick and are adolescent, not gay.
All the girls in shows like Yuru Yuri, Sakura Trick, Yuyushiki and such are just in a phase and will all marry men.

Yuri is never real outside of shitty hentai for degenerates and that is never love, just lust. Lesbians are not loved by anyone they know.

Mama cat to the rescue

What a dork

I want shirabe to rub her cute flat belly against the back of my head while she plays with her yoyos

Too little Tsubasa screentime, my uterus is not pleased

Big boobs have to stick together.

Do we now what was in the val verde mystery box?

>keep looking for AXZ
>title was AXS


become symphuca


She was trying to be a good dad this episode.
>Fuck my dumb step daughters are hurt
>Fuck this shit. I'm not fighting anyone until I'm sure my kids are safe.

>not just setting your filter rule to "Symphogear"


Oh, she is such a good father

How long until they become friends?

You expect me to type 10 letters when 3 would suffice?

just type sym. literally only catches the symphogear threads.


Handsome Kiri-chan make me moist

At this rate? 2 episodes
One for germ to stew about adam's demand and the next for them to try and defect

I want to do bad things to Shirabe.

I could see them getting an interaction if Prelati gets rescued and thrown in the brig like Shirabe was in G.

The CM for this show is fucking great.

Imagine getting hit by a flying dess.

nakulas, where the fuck are you?



Maria do you know how to pilot a submarine?

I crashed a helicopter into a wave pool once.

The BD ads.

Her true power is driving things.

>Still being this delusional
>Still being this desperate

They're lesbians and will never take your diseased dick, landwhale.

Get used to this losing.

Will she try to shoot herself with her gun? How s Hibiki going to stop that?

Nice opening shot.

This is the best one.

>holds gun up to head
>starts screaming
>screen pans upward and the shot is head
>next scene is hibiki standing face to face with her holding her arm up

>I'd smash it

>Even though you're the one who want to cry and need for help the most but you're still being reckless to help the others
Bikki is a miracle

Except she cant drive the plot

Dumb Prelati. I hope she's the sacrifice.

Jiii a cute

oops didn't mean to reply.


Fuck no, I need more Hidaka Rina.

I knew they reminded me of something. Also explains the running away part.

>DMJii went full retard just to show their chests and tick WUBWUB in the bingo
Thank you DMJii

This is what peak performance looks like.

You're not supposed to be looking at Hibiki here.

Well fuck


Aho? AHO!

Delicious armpit.

>Interrupting Nana's song

truly we are dealing with the most evil of villains

Where is the blood guys? Is this really Symphogear?

Uhhh. First Maria is a soap opera, now the villains are Pokemon. What other revelations are we going to make this season?

Papabasa best father

Mixing in few obvious facts in a pile on lies doesn't make them all correct.

Even precures don't suck enemies cock as hard as Hibiki for fucks sake.

The blood isn't good for merchandise

>Tsukuyomi! Akatsuki!

You know I think this may be the first time Tsubasa actually called them by name

>lack of cushioning

She's called them "Shirabe and Kirika" before. Don't know what prompted her to go back to surnames. Maybe it's a mark of respect? She calls Chris "Yukine" and Hibiki "Tachibana" all the time.


I don't even remember Tsubasa talking to them at any point since they joined SONG.

I will post this every thread until they dock if you catch my drift.

Doesn't Tsubasa call everyone but Maria by their surnames? When did she call DMJii by their given names? Or talk to them at all, for that matter.



Germain refuse to call all the lives that she used for her quest to freeing humanity as sacrifice. She insist on calling them foundation. She always tell them beforehand that she will use them for greater good before taking their lives. And now Adam force her to choose between completing her lifelong quest and sacrificing the lives of two of her closest friends.

They're testing Germain's determination to save humanity in the most painful way.

I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it's happened before.

Tsubasa never called them with their given names. Not even in the mobage AU.

in game she always calls them like that

You really want to see a cute girl wounded?

My dick does.

She got shot in the armpit