Lonely obasan preying on young males

> Lonely obasan preying on young males

Why is this so prevelant in anime?

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lmgtfy.com/?q=what anime is this


She was given copious amounts of aphrodisiac, anyone else would also jump on the first young dick they saw.

Agreed OP, where are the grandmothers that rape shotas?


>bitch believes herself to be alpha
>dominates shota
>finds true alpha
>ends up being dominated

Fess up OP, where'd you get those subs? They're not on Nyaa, and [HH] hasn't done it yet.

Come on user, it's literally the first google result.

what is it in the first place?

Ah, Mucho. I like those guys. Whatever happened to SubDesu anyhow? I heard they tried to go paysite and it exploded in their faces.

housewives not getting enough love from their corporats

>Why is this so prevelant in anime?
Why isn't it MORE prevalent?

Check the image.

I'm not getting any hits here buddy

Use Yandex

what the fuck do you think a cougar is irl? it's a dried up old cunt trying to ensnare inexperienced young men.

Jitaku Keibiin Episode 3

Thanks, I now have Russians remote controlling my PC through TeamViewer to hack into DNC's database.

Seriously though, just give me the sauce at this point.


oh thanks user

Are people actually this retarded? Why do you redditors keep coming here? Why do you feel the need to bother us?

Just post the goddamn sauce, enough is ENOUGH.

look for the NTR tag

Are you guys retarded?
You can easily find the sauce by image searching. Fucking end your lives.

It's like I'm really on /gif/



Just report the retards.

>implying I didn't
I hope the spoonfeeder gets banned as well. Though I'm fairly certain this is a samefag.

lmgtfy.com/?q=what anime is this

Wish fulfillment for ugly, tiny dicked otaku.


I don't get why IQBD never finds shit for me, I have to use Yandex.
What the fuck am I doing wrong.

In anime? I don't know, I see these perverted Japs peddling pedophilia more, little girls and what not. How many times have you heard "onii-chan" in anime? It's beyond count.


Makes me harder than the best porn (both 3DPD and 2D).
Am I broken?

Isn't straight shota just loli for gay pedos?

Well, yeah.

>just loli for gay pedos



>straight shota
>young boy with older woman

But the whole appeal is in the little boys being taken advantage of or somehow reversing the situation, it's named straight SHOTA for a reason. If it was just about older women there's already plenty of porn for that.

>Straight Shota
That's for young/low-self-esteem guys who are into onee-san/obaa-san, self inserting as the smol boys.

...on the other hand >Gay Shota

Because the japs are cuckolds.


Why didn't they just fully animate this?

for dudes its about being the little boy dumbass

Did this scene have horrendous frames for anyone else? Was basically a fucking slideshow.
Couldn't tell if it was the source I got it from, or just the studio being shit.


It's not like there are convenient source finding tools or anything. And you're clearly new if you don't know that artist anyways.

MTSP jin

Studio was being shit they did that slideshow gimmick in episode 2

Man that sucks. It was literally the best scene in the whole episode and it was fucking ruined.

yeah really sucks


Do you guys know any good straight shota vids? Something like Boku to Misaki-Sensei and similar Shit, that was so fucking good

>Boku to Misaki-Sensei
Everything happened too fast for my taste. It's good if you just want a quick fap though.

The kid's face pisses me off for some reason I cant jack to it

Same. His character design makes it hard to fap.
What is it with japs and bowl haircuts anyway?

no clue all I know is that bowl haircuts are fucking awful

The boy being a nerd was actually a turn on for me. I prefer seeing losers fucking the chicks instead of muscular or cocky guys or anything like that. And no, I am not a nerd nor fat if you guys were wondering

What is this from? I've done a reverse image search and cant figure out

It's not worth if you wanna see some straight shota. That scene of sucking him off are just a few images, emphasis on images, with a fat fuck talking over it. And then it's the fat fuck fucking that woman.

S-sauce ?

I think the Elevens are such an undersexed and emotionally repressed society that they develop feeling for the only women they have any kind of love for(their mothers)

>old women are basically men
>grows facial hair
>doesn't have periods anymore

What is this from?

google gives nothing, sauce asap

Yeah reverse image search funds nothing

Jitaku Keibiin


Young males are cute or something.

Don't you like cute things?

It's about the woman just as much as the boy. Pedophiles are usually at least a little bit depraved and insecure, which are attractive traits in a woman.

Because sometimes, very rarely, nips have good tastes.
This being a prime example.


>we'll never get a Karma Tatsurou /ss/ adaptation

>heterosexual stuff
>for gays
