If you're waifu is from as show that aired in 2010 or later, you should just hang yourself

If you're waifu is from as show that aired in 2010 or later, you should just hang yourself.

pic related?

Great thread. Glad to have quality posters like OP making Sup Forums a better place.

now go fuck yourself op

don't use Yotsuba or Danbo when you shitpost

Yes, and also all good anime are only from the 90s.

>hang yourself
>not your waifu

OP is correct though

I'm not going to. Now what?

I'm going to hang myself for other reasons just to spite OP.

my waifu is best girl mikasa from attack of the titans.

it was my first anime, so could ya blame me?

ITT: people getting off of OP's lawn.

if your waifu is from a show that aired past the year 2000, you should kill yourself

If your waifu is from a show that aired 2005 or earlier, you're a hipster faggot and should just hang yourself.

My waifu is better than yours faggot.

Does it count if the VN is pre 2010?

Is this bait?, 2010 is basically yesterday.

>2010 was 7 years ago
If you're waifu was 18, she'd become a Chrismas cake this year.

I wish this was true.


what if my waifu was 7?

Remember the 80's, when anime was still good?

If your waifu is from a show that has aired at all, hang yourself you fucking secondary

Learn what secondary means.

My waifu was good and that's all that matters.

Then you'd still have to serve three to five years. When you become a free man, you can get legally married.

Only if you played the original VN before 2010.

No, unless it's /sexhair/

OP is right

It's your you illiterate shithead.

My waifu is the best!

werth it

Bite me

I mean, technically season 4 was in 2013 I guess.

Pathetic bait

I was going to get at you for ochako over Tsu, but then I saw Tanya

I wanna fuck her little salaryman brains out

Madokaposters don't deserve to breath


At least madokaposters don't forget to breathe.

Jokes on you, QB aired in 2009

Thats the only good taste in your pic.

If you're waifu is from as show that aired in 1990 or later, you should just hang yourself.

I found my waifu is from a cave painting, fucking pleb.

cute boy

>marrying old hags

But I never had a waifu and I watched a lot of pre-2010 stuff. So my only hope to ever have a waifu is from something new.