Why do anime girls these days feel so generic?
Why do anime girls these days feel so generic?
I liku Yui Ogura's work here
Because LNs are a fucking cancer on this industry, and most studios would rather play it safe than create something remotely artistic, yet misunderstood.
post more nene
such a perfect girl
MC is a fuck. He deserves virginity for all his life for not appreciating what he has and accepting Nene's feelings after all she did for him.
How can a gal be so great?
Because she's not actually a gal, just a girl who would do anything for her one true love.
How can a girl be so great?
>these days
You've finally watched enough anime to start noticing it.
You are just tired, find a new hobby.
yeah, I would gave all my live to take care for such a girl. screw yame
I dont know man she is is more than perfect. she should be the mc
Normalfags love generic shit
Normalfags bring money to the industry
Now guess
They've been generic since forever, like anime in itself.
no such girl exists irl
nene best girl 2017
What I wouldn't give for an hour with those play things.
holy christ, she is such a beauty
Not him, although I feel the same way.
Easier said than done.
>normalfags love generic shit
>muh CGDCT
Was your post supposed to be ironic?
Because we have probably seen all the personalities possible.
i want to nene nene's nenes
Well, yeah Nene is a generic childhood no surprise there, the gyarus girls are more of a fresh product.