Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

I just finished re-watching Haruhi S1, S2, and the Film. I want to continue following the series.

What chapter in the light novel/manga should I start to continue this journey?

Keep the faith alive. The gods at KyoAni will give us season 3

Other urls found in this thread:



Start from LN5's Snowy Mountain Syndrome.
LN6 is partly adapted but has some new stories.
LN7-11 is a new arc untouched by the anime.
Avoid fantranslations, either buy the things or download the official ones.

Don't touch the mango. It's not a good adaptation.

man, you're old. this show was 10 years ago

Light novel 1

Don't listen to this guy it's not a 1:1 adaptation you will miss some stuff.
Here are the official yen press light novels if you want


This is the key I don't want to get my account in trouble or something

Fuck off retard.
Requests go to /wsr/

Why are you samefaggin like this?


If it gets more people to read the source materials of works on Sup Forums and not be cancerous anime only secondaries I will spoonfeed until Sup Forums is no more.

bumping for justice

Does anyone know somewhere I can buy Rampage that isn't 99 dollars

Buy the softcover version. Hardcovers are stupid expansive.

The soft cover version is 99 dollars its insane

What is even the point without the covers.

manga is trash

>Complaining about rampage pricing
Wait till you hit wavering or dissociation. Then you get to cry.

So there is only 11 volume ? Where i can get the 11?


good for you

I know

why didn't the author finish this shit already?

From the start.

>Don't listen to this guy it's not a 1:1 adaptation you will miss some stuff.
The stuff that's left out is mostly pretty minor. The anime was an extremely faithful adaption, for the most part. I do miss the paragraph where Kyon comes to the realization that Mikuru exists for the sole purpose of manipulating him in the name of a much bigger organization.

10 and 11 are the same book in the english release.
It's called the Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya

Be careful, the LN has been dead for a few years too. I haven't heard anything about volume 12 yet.

Also gonna post proper versions of your images and not the bright as hell off color low res images you posted.




>KyoAni will give us season 3

I've been hearing this for the past 8 years.