Precure Thread

Precure Dead

cute krr


This was drawn by her va right. I love krr so much.

I, for one, sympathize with the little girls. Nothing tingles my grinders more than the cures forgiving some evil badguy with clear murderous intent. Sure, if the bad guys are a bunch of sillyheads like in HaCha, then I love it when they are forgiven, but if they are EVIL DARKNESS MURDERER WORLD DESTROYERS like in gopri or doki, then it really boils my boils my almonds seeing them get off scot free and be like "haha, fools, I'll be back after I destroy more worlds and take more lives" and the cures go "lmao we still love you we're tomodachi." Good on the little girls: if we're gonna forgive bad guys, they gptta be cute or silly like the ones in hacha, bunbee, or the attack helicopter spiderwoman

>really boils my boils my almonds
Really flicks my dick.

>Sharuru, what's happening?
>It's called puberty, Mana. A surge in estrogen and human growth hormone (HGH) is causing your breasts and sexual organs to develop in preparation for impregnation and the wonders of childbirth-sharu.
>Wow, the human body is amazing!
>That's right-sharu!

I get the feeling it doesn't work like that

>makopi doesn't know how puberty works

Fuck off, you posted this already. Dumb avatarfagging sperg.

She can't go peepee while you're looking at her, /pc/! It's just so embarrassing!

Fuck off

Not until I get to play "cave explorer" with a kig!

>they see your cock


I want to rape Himekig!


Do it quick before she wakes up!


God. Miki is like that alien in human disguise from Mars Attacks.

When that sick beat drops.



Which season are these cute sidles from?

>9 ips

Things will never be the same.


Nothing's changed except you.


Precure is dead

It's better than ever, actually. You're just an angry little pissbaby who feels the need to complain about everything because you have no friends and a small dick.

Twelve year olds draw better kiraras than me. How the fuck do I get this good.


Precure has declined.

Why did they stop doing these.

It's ok. Now only the truest of little girls remain.

Spics and avatarfags aren't little girls, they're subhumans.

If only.


Because little girls stopped drawing.


Sometimes, I really envy otaku.

>on Sup Forums
>not an otaku
Fuck off.

I will always want to go to one of those but the fact that I am taller than them and white would make me stand out so fucking hard I don't think I could handle it. Everyone would be pointing at me and staring at me and silently judging me. I wish I were part of the Asian master race. I mean at least I'm not black I guess, but still.

That's what masked cosplay is for.

I meant Japanese otaku and actual otaku. Also, watching anime doesn't make you an otaku.

>Non jap identifies as an otaku


Why is Balance so cute?

Just wear one of those masks and a hat, the japs do it just to hide their faces when buying this disgusting crap. I wish I could go to one too I'd buy everything non maho related.

You are going to an anime porn convention and you are worried about people judging you...for being white?


>he thinks he's an otaku

Otaku is Japanese derogatory slang for disgusting nerds. Only newfags themselves would self-identify as an "otaku." Nobody in this thread is an otaku, we are all cool.

It hurts


What you're saying makes sense, but self-consciousness isn't the most rational thing ever.

He seems like a cool dude.


>best Maho gets doujins
>will never ever ever ever ever be scanned
I want to die.

>king of precure
I like this guy already.

If I were Asian I'd blend right in and no one would think I'm weird. If they see a white guy though, they'd go, "Oh it's one of those dirty fucking weebs I always hear about." I need to become asian.
But that just makes you look even more conspicuous. There are millions of gags in anime about this, have you not learned from them?

Needs more jpg artifucats and funnymama watermarks.

I want that acrylic thing of namakelder and hoshiwa.

Do PreCure have nice art outside of this ?

Yuri is so hansumu.

Nope. MH was the apex of precuart

Can't remember but they completely stopped giving a shit about nice composition.

Momoka is a lucky girl.

They have figuart

You could totally cosplay as Sabaaku and no one would bat an eyelash. Unless you spoke.

So just stay quiet and point at things.

>futari ha

What does it mean.

Honestly not a bad idea, just wear a stupid mask

I legitimately forgot Hikari existed.


Where's the hype for the new episode?

Kira is so good we don't feel the need to be hyped.


Precure is dead.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that long, pretty, lingering shots of the background were the product of directors making the best of cost-cutting.

Provided they had a decent background artist around as well, I suppose.

I haven't watched since dog joined the party.

But Pekorin appeared at episode 1?

Pekorin is an old man, not a dog.




Fuck off. I literally filter all of these

How can you hype an episode that is not even focus on Ciel ?

>badass battleship superhero
>almost gets bowled over by a girl

>implying every episode from now on isn't stealth CL

Peach didn't need more

You must filter half these fucking threads by now, huh?


kono ato sugu


kono ato whatev

>Last week!

>recycled animation

I'm going to marry that fang.


Aoi is so cute
