Made in Abyss

The next episode will either cover Ozen's flashback and be the best in the adaptation so far, or it will not and end up being even worse in terms of pacing than episode 6.
How does this make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

Recap episode.

Whiteboard user, please repost your young Jiruo, I couldn't save it before last thread 404'd.

>Made in Abyss
>Meido in Abisu
>"Meido (冥土), the Japanese reading of míngtú, a Buddhist concept of the course of the dead as they enter Diyu"
>"Diyu is typically depicted as a subterranean maze with various levels and chambers, to which souls are taken after death to atone for the sins they committed when they were alive."

At this point, I don't even know how to argue with you anymore. You insist that the most painfully dragged out and poorly directed scene in the anime so far is alright and well-adapted. You imply that 42 seconds is okay for an adaptation of an _action_ scene that only took 1,5 chapters and could very well be done in half the time, if that. You consider the complete momentum-killer of the long stares to be just a different, and not obviously inferior, interpretation of the scene despite the fact that it greatly downplays Reg's ability and reaction, among other things.

I mean, I could go, find several examples of good adaptations of battle/action scenes in manga and show you how much screentime a page usually takes up and what meaningful content can be added to actually improve them if the director deems it necessary, but that's honestly simply way too much work just to try to convince you and win an internet argument.
I'll just post a pretty amazing page that would quite literally take 10 seconds at maximum to adapt and leave it at that.
Also, consider the fact that the fights with Bondrewd are full of pages like this.

And this one, because I just love them too much.

They will cover the flashback I’m sure of it, the question is how well will they adapt it and if the episode will end in said flashback

Ohhh my

This and the panel that follows are so perfect, I'll never get tired of lauding them. You feel the acceleration as the panels get more and more cramped, the verticality echoes the ascension, and then there's this huge still when they come at the end of their momentum right in the air ... This is pure genius desu

Reminder, the bunny smells good!

look at this moth

Ignore all other faggotry and post discussion.
For example, this is one of the best panels in the entire manga, discuss.

pages, of course


One of the best panels that we won't reach in the anime and will never see animated.

Worst part is I can totally see the blessed papa fight going beautifully animated. Especially with Prushka's monologue in the background.
I know we probably won't get it but I want it so fucking bad

Just marathoned all episodes godly anime

Marulk sure is cute

Now 'marathon' the whole manga or get the fuck out.

Thanks, fantastic job as usual

Why'd the last thread get a one way ticket to prune city? The OP image? It's the same one used prior

it had the "g" word in the OP.

>watching the anime when you've already read the manga and spoiled yourself

these people exist?

not unless we get a season 2


what a waste of time

I finally figured it out, this was the true secret of the Abyss all along.

>being such a faggot that you don't wanna see your favorite scenes animated
You're the odd one out here, bud.

>beautifully animated
Whether or not we get it in the future, with that thinking, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

>caring about art
it's all about the story, faglord

>"spoiled" yourself by reading the original story

And tell me user, what great things you would accomplish in the time it takes to watch the anime

>Nanachi's elevator scene might be animated

this show has 10/10 music

It will be animated

If and when I read manga will be decided at my personal convenience

Well it really is in your interests since threads are always full of spoilers.

>I'll just post a pretty amazing page that would quite literally take 10 seconds at maximum to adapt and leave it at that.
Cool, I agree these panels are absolutely amazing and would go by really quickly if the anime (either in its 2nd season/film/OVA if those ever happen) chooses to adapt these scenes the same way. Bondrewd's fights are fast paced in the manga, and if the anime follows the same structure, should end up fast paced as well.
>You insist that the most painfully dragged out and poorly directed scene in the anime so far is alright
The scene was by no means dragged out. The actual encounter of the bug plays out differently than in the manga - being right there hiding in a nearby bush and leaping out immediately (manga) vs dropping in and sneaking up on them (anime).
>You imply that 42 seconds is okay
It is reasonable for what is done in that time, especially since it doesn't start with action right away - they land, walk forward, trip the trap, Riko realizes what's up, bug carefully drops in and tries to sneak up, attacks, action for the remaining 13 seconds.
>You consider the complete momentum-killer of the long stares to be just a different, and not obviously inferior, interpretation of the scene
The stares killed no momentum, as them being frozen in place looking forward is before the action starts, and I already explained how the bug was preoccupied with Reg's hand on its face, allowing Riko to snap off the exact same thing she says in the manga.
>despite the fact that it greatly downplays Reg's ability and reaction, among other things
He turns and nails the bug the moment it attacks, just like in the manga, no downplaying here.
I'll keep up the argument for as long as you're willing; to note, I'm not saying that the duration of time it takes to convey a scene doesn't matter, but in the context of this specific fight, I don't think anything was dragged out at all. It was slower than the manga, definitely, but not dragged out.


I-is there more?

the bug scene was just badly directed

Well there's this

>still resembles a boy
Sorry maruruk but you'll alwayd be second best


what a lewd moth

That's the best part

I want to cover her in my man sosu

I agree

Anyone else hyped for Sugita Borderdread?

>mothfags are back

Better than Maruruk tards

I'm a fag for every character though. Why limit yourself like that?

You cannot end this monster play.

we never left

I wouldn't mind them extending the scenes of the North Pole in the flashback, as it's the only time we get to see a location away from Orth and the Abyss.
Really curious and nervous as to how they'll handle Bondaddy's introduction though.

I like everyone except Riko,Natt, and Maruruk

She doesn't look very healthy. Mentally I mean. She is gonna try to kill Riko, right?

Leave before you get spoiled.

She is more like shooting kids in the head before throwing them out of plane type.
Scary, but not lethal mostly.

How could you think a woman with a smile like this would hurt anyone


>we'll never see these drawings

You can't kill someone twice.

I really hate this salt meme.

I want more pics of Maruruk being cool and not behaving like a sissy/being molested

Ozen is a _____

little girls like Marulk should be cute!

>Tsukushi growing older by the day
what do we do anons, I can't live my life knowing one day Tsukushi won't be there!!!!!!


Sexy woman

Riko found some relics!

What if North Korea nuked Japan and he died in the blast?

A woman of her size and libido can easily hurt a weak a naive shota both mentally and physically.

Never say never. We had a comiket dude in here. Maybe he accomplished his task.
you could prowl yahoo auctions day and night to see if it pops up after comiket. I don't think it's that far-fetched to think it'll appear, what with the popularity boom.
You could also beg like a pathetic loser on twitter for him to sell it online



>Tsukushi is on his hospital bed
>he's dying at peace, having finished the story
>as he feels death approachign, he asks for his laptop to be brought
>he summons the last of his strength to run an executable he prepared in advance
>"Uploading (10 Gbs)... Complete"
>"subarashii" he utters, as he dies with a smile on his face

It'll be the day I die when those three, Murata, Araki and Tsukushi, dies.

that's a big bun

What if Ozen's feet are encased in some kind of shock-nullification artifacts?
With that strength she would be damaging wood with each step, not talking about spine feedback.

>jojofags are in mia threads
Anime was a mistake

Not as bad as the ponyfags in that one thread

she can obviously control her strength very well since she doesnt instantly destroy everything she touches

this series is made by a pedo isn't it? interesting they let him make a series and even animate it

I guess I was lucky to miss it.

>she doesnt instantly destroy everything she touches

How old is he? He looks in his mid-to-late 40s.

what is pic about?

I've been following the manga since HorribleMS user started doing live tl threads, not that you'd know about him though.


That is a really well-composed shot, and in my opinion gives a better sense of scale of the area than the manga does.
I admire what they're doing with this show.

>Sup Forumsshit
user come the fuck on

The concept of hobo Nanachi seems cute, seeing Ozen and Bondrewd concept make me wish we could see a complete picture of Wakuna and Srajo

maybe he likes to draw them like that but is still weird. Maybe he wants to show how they are kids so they act so innocent
>everyone obsessed with Reg's penis
>Riko being naked/shirtless more than once

Sure user, it's all there is to it.

You should leave now while there's still time before the bathing scene

liking loli and shota does not make you a pedophile you know

Araki is legitimately a hack that cant draw for shit though. Look at the time he wasted on drawing jojo which to this day has a fuckton of wacky rubber legs and fucked up anatomy, and compare it to MiA, which has only few very minor proportional distortions like Bondrewd being a bit too large in this shot compared to Prushka.
I can appreciate Araki for a couple of relatively fresh ideas he produced, at least for that time, but honestly he'd be better off hiring a side artist with all that money he has.

Anyone have the bonerdad image holding a glass that says prushka soup?

Haven´t read the thread to avoid spoilans

I just binged the last 5 episodes and i fucking love it.

Should i continue with the mango or keep waiting?

Also, wewlad