ITT characters than can kill servants

ITT characters than can kill servants

I'll start with an easy one


Pretty much every servant can kill him before he could even pull out his knife.


Did you forget the part where he possesses superhuman ability in the presence of non-humans?

Wrong Shiki

Giorno, Diavolo, maybe Pucci

Tohno can't kill Servants.
Ryougi can kills Servants.

Not that hard.

Everyone can kill a servant as long as the plot demands it.

If it was [ ] Shiki, then yes, it could kill any servant, but so most servants also can kill it. In a battle where anyone can deliver the finishing blown to another, the faster one wins.

Is Loli Hitler a servant in the likes of EMIYA?

Wasn't it confirmed that the best Shiki could do is fight Shirou into a stalemate/mutually assured destruction from their power's backlash?

That sounds like some Nasu asspull BS



So can Arc, but we all know how well that turned out.

I want to fuck Marie

servants can kill servants

You first

He already did, fatefag.

*kills Hassan*


*jobs to a girl who's magic preggers

Machina is literally saitama if he was a nazi. He can one punch everything.

Any of them


A nazi you say?

I like to think I could If I try hard enough


>Servants are immune to physical damage
Try again


Depend on what madara you are talking about

I hear the pasta everytime.